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Shape From Shading Models


(4)yx (k, l) = φ(yx)(x, y)φk(,yxl )(x, y)dx dy = (2)(k) (2)(l),

x(3)(k, l) = φ(xx)(x, y)φk(x,l)(x, y)dx dy = D(l) (3)(k),

(3)y (k, l) = φ(y)(x, y)φk(,yyl )(x, y)dx dy = D(k) (3)(l),

x(2)(k, l) = φ(x)(x, y)φk(x,l)(x, y)dx dy = D(l) (2)(k),

(2)y (k, l) = φ(y)(x, y)φk(,yl)(x, y)dx dy = D(k) (2)(l),

x(1)(k, l) = φ(x)(x, y)φk,l (x, y)dx dy = D(l) (1)(k),

(1)y (k, l) = φ(y)(x, y)φk,l (x, y)dx dy = D(k) (1)(l),


(1)(k) =


φ(x)(x)φ(x k)dx,

(2)(k) =

φ(x)(x)φ(x)(x k)dx,

(3)(k) =


φ(xx)(x)φ(x)(x k)dx,

(4)(k) =


φ(xx)(x)φ(xx)(x k)dx

are 1D connection coefficients and D(0) = 1, D(n) = 0, n = 1. Note that since the 2D basis here is constructed from the tensor product of 1D basis, these 2D connection coefficients can be computed by using 1D coefficients. We also notice that these connection coefficients are independent of the input images; therefore, they only need to be computed once.

The energy function is then linearized by taking the linear term in its Taylor expansion at ( p, q). The next step is to solve the optimization problem associated with the linearized energy function by iterations. Let δpi, j , δqi, j , and δzi, j be the small variation of pi, j , qi, j , and zi, j , respectively, and set



















= 0.



∂δpi, j


∂δqi, j

∂δzi, j


We obtain






















∂ R



∂ R


δpi, j = [C1 D22 C2



(i, j)



(i, j)]/D,


∂ p








∂ R



∂ R


δqi, j = [C2 D11 C1


(i, j)


(i, j)]/D,


∂ p



δzi, j = C3/D33,







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D11 = R2pi, j

+ 3 (2)(0) + 1,




+ 3



+ 1,


= Rqi, j




= 2 (2)(0) + 2 (4)(0),









D = D11 D22 Rpi, j Rqi, j


C1 = (E R)Rp pi, j


+Zik, j ( (3)(k) + (1)(k)) − (2 pik, j + pi, jk) (2)(k),


C2 = (E R)Rq qi, j


+Zi, jk( (3)(k) + (1)(k)) − (qik, j + 2qi, jk) (2)(k),







C3 = −



( pik, j + qi, jk)( (3)(k) + (1)(k))





+ (Zik, j + Zi, jk)( (2)(k) + (4)(k)).


Finally, we can write the iterative formula



pim, j+1 = pim, j + δpi, j ,



qim, j+1 = qim, j + δqi, j ,



zim, +j 1 = zim, j + δzi, j .


We now summarize this method as the follows:

Step 0. Compute 1D connection coefficients and 2D connection coefficients.

Step 1. Compute the set of coefficients (5.75) and (5.74).

Step 2. Compute the set of variations δpi, j , δqi, j , and δzi, j (5.73).

Step 3. Update the current ( pim, j , qim, j ) and then the current shape reconstruction Zim, j using Eq. (5.76).

5.4.3 Summary

The wavelet-based method we demonstrated in this section is based on the approximation of the objective function in V0. It should be pointed out that it

Shape From Shading Models


did not use the multiscale structure possessed by the wavelet bases, nor the Mallat algorithm to speed up the computation. Since the selected wavelet bases are time-limited (therefore it is not band-limited), it may be not the best choice for approximating differential operators.

At this point, we would like to mention the idea of regularization. The shape from shading problems can be regarded as inverse problems since they attempt to recover physical properties of a 3D surface from a 2D image associated with the surface. Therefore, the Tikhonov regularization approach can be applied to this problem. The time-limited filters, such as the difference boxes [22] or the Daubechies wavelets used in Section 5.4.2, do not satisfy one of the conditions requested by the Tikhonov regularization [61]. In contrast with time-limited filters, band-limited filters are commonly used for regularizing differential operators, since the simplest way to avoid harmful noise is to filter out high frequencies that are amplified by differentiation. Meyer wavelet family constitutes an interesting class of such type of band-limited filters. The ill-posedness/ill-conditioness of the SFS model and its connection to the regularization theory have been discussed in [7]. Minimization (5.21) will lead to a smoother solution (the regularization solution). In some cases, the Lagrange multipliers are the “regularizers.” However, the numerical experiments presented in Section 5.3 are treated by choosing those regularizers equal to 1. The nonlinear ill-posed problems are quite difficult and basically no general approaches seem to exist [7]. For the classic theory of regularization, we highly recommend Tikhonov et al. [60].

A 2D basis constructed from the tensor product of 1D wavelet basis is much easier to compute than the nonseparable wavelets. There is also some ongoing research on nonseparable wavelets for use in image processing. For a detailed discussion on nonseparable wavelets, we recommend [37,38,40] and references therein.

The development of a wavelet-based method which reflects the multiscale nature with an effective algorithm, namely, using Mallat algorithm, is still an open problem.

5.5 Concluding Remarks

In this chapter, we have given a super brief introduction of the shape from shading problems. A variety of elementary numerical techniques related to solution


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of this problem is discussed and implemented to show the basic ideas. However, a short chapter like this one has to omit many related topics, which are both important and exciting. In fact, there are many other techniques and advanced developments in the area. Fortunately, most of them are very well documented in the literature. For instance, the following two approaches reflect different flavors:

1.Statistical learning and neural network. [2] introduced a statistical method to solve the SFS model; the principal component analysis (PCA) was used to derive a low-dimensional parameterization of head shape space, and an algorithm was presented for solving shape from shading based on this approach.

2.Fast matching method. The schemes are of use in a variety of applications, including problems of shape from shading. An excellent review about this method is given by its pioneer [54]. Applications related to vision problems can be found in [55] and [53].

We conclude this chapter by pointing out that there is, in general, no proof of the convergence for the numerical methods introduced in Sections 5.3 and 5.4. An interesting example related to this topic can be found in [30].

5.6 Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Dr. Gilbert G. Walter for his encouragement and his valuable suggestions which led to significant improvement of this paper. The first author was partially supported by Professor Naoki Saito’s grant ONR YIP N00014-00-1-0469 while completing this paper. She also wishes to thank Dr. Jianbo Gao for introducing her the reference [31].

Shape From Shading Models



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