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Употребляется для выражения однократных или повторяющихся действий в будущем.

Future Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall для I-го лица единственного и множественного числа, will для всех остальных лиц и формы инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.

'll используется в устной речи со всеми лицами единственного и множественного числа.

Следует отметить, что в разговорном английском языке форма shall вытесняется глаголом will. В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол стоит перед подлежащим. В отрицательном предложении not стоит после вспомогательного глагола shall или will. В разговорной речи используются формы shan't, won't.

В сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточными времени и условия для выражения будущего действия в придаточных предложениях употребляется настоящее время (Present Simple), в то время как в главном предложении глагол стоит в форме будущего –Future Simple.

Придаточные предложения времени вводятся союзами after, as, as long as, as soon as, until, untill (till), when, а придаточные условия – союзами if, unless.

As soon as I read the book, I'll give it back to you.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст и вставьте формы will или won't.

In the future, there (I) won't be so many differences between the countries of the world and so companies (2) ___ become even more international.

New technology (3) ___ create new opportunities.

Personal space travel (4) ___ be possible and a space tourism industry (5) ___ develop. Meanwhile life (6) ___ be so easy for some of today's top companies. For example, the oil industry and car manufacturing (7) ___ almost certainly become less important.

But some things (8) ___ change. Children (9) ___ have the same tastes and so companies like Coca-Cola and Disney (10) ___ continue to be successful.


2. The Future Progressive

Выражает действие, которое будет совершаться в определенный момент в будущем. Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме будущего времени и причастия I смыслового глагола.

By this time tomorrow he'll be giving another lecture on Russian history.

Future Progressive употребляется также для выражения намеченных (запланированных) действий в будущем.

We'll be spending the winter in Australia.

We're spending the winter in Australia.


Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски глаголами в форме Future Simple или Future Progressive. Воспользуйтесь глаголами, данными в скобках. В некоторых случаях возможны оба варианты.

Sit down and fasten your seat belt. We ___ in a few minutes. (take off).

When ___ to the bank to draw some money? (you go).

The President ___ the Prime Minister before flying back home. (meet)

In five year's time a permanent space station ___ the moon. (circle)

I don't think I ___ him tonight. (see)

Don't worry about your examination: you ___ (pass)

I'm sure Tom ___ the job. He has a lot of experience. (get)

I can't meet you this evening. A friend of mine ___ to see me. (come)

This time next month, we ___ around Africa.(travel).


3. The Future Perfect

Обозначает действие, которое завершится до начала другого действия или какого-либо момента в будущем.

Образуется следующим образом:




+  have + III форма (причастие II) смыслового глагола





Time expressions we use with the future perfect:

before, by, by then, by the time, until\till(only in negative sentences)

He won’t have repaired my camera until\till the end of this week.


В разговорном языке данная форма не находит широкого применения.

They will have completed the new bridge by the end of the year.

We're late. I expect the film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema.


Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами форме Future Simple или Future Perfect. Воспользуйтесь глаголами, данными в скобках.

Call me back at six. I ___ (finish) the report by then.

Sorry. I can't meet you at 5.30. I___ .(be) busy until six.

At Christmas, we ___ (live) here for exactly ten years.

I ___ (not/complete) it by this time next week.

I don't think. I ___ (go out) tonight. I'm too tired.


Упражнение 4. Подчеркните сказуемое в соответствующем времени.

A. David 1) is studying\will have been studying to become a lawyer. He 2) works\is working as a carpenter during the day and  3) attends\is attending the local adult education centre in the evenings. After he 4) will pass\passes his final exams, he 5) will leave\ will have left  for London where he hopes he 6) will have found\will find a good job. David dreams that he 7) will become\will have become a successful lawyer by the time he 8) is\will be thirty years old.

B. John and Mary 1) are looking\will be looking  for a house to buy. They hope they 2) will find\are going to find a house before their baby 3) is\will be born. They 4) are meeting\will be meeting  the estate agent this afternoon because he 5) is going to show\will be showing them a new house. From what the estate agent described on the phone, they think this house 6) will be\is going to be the perfect one for them.

TEXT A. Прочтите текст


Investing in a limited company

When a limited company has started trading, you do not invest in shares by giving more capital to the company. You buy them from one of the shareholders. If it is a private limited company, a shareholder can only sell shares if all the other shareholders agree. If it is a public limited company, shares can be bought and sold freely, usually at a Stock Exchange. If the company is doing well and paying high dividends, then you might pay more than the face value of the shares. If it is doing badly, you might pay less than the face value of the shares. The price you pay at the Stock Exchange (or to a shareholder) for your shares is their market value.

If the company fails, it will stop trading and go into liquidation. This means that all the company's property and equipment (its assets) must be sold and the money from the sale will be used to pay its debts to its creditors. The shareholders may lose the money they paid for the shares. If the company still does not have enough money to pay all its debts, the shareholders do not have to pay any more money. In other words, the shareholders' liability for debts is limited to the value of their shares.

On the other hand, if you are an owner of a business which is not limited, for example a sole proprietorship (owned by one person) or a partnership (owned by between 2 and 20 people) and your business fails, you will go bankrupt. In this case you might have to sell your own private possessions (your house, car, furniture, etc) to pay all your creditors. In other words, sole proprietors and partners have unlimited liability for their firm's debts.


Запомните следующие слова и выражения:

face value                     нарицательная цена (стоимость поставленная на лицевой стороне ценной бумаги)

market value                 курсовая стоимость; рыночная стоимость.

аssets                           1) активы;

                                    2) средства, фонды, имущество, за счет которого могут быть произведены платежи и погашение обязательств их владельцем.

liability              ответственность, (денежное) обязательство.



TEXT B. Прочтите текст и ответьте на данный ниже вопрос. Сделайте письменный перевод текста.

TRENDS The article is about Britain. Which of the predictions are also true for your country?

How will society change in the next century ? Debbie Kent looks at some future changes .

Forecasting the future is a risky business .But that doesn’t mean we can’t say anything about the next decade. In fact one trend is almost completely predictable: population growth. The population of the UK, currently just over 57 million is expected to hit 59 million in the next ten years .Most significant is how the structure of that 59 million will change .The number of 16 to 19 year – olds has been falling since the baby boom generation reached adolescence in the early 1980s, and it will stay low into the next century. On the other hand, the proportion of older people will grow. In the next ten years more than 45% of us will be over 50.

Some implications are clear. Fewer school leavers and a work force that is growing only slowly will have an impact on the labor market. Employers may have to look elsewhere to fill vacancies-to women with children and older people.

Although society will still be made up largely of conventional families, there is a growing trend for fewer stereotypical households: more homes will consist of single adults. Then there will be households split by divorce, mixed households of second marriages, and three generations living under one roof. The average household size is predicted to fall from 2.7 people to 2.4 people in the next ten years.

Finance is one of the areas that is likely to undergo fundamental change in the next few years. If full European monetary union takes place, we could be using some denomination of Euro-wide currency even for our spending at home.

Will we be using hard currency at all? The answer is almost certainly yes, especially for low-value transactions.

According to developers of payment card systems: "Transactions will be primarily plastic-based but people won't carry as many cards."

So the walletful of plastic is likely to be replaced by a single multi-function card that will act as cheque book, credit card, cash dispenser and debit card. The future version will be a 'smart card' with a built-in memory. It will carry as much information about you as a personal organizer-details of bank accounts, credit ratings, insurance, salary - and will be able to pass that information on to anyone you choose to do business with.


Обратите внимание на следующие способы перевода выделенных структур:

The population of the UK, currently over 57 million, is expected to

Предполагается, что население Соединенногокоролевства, которое в настоящее время превышает 57 млн. человек, будет……………

There is a growing trend for fewer stereotypical households

Наблюдается тенденция в сторону роста меньшего количества (числа) семей стандартного типа………

The average household size is predicted to fall from

Ожидается (прогнозируется), что средний состав семьи уменьшается от………………

Finance is one of the areas that is likely to

Финансы – это одна из тех сфер, которая скорее всего…


Упражнение 5. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже высказываний, соответствуют содержанию текста, а какие нет.

1 There will be an increase in population

2 The proportion of young people is going to increase.

3 The number of working women is likely to increase.

4 There will be fewer jobs for older people.

5 There will be more people living in each house.

6 Coins and banknotes will no longer exist.

7 Everybody will have a bank account.

8 Most people will use cards to do their shopping.

9 There will be more types of card in use.

10 The smart card is like a small computer.


Запомните следующие слова и выражения:

оn the other hand                      с другой стороны

implication                                вывод

impact                                      влияние, воздействие

to undergo                                претерпевать


TEXT C. Прочтите текст и подчеркните сказуемое в форме будущего продолженного времени (future continuous forms.)

Today we find most robots working in factories around the world. But what will robots of the future be doing? One designer predicts that in just a few years, small intelligent robots will be dealing with all the household chores. This is going to make life a lot easier. While one robot is cooking dinner, another one will be vacuuming the floor.  But what about outside the home? Will robots be playing football or fighting wars?  Scientists aren’t sure. What is certain, however, is that robots will be playing a more and more significant role in our lives.


TEXT D. Прочтите текст , найдите и исправьте ошибки в использовании будущего продолженного времени (future continuous).

In the future, robots will perform performing more and more tasks for humans. This will be having both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, while robots will be doing the boring and dangerous jobs, humans will be devoting more time to interesting pursuits. In this respect, robots be making life a lot easier for humans. On the other hand, the widespread use of robots will creating a lot of future unemployment. There is a risk that robots will taking on jobs that humans need in order to earn a living.  And some robots could even become dangerous. I’m afraid that in the not-too-distant future, robots will to be fighting in wars. Although, on second thoughts, that will be better than humans killing each other!


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