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Английское предложение в вопросительной форме начинается или со вспомогательного глагола (yes\no question – общий вопрос) или с вопросительного слова (Wh - question – специальный вопрос).

1) Общий вопрос подразумевает ответ либо утвердительный, либо отрицательный, т.е. "да" или "нет".


Do you speak English?

Yes, I do

No, I don't


Did Тom call while I was out?

Yes, he did

No, he didn't


Обратите внимание: если в состав сказуемого входит глагол to be, вспомогательный глагол в вопросительном предложении не употребляется.

Are you from Greece?

Yes, I am

No, I am not.


2) Запомните вопросительные слова, которых начинается специальный вопрос:

who, whose, where, why, what, which, when, how, how many (с исчислительными существительными),how much (с неисчисляемыми существительными ),how long .

Where does he live?

Why did she say that?

Whose books are these?

а) Запомните вопросы с вопросительным словом how:

How is he?                               Как он себя чувствует?

How old are you?                     Сколько вам лет?

How was the exam?                 Как прошел экзамен?           

How long does it take you to get to the Institute? Сколько времени уходит у вас на дорогу до института?


Обратите внимание How do you do? не вопрос, а приветствие: "здравствуйте". Ответ на него How do you do?


б) Вопрос к подлежащему. При постановке этого вопроса вспомогательный глагол не употребляется, сохраняется тот же порядок слов, что и в повествовательном предложении.

Who wants an ice- cream?

Who has already passed the exam?


3) Альтернативные вопросы предполагают выбор из  двух предложенных вариантов:

Do you want to go out or stay at home?

Which would you rather have, coffee, or tea?


4) Разделительные вопросы. (Tag - questions)

В таких предложениях, которые состоят из двух частей, собственно вопросительной является вторая часть. Обратите внимание, что отрицание содержится либо в первой, либо во второй части (но не в обеих). Если первая часть утвердительная, то отрицание содержится в вопросе, и наоборот. Вспомогательный глагол в собственно вопросе зависит от того, в каком времени стоит глагол в первой части.

He likes swimming, doesn't he?                                     Он любит плавать, не правда ли?

You had met Mary before, hadn't you?                         Ты встречал Мери раньше, не так ли?

He doesn't know the answer to this question, does he?  Он не знает ответа на вопрос, верно?

You haven't seen my keys anywhere, have you?            Ты нигде не видел мои ключи, не так ли?

Everyone was very pleased, weren't they?                                 Все были очень довольны, не так ли?


Упражнение 1. В правой колонке даны ответы на вопросы. Сформулируйте эти вопросы.

1.Are you Mrs. Meier?………………… That's right. Pleased to meet you.

2 ..............................................................? Yes, thanks, I had a very good flight.

3 ..............................................................? I'd like to see Mr. Perez, if he's in the office.

4 ...................:..........................................? On my last visit I spoke to Ms Wong.

5 ..........................................,...................? It was Mr. Green who recommended the hotel to me.

6 ..............................................................? No, my husband is travelling with me. I'm meeting him later.

7 ..........,...................................................? We'll probably be staying till Friday morning.

8 .............................................................. ? No, this is his first visit - he's never been here before.


Упражнение 2. Представьте, что у вашего собеседника нечеткая дикция, вы не можете уловить часть сообщаемой им информации. Задайте вопросы, уточняющие ускользнувшую от вас информацию.

1 'I work for -----------.'                                                          Who do you work for?

2 'I live in -------------.'                                                           Where do you live?

3 'I've been working here for ------- years.'                              How                                                     ?

4 'We keep our sales files in the ------- room.'              Which                                                  ?

5 'We never phone in the morning because -------.'                   Why                                                     ?

6 'I started working for the firm in 19 -------.'                           When                                                   ?

7 'I’d like a ------- room for two nights, please.'                        What kind of                                        ?

8 'I heard about this product from Mr. --------.'                        Who                                                     ?

9 'The complete package costs only $ ---------.'                       How much                                            ?

10 'They printed ------------ thousand copies of the report.'      How many                                            ?

11 'They asked me to --------- as soon as possible.'                 What                                                    ?

12 'Ms. ----------- told me I should get in touch with you.'        Who                                                     ?


Упражнение 3. В разделительных вопросах, данных ниже, отсутствует вторая часть. Вам предстоит дописать эти вопросы.

1 They don't normally pay their account late, ……do they?...

2 The phone number is 518361, ...isn't it?……isn't it?....

3 They'll let us know before the end of the month, .....................……........?

4 We can send the catalogues by surface mail, ..................………….........?

5 They can't provide us with the information we need, ...........................…?

6. She isn't in the office today, ……………………………………..……..?

7. This machine doesn't operate automatically, …………………………..?

8. You know a great deal about economics, ………………………………?

9. You've studied this subject for some time, ……………………………..?

10. We shouldn't interrupt the meeting, …………………………………..?

11. We must confirm this by sending them a fax, ………………………..?

12. He hasn't heard that the firm has been taken over, ……………………….?


Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски вопросительными предложениями.

For a surprise, Donna decided to meet her friend Paul at the airport on his return from six months in Africa. She phoned his mother to ask about the flight. “1) Which airport is he arriving at?”(which\airport arrive at).  “At Heathrow Airport I think,” his mother said. “2) ___ (what time\expect) him to land?” Donna asked. “About 8 tonight, if there are no delays,”  his mother replied. 3) ___ (who\meet) him?” Donna asked. “Nobody, dear,” his mother said. 4) ___ (what\think) about me meeting him?” Donna asked. “That’s a great idea,” his mother said. “5) ___ (what\be) the best way to get there?” Donna inquired. “The M25, but 6) ___ (who\drive) you?” Paul’s mother asked. “Oh, my dad will. Thanks for your help. See you later,” said Donna.


Упражнение 5. Прочтите данное сообщение и сформулируйте вопросы по его содержанию.

A farmer, Isaac Jones, reported having seen a UFO. A scientist from the Centre for Extraterrestrial Actovoties interviewed him. It was around pm and Isaac was out on the porch. All of a sudden he saw the sky light up. Then an object like a huge plate appeared out of nowhere. The horizon turned into a rainbow of colours. He was shocked. His wife came out. She started screaming because she thought they were being invaded by Martians. A strong wind started blowing. The lower part of the plate was surrounded by flames. It all lasted about five minutes. It was his wife’s idea to contact the centre. They knew it was a UFO because it looked so strange.

What time was it? Where was Isaac?


TEXT A. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы, приведенные ниже.

Bookkeeping (Historical background)

Bookkeeping is an essential accounting tool. A small business or company may employ only one bookkeeper; large organizations may employ many bookkeepers, who use electronic equipment for a large part of their work. Each organization has its own bookkeeping requirements, but all systems operate on the same basic principles. The bookkeepers themselves must be accurate, good in math, and very careful to record each detail in its proper place.

About 3,000 b.c., the Sumerians, the Egyptians, and other peoples of the Middle East developed the first known business records. The results of tax collections, farming harvests, and the transactions of merchants were recorded by means of written numbers. The Romans, too, were prolific keepers of records. Indeed, Roman numerals were used in many parts of Europe until the fifteenth century a.d. The stimulus for modern bookkeeping came with the introduction of Arabic, or Hindu-Arabic, numerals and the decimal system in the twelfth century a.D. Most people today use Arabic numerals.

The two basic systems of bookkeeping are double-entry and single-entry. The double-entry method was perfected by the merchants of Venice during the fifteenth century and is still used today. The basic principle of double-entry bookkeeping is that every transaction has a twofold effect. In other words, a value is received and a value is yielded or parted with. Both effects, which are equal in amount, must be entered completely in the bookkeeping records.


1. How do bookkeeping procedures in a large organization differ from those in a small one? Are the basic principles the same or different?

2. What are some of the basic requirements for a bookkeeper?

3. When were the first known business records kept? By whom? What kind of records were kept?

4. How did modern bookkeeping begin?

5. What are the two basic methods of bookkeeping?

6. When was the double-entry method introduced? By whom? What is its basic principle?



В.С. – before Christ – до нашей эры

А.D. – Anno Domini – нашей эры

Sumerians – шумеры

Middle East – Ближний Восток


Text B. Прочтите текст и выполните данное к нему упражнение.


Hi, I’m Fiona and I’m an accountant. I work in Edinburgh for one of the big accountancy firms. We look at the financial records or accounts of a lot of companies. We work with the accountants of those companies, and the people who work under them: bookkeepers. I like my profession: accountancy.

Sometimes we act as auditors: specialist outside accountants who audit a company’s accounts, that is, we check them at the end of a particular period to see if they give a true and fair view (an accurate and complete picture). An audit can take several days, even for a fairly small company.

When a company’s results are presented in a way that makes them look better than they really are, even if it follows the rules, it may be accused of creative accounting or window dressing. Of course, I never do this!


Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях приведенными ниже терминами:

window dressing, bookkeeper, accountant, accounts

1. My name is John Morton and I'm an ___ in London.

2. At the moment, I'm a ___ but I'm training to be an accountant.

3. After a little bit of ___, our figures for this year look a lot better.

4. I prepare the end-of-year ___ for several small businesses.


TEXT C. Прочтите текст, обращая внимание на вопросительные предложения.

Ten Million Serving Men

People are most curious when they are very young. As they grow older their curiosity seems to disappear. Why?

One day I went to see a friend who has a small son of five. The moment I took off my coat he started asking me questions: "What is your name? Where do you live? And where do your father and mother live? Why don't they live with you?" After I had explained practically everything about my parents, the place they lived, etc. he remained silent for a moment and then attacked me again: "Can you ride a bicycle? Can you ski? Can you skate? Can you play football? Can you build a sand castle?" My answers seemed to disappoint the boy because I couldn't do a lot of things. But that didn't pre­vent him from asking another hundred questions: "Have you seen a flying saucer? Have you heard a parrot talk? Have you seen a crocodile cry? Have you ever travelled by raft? Have you ever talked to a fireman?" At first I did my best to give the most truthful and complete answers but there seemed to be no end to it. I hardly knew what to answer, because after each "yes" he asked me questions: "Where did you see it? When did you see it? What does it look like? And after each”no” there were even more difficult questions "Why didn't you do it? Why didn't you go there? Why didn't you ask them?" His parents seemed to be enjoying the scene greatly, but I suspect it was not because they were proud of their bright little boy but simpy because they were enjoying a few rare moments of peace. At dinner I could hardly eat anything because he kept bombarding me with questions. When I was going down the stairs there came the final, shot: "When will you come again?”I answered “Never!” and there came answer “Why?”


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