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ТЕМА 9  


Страдательный залог употребляются в тех случаях, когда лицо, совершающее. или совершившее действие, неизвестно, или когда не считают нужным его упоминать. При этом название лица или предмета, которое подвергается действию, является подлежащим и стоит в предложении на первом месте.

Gradiates will be offered interesting jobs.

The first Stock Exchange was established in 1773 in London.

Времена страдательного залога употребляются согласно тем же правилам, что и соответствующие им времена действительного залога. Они образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be соответствующего времени и причастия II смыслового глагола.

Запомните, что в модели to be +  past participle of the main verb первый элемент to be является величиной переменной, т.е. изменяется в зависимости от:

1) группы времен     Indefinite



2) времени совершения действия, лица, числа, а второй элемент – величиной постоянной, т.е. это всегда III форма (причастие II) конкретного смыслового глагола.


Таблица образование видовременных форм в страдательном залоге.


Passive voice





is                      Ved






                         be Ved



is                      being












Had been Ved


                      have been






V – основа глагола

Ved – Past Indefinite и Participle II, как стандартных, так и нестандартных глаголов.


Можно выделить два типа глаголов, которые вызывают трудности при переводе на русский, если они используются в страдательном залоге:

а) глаголы, которые требуют после себя дополнения с предлогом и в русском языке тоже имеют предложное дополнение, например:

to depend on (upon)                            зависеть от

to deal with smth                                 иметь дело с чем-либо, рассматривать

to refer to                                            ссылаться на что-либо

to rely upon                                         полагаться на кого-либо, что-либо.


б) глаголы, за которыми идет беспредложное дополнение, но которые в русском языке переводе требуют предложного, например:

to answer smth., smb.                          отвечать на

to follow smth., smb.                           следовать за чем-либо

to affect smth.                                     влиять на что-либо

to influence smth

При переводе предложений, включающих оба типа глаголов в страдательном залоге, русское предложение следует начинать с предлога, например:

Not every experiment can be relied upon         Не на каждый эксперимент можно положиться.

This problem was not dealt with           С этой проблемой не имели дела (эта проблема не рассматривалась).

Many questions were answered correctly.       На многие вопросы были даны правильные ответы.

The work is often referred to in special literature.         На эту работу часто ссылаются в специальной литературе.


The lecture was followed by a heated discussion          За лекцией последовала горячая дискуссия.


Упражнение 1. Преобразуйте следующие предложения со сказуемым в действительном залоге так. чтобы сказуемое стояло в страдательном залоге.

Current supply and demand affect prices fluctuations.

Economists use the term “market price” as prevailing price, determined by supply and demand.

The firm installed its first fax machines in 1988.

The group is making similar investments in other parts of the world.

The organizers will supply all relevant information in advance.

They have installed the new equipment since my last visit.

The manager always welcomes new employees.

Someone had signed all the documents before I arrived.


Упражнение 2. Обратите внимание на то, что некоторые предложения со сказуемым в страдательном залоге могут быть выражены двумя способами  при участии следующих глаголов: bring, tell, send, show, teach, promise, buy, sell, read, offer, give, lend, etc. Преобразуйте следующие предложения

Например: I was shown their letters. \\ 2. Their letters were shown to me.

1. The managing director was given the information. \\ 2. The information was given to the managing director.

1. She was sent a postcard by Jim.  \\ A postcard was sent to her by Jim.

А теперь продолжите:

3. I was sent full details \\ …………………………………….

of the job.

4. A free sightseeing trip is \\ ………………………………

offered to all passengers.

5/ They have been presented \\ ………………………………

with signed certificates.


При употреблении модальных глаголов can, must, may, should страдательный залог образуется при помощи be  +  Причастие II основного глагола.

This letter must be written today.

This work can be done tomorrow.

New members may be registered next week.


При употреблении эквивалентов модальных глаголов страдательный залог образуется при помощи to be + Причастие II основного глагола.

The bill has to be paid before the end of the month.


Упражнение 3. Поставьте сказуемое в приведенных ниже предложениях в форме страдательного залога. Воспользуйтесь глаголами, стоящими в скобках.

The candidates …………………still ……………….(interview).

I came by bus because my car ………………..yet. (repair).

Deliveries …………………..every Tuesday (make).

As for as I can see, nothing ………………from the office, said the manager. (steal)

The car …………………. still ………….. when I arrived to collect it. (clean).

As soon as he looked at her face, Tom realised he ………………( not forgive).

When I went to the shop, I …………………. that the photos ………………..(tell, not develop).

How much ………………… Professor Smith for his lecture last month? (pay)

How many times a week ……………..the offices ……………… (clean)?

……………………….the missing document yet? (find).


Упражнение 4. Преобразуйте следующие предложения со сказуемым в страдательном залоге так, чтобы сказуемое стояло в действительном залоге.

1.      It has been proved that there is no life on the moon.

They ___.

2.      When we arrived home we found that one of the windows had been broken.

___ someone ___.

3.      The meeting is held once a week.


4.      Interviews will be held in early January.

They ___.

5.      A new supermarket is being built near the church.

They ___.

6.      My desk has been moved.

Someone ___.

7.      I was explained how to do the problem.


8.      We were asked to come as soon as possible.

They ___.

9.      The news journal is published every month.

They ___.


Text A. Прочтите текст, сделайте письменный перевод и ответьте на вопросы, приведенные ниже.


Auditing is an accounting function that involves the review and evaluation of financial records. It is done by someone other than the person who entered the transactions in the records. Not so many years ago, the presence of an auditor suggested that a company was having financial difficulties.

Currently, however, outside audits are a normal and regular part of business practice. In addition, many corporations, especially the larger ones with complex operations, maintain a continuous internal audit by their own accounting departments.

Even those companies that do not conduct an internal audit need to maintain a system of internal control. Most good systems will provide accounting controls against errors, as well as a division of duties to reduce the possibility of misappropriations.

Ideally, a business should use as many internal controls as are consistent with efficient operation. In practice, the cost of installing and maintaining control systems forces management to decide which control devices to use. If there are too many controls, a time may come when the company's employees are spending more time filling out forms than performing productive work.

Many companies employ their own account­ants to maintain an internal audit. They continuously review operating procedures and financial records and report to management on the current state of the company's fiscal affairs. These accountants also report on any deviations from standard operating procedures; that is, the company's established methods for carrying on its operating and recording functions. The internal auditors also make suggestions to management for improvements in the standard operating procedures. Finally, they check the accounting records in regard to completeness and accuracy, making sure that all irregularities are corrected. Overall, the internal auditors seek to ensure that the various departments of the company follow the policies and procedures established by management.


Вопросы по тексту:

What is an audit?

What is internal audit?

What is an independent audit? Who conducts independent audits?

What are the functions of the accountants conducting internal audit?

What are standard operating procedures?


Запомните следующие слова:

currently                      в настоящее время

in addition                    кроме, помимо

to maintain                   поддерживать, проводить =conduct

fiscal                            финансовый

to seek                                    стремиться

to ensure                                 обеспечить, гарантировать


Text B. Прочтите текст и сделайте письменный перевод.


Gold (Au) is a metallic chemical element. Atomic number 79. Atomic weight 197.2.

Since civilization began gold has been regarded as a symbol of power and wealth. In many societies gold was seen as a magic substance which could protect people against illness or evil spirits. It is the one material that has always been accepted in exchange for goods or services. Mankind never seems to have enough gold and the search for it has driven men mad. The need to search for gold has been compared to a disease, and is called 'gold fever'. In the Middle Ages men called 'alchemists' tried to manufacture gold from other metals. In spite of man's constant search for gold, the amount which has been produced since the beginning of time is only enough to make a solid block of eighteen cubic metres, the size of a large house.


Запомните следующие выражения: и найдите соответствующие им эквиваленты в русском языке.

The golden rule

A golden age

A golden wedding

As good as gold

Everything he touches turns to gold.

All that glitters is not gold.

Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

A heart of gold.


Financial uses

The first gold coin was issued by King Croesus of Lydia in the sixth century bc. Today gold still plays an impor­tant part in the international monetary system.

About thirty years' production of  gold is being held by central banks and monetary authorities, in spite of efforts to reduce its importance.

New deposits of gold are being found, and old mines are being reopened and it is likely that gold will always be valued as protection against inflation.

Gold can be bought by private investors in the forms of bars, coins and medals, as well as jewellery.


Упражнение 5. В этих предложениях сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге. Вам нужно определить время, в котором стоит сказуемое.

Gold is used for many purposes.

It was produced in ancient times.

Gold has been used for 6000 years.

New deposits are being found.

It will be valued in the future.

It can be used in industrial processes.

It may be seen in museums.

Three tonnes of rock have to be

mined to produce an ounce of gold.


TEXT C. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы, данные ниже.

Alan Almost Didn’t Get to Work This Morning

As Alan was leaving his apartment building, he was hit on the head with a flower pot which had been put on a windowsill by one of his neighbors.

As he was walking to the bus stop, he was bitten by a dog.

While he was waiting for the bus, he was almost run over by a car which was being chased by the police.

While he was riding on the bus, his wallet was stolen. All his money and identification cards were taken.

As he was walking into his office building, he was accidentally knocked down by a boy delivering newspapers.

And when Alan finally got to work, he was yelled at by his boss for being an hour late.

Poor Alan! What a way to begin the day!


Вопросы к тексту:

What happened to Alan as he was leaving his apartment building?

What happened to him as he was walking to the bus stop?

What happened to him while he was waiting for the bus?

What happened to him while he was riding on the bus?

What happened to him as he was walking into his office building?

What happened to Alan when he finally got to work?


Таблица неправильных глаголов


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