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ТЕМА 8   ТЕМА 8. МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ Модальные глаголы - это глаголы, которые выражают не действие или состояние, а отношение лица к действию или состоянию. Модальный глагол в сочетании с инфинитивом образует в предложении составное глагольное сказуемое. Модальные глаголы выражают значение возможности, необходимости, желательности и т.п.


1. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, выражающие возможность







to be able to


Выражает реальную возможность, физическую или умственную способность




Is           able (to)



I can do it.

( I am able to do it)

Я могу (в состоянии, умею) делать это.




                       able (to)



I could do it.

(I was able to do it).

Я мог (был в состоянии, умел) делать это.




                  be able (to)



I shall be able to do it.

Я смогу (буду в состоянии, сумею) это сделать.



to be allowed (to)


Выражает допущение возможности, разрешение совершить действие.




is              allowed (to)



You may go home now.

Вы можете теперь пойти домой.




              Allowed (9to)



He said I might smoke here.

Он сказал, что я могу курить здесь.

She was allowed to go home.

Ей разрешили идти домой.





           Be allowed (to)



You will be allowed to swim.

Вы сможете купаться (вам разрешат).


Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

I can drive but I can't ride a bike.

Anyone can learn how to use a computer.

Must I attend all the meetings?

You needn't wash up. I'll do it later.

In my opinion we should ban smoking in all public places.

A regular supplier may get a good discount.

You should be careful while crossing the street.

The sea was so polluted that we couldn't swim.

He can't still be at the office.

If that's the 6 o'clock news, my watch must be slow.

You should take part in the competition. You might win.

The deadline is Friday. We must finish the work by then.

May I look around the plant now?


2. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, выражающие долженствование





С перфектной формой инфинитива


Выражает должествование


I must do it now.

Я должен это сделать сейчас.

You must not do it.

Вам нельзя этого делать.




To have


выражает вынужденную необходимость, отсутствие альтернативы.




I have to do it now.

Мне нужно (приходиться, вынужден, выхода нет) делать это сейчас.

Had (to)


I had to go there/

Я должен был (мне пришлось) пойти туда.

Did you have to go there?


                      have to


You will have to go there.

Вы должны будете (вам придется) пойти туда. (т.е. у вас нет выбора)


Ought to

Выражает моральный долг

Ought to

We ought to help her.

Мы должны (нам следует) идти туда.



Обозначает действие, которое должно было состояться, но не состоялось. Выражает укор.

You ought to have done it.

Вам следовало бы это сделать.



Выражает необходимость, совет, рекомендацию.


You should not go there.

Вы не должны (вам не следует) идти туда.



You should have helped him.

Вам следовало помочь ему.


Выражает необходимость, совет, рекомендацию.


You needn't hurry.

Вам не надо спешить.



Обозначает действие. в совершении которого не было необходимости.

You needn't have done it.

Вам не нужно было (не было необходимости) этого делать.

To be (to)

Выражает необходимость, предусмотренную планом, договоренностью, расписанием, графиком.


are                    to


The train is to arrive at 10.

Поезд должен прибыть в 10.

I am to go there.

Мне предстоит поехать туда.




He was to attend the seminar.

Он должен был присутствовать на семинаре.


Обозначает действие, которое должно было совершиться, но в действительности не имело места.

They were to have met.

 Они должны были встретиться (но не встретились)


3. Модальные глаголы, выражающие вероятность, предположение


С неопределенной формой инфинитива

С перфектной формой инфинитива


Выражает вероятность

He must be working now.

Он. Должно быть, (вероятно) сейчас работает.

You must be tired after your work.

Вы, должно быть, (вероятно) устали после работы.

He must have been working for some hours.

Он, должно быть, (вероятно) работает уже несколько часов.

He must have finished his work.

Он, должно быть, (вероятно) закончил свою работу.



Выражает вероятность. Предположение

He should be about 40.

Ему наверное около 40.

He ought to be at home.

Он, должно быть, дома.

The train ought to have left.

Поезд. Должно быть, уже ушел.


Выражает сомнение (обычно с отрицанием)

She can’t be so stupid.

Не может быть, чтобы она была так глупа.

He can’t (couldn’t) have said it.

Не может быть, чтобы он сказал это.


Выражает предположение с оттенком неуверенности.

He may be working now.

Возможно, он работает сейчас.

He may be at home now.

Сейчас он, возможно, дома.

He may have left the key on the table.

Он, возможно, оставил ключ на столе.


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1. We must discuss this material.

2. Let's hurry up. We mustn't be late.

3. The work must be done at once.

4. She must be working in the garden.

5. He must have done his lessons.

6. The problem must have been settled.


Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на эквиваленты модальных глаголов.

He failed all the exams and had to retake them a few months later.

Suppliers and customers have to cooperate very closely.

Although the order arrived late we were able to supply the goods on time.

I was to meet them at the station at 4, but I was held up in the traffic.

I didn’t have to go to the office yesterday.

It was difficult but we were able to persuade them.

You’re not to tell him anything about our plans.

In Britain, motorcyclists have to wear a helmet.

I’d like to be able to offer you a job but there are no vacancies at the moment.

She’ll have to spend a lot of money if she wants the new model.


Упражнение 4. Преобразуйте следующие предложения с использованием модального глагола, данного ниже.

1.      It is very important for me to write to my brother.

must     I…………………………….

2.      It is not permitted to take photographs in here.

can       You………………………….

3.      They were forced to take a holiday before the end of May.

had       They……………………………….

4.      There was no need for you to come.

have     You……………………………….

5.      You are not supposed to talk while the teacher is speaking.

should  You……………………………….

6.      It wasn’t necessary for them to cook so much food.

need     They…………………………………….

7.      Perhaps Laura is at the office.

May     Laura …………….at the office.

8.      I’m sure he is preparing his presentation.

Must    He  ………………his presentation.

9.      It is forbidden to take these books home with you.

Not      You ……………..these books home with you.

10.  Why didn’t you tell him about the problem?

Have    You …………….him about the problem.


Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски в приведенном ниже диалоге.

Do you know why Simon didn’t come to my party?

He must …………………….(be \ ill).

A:         Oh, no, he can’t ………………..(be \ ill). I saw him at school this morning and he was fine.

B:         Well, he might ……………….. (forget) about it.

A:         No, he can’t ………………. (do). I reminded him about it yesterday morning.

B:         Well, he has got an exam tomorrow. He could …………… (stay) home to work.

A:         Yes, but he should ………………. (tell) me!


Упражнение 6. Преобразуйте данные ниже предложения таким образом, чтобы во втором предложении в каждой паре сохранился смысл высказывания.

It wasn’t a very good idea for you to sit in the sun for so long.

Should You ______________________ in the for sun so long.

I’m sure he hasn’t gone far because his car is still here.

Can He ______________________far because the car is still here.

I think it was possibly the cat which scratched the table.

Might The cat ________________________ the table.

Buying that car was a real mistake.

should We _______________________that car.

She was definitely here earlier because she’s left her umbrella.

Must She ______________________ here earlier because she’s left her umbrella.


TEXT A. Прочтите текст, сделайте письменный перевод и ответьте на вопросы, приведенные ниже.

Bookkeeping (Basic Ideas)

An account is a record of the financial transactions that concern one item or a group of similar items. The account includes categories of financial data for each area of interest during a specific period: the value at the beginning of a period, changes in value during the same period, and the value at the end of a period.

Anything of value that a business or organization owns is commonly known as an asset. Asset accounts include cash, which is the money on hand or in the bank; furniture and fixtures; accounts receivable, the claims against customers that owe money; stock or inventory; office supplies; and many others that show what the organization owns.

Debts owed to creditors are known as liabilities. If money is owed to an organization or person for things or services purchased on credit, this liability is called an account payable. Other liabilities include wages or salaries that are owed to employees, or taxes that have not yet been paid.

The value of the business to the owner or owners is known as capital. Other terms used to designate capital are proprietorship, owners' equity (usually abbreviated OE), ownership, or net worth.

A separate account is kept for each asset, liability, and capital item so that information can be recorded for each of them. Accounts are also maintained for income and for expenses, and like assets, liabilities, or capital, these accounts are also entered in the ledger, which is a detailed listing of all the accounts of an organization. Entries from all the journals are transferred to the ledger at regular intervals. This process is usually done monthly.

Journals, or books of entry, are designed to record information about different transactions, including sales, purchases, cash receipts, cash disbursements, and many others. Journals have two or more columns to record increases or decreases in the accounts affected by the transaction, and they often have space for a date and an explanation of the transaction.

An entry made on the left-hand side or column of an account is called a debit, while an entry made on the right-hand side or column is a credit.


Вопросы к тексту:

What is an account? What are three categories of financial data listed in an account?

What broad areas of interest is bookkeeping concerned with?

What is the difference between an asset and a liability? Give an example of each.

What is the term used for the value of a business to its owners?

What other terms refer to the same concept?

What is ledger? What kinds of accounts are entered in it?


Запомните эти слова:

Asset                            статья актива

stock                            инвентарь, запас, склад, наличный товар, резерв, общее количество, фонд.

inventory                      опись, наличные товары, запасы, материально-производственные товары.

Liability                        долговое обязательство, обязательство.

equity                           право (на средства предприятия).

ledger                           план счетов.




A firm reports its performance in a particular period in its results. Results for a particular year are shown in the company’s annual report. This contains, among other things, a profit and loss account.

In theory, if a company makes more money than it spends, it makes a profit. If not, it makes a loss. But it’s possible for a company to show a profit for a particular period because of the way it presents its activities under the accounting standards or accounting rules of one country, and a loss under the rules of another.

A pre-tax profit or a pre-tax loss is one before tax is calculated. An exceptional profit or loss is for something that is not normally repeated, for example the sale of a subsiduary company or the costs of restructuring. A company’s gross profit  is before charges like these are taken away; its net profit is afterwards. The final figure for profit or loss is what people call informally the bottom line. If a company is making a loss, commentators may say that it is in the red, or bleeding red ink.


Упражнение7. Найдите в тексте слова и выражения, которые соответствуют следующим определениям:

1. What accounts have to follow? 2. The final figure for profit or loss. 3. Another name for “standard”. 4. Before tax is taken away. 5. Accounting that presents things in a positive light. 6. When companies announce results they …….them.


TEXT C. Прочтите текст и заполните пропуски одним из двух предложенных вариантов.


Want or need a new job? When’s the best time to start looking? Right now?

You’d better not delay, or you’ll start to feel “stuck in a rut”.

These tips will help: A lot of people wait until after holidays to look for a job. That’s means there’s less competition for you at this time of year. You ___ (shouldn’t\ should) wait!

Too busy at work to go to interview? Early morning interviews have fewer interruptions. You ___ (should\ ‘d better not) ask for interviews before ten o’clock.

If you are laid off, you ___ (‘d better\ shouldn’t) take a lower-paid job just to get work. If your new salary is low, your employer won’t appreciate your skills. If possible, you ___ (‘d better not\should) ask for a salary that matches your skills.

However, money isn’t everything! You ___ (ought to\’d better not) take a position with a company you dislike, or you won’t do a good job there.

Don’t talk about salary too soon. You ___ (‘d better\shouldn’t) wait  -  learn about the job and talk about your skills first.


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