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Придаточные условные предложения в английском языке бывают трех типов.

1. Условные предложения 1 типа (First Conditional) выражают реально осуществимые предположения. Эти предположения относятся к настоящему или будущему времени.

If + Present Simple + Present Simple,

If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.

If + Present Simple + Future Simple

If I see John, I will ask him to ring you.


2. Условные предложения 2 типа (Second Conditional) выражают маловероятные или нереальные предположения, относящиеся к настоящему или прошедшему времени.

If + Past Simple+would\could\might+present bare infinitive

If I were Prime Minister, I would reduce taxes.

Глагол to be в условном придаточном 2 типа имеет одну форму were для всех лиц ед. и мн. ч.

If I had more time, I would help you with your homework.

Запомните как переводится устойчивое сочетание.

If I were you…                -На вашем месте я …………………

If I were you, I would think about another career.


3. Условные предложения 3 типа (Third Conditional) выражают предположения, относящиеся к прошедшему времени, которые оказались невыполнимыми.

If + Past Perfect + would have + past participle

If I had gone to the party, I would have seen Michael.

Обратите внимание на употребление модальных глаголов в предложениях с придаточными условиями всех трех типов:

If you see him, you should ask him to come.

If you lost some weight, you could wear my dress.

If they had played a bit better, they could have won the match.


Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами. Обратите внимание на образец.

А. Условные предложения I типа.

If it is (be) fine tomorrow, we shall go (go) for a picnic.

If she ___ (finish) work early, she ___ (go) home.

If you ___ (not \ hurry), you ___ (be) late.

If the temperature ___ (fall), turn up the heating.

If you ___ (work) late tonight, I ___ (pay) you well.


В. Условные предложения II типа.

If I were better qualified, I should (I’d) apply for the job.

If I ___ (not \be) in a hurry, I ___ (stay) to dinner.

If the weather ___ (be) sunny, we ___ ( not \ stay) indoors.

If we ___ (run) our own business, we ___ (be) more independend.

If he ___ (want) advice, he ___ (ask) his bank manager.


С. Условные предложения III типа.

If we had gone by car, we would have saved time.

If my father ___ (earn) more money, life ___ (be) easier for us.

If you ___ (ask) politely, I ___ (help) you.

If you ___ (tell) me you needed money, I ___ (lend) you some.

If I ___ (try) harder, I ___ (succeed).


Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант из трех, приведенных после каждого предложения.

1) If I knew her number, I ___ her.

a) would have telephoned

b) would telephoned

c) will telephoned

2) I’m sure she ___ if you explained the situation to her.

a) would understand

b) will understand

c) would understand

3) If ___ about the danger, I would have warned you.

a) knew

b) had know

c) know

4) Many people would be out of work if that factory ___ down.

a) closed

b) had closed

c) closes

5) If I were you, I ___ that car.

a) wouldn’t have bought

b) won’t buy

c) wouldn’t buy

6) If she applies for the job, she ___ it.

a) would have got

b) would get

c) will get


Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуск во втором предложении, используя выделенное слово и сохраняя смысл первого.

1.      The picnic was cancelled because it rained.


If it hadn't rained, the picnic _______________________ cancelled.

2.      Without his father's help, he wouldn't have got that job.


If his father____________ he wouldn't have got that job.

3.      The car crashed because it was travelling too fast.


If the car _______________________ so fast, it wouldn't have crashed.

4.      I couldn't phone you because I'd lost your number.


If I hadn't lost your number, I __________________________ you.

5.      John caught a cold because he didn't wear a coat.


If________________________, he wouldn't have caught a cold.

6.      He found the treasure as he was digging in his garden.


If he hadn't been digging in his garden, ___________________________ the treasure.

7.      I only knew about her wedding because I met her mother in the street.


If I hadn't met her mother in the street, ___________________________ about her wedding.

8.      I lost my key so I had to wait outside in the snow.


If I hadn't lost my key, I _________________________ to wait outside in the snow.

9.      I couldn't give him a lift because I didn't have my car.


If __________________________ my car, I could have given him a lift.

10.  Ray didn't pass the exam, because he didn't work hard enough.


If Ray ___________________________, he would have passed the exam.


Упражнение 4. Прочтите приведенные ниже диалоги и выполните упражнения, следуя образцу.

A Bad Day at the Office

Debbie What's the matter, Jeff? You don't look very well.

Jeff No. I've had a terrible cold. I've been in bed all weekend, but it's better today.

Debbie Mm ... I had a bad cold last week.

Jeff I know, and you gave it to every­one in the office. I wouldn't have come to work if I'd had a cold like that.



She had a bad cold, but she came to work.

/ wouldn't have come to work if I'd had a cold. Do the same.

1                     She had a headache. She stayed at work.

2.                    He had a sore throat. He worked all day.

3.                    She had toothache. She didn't go to the dentist.


Mrs Lewis  Debbie ,did you type this letter?

Debbie Yes. Why? Is there something wrong with it?

Mrs Lewis Have a look. This should be £400.00. -You've typed £40,000.

Debbie Oh, yes. I'm ever so sorry.

Mrs Lewis And you've also misspelt the customer's name. It should be 'Snelling' not 'Smelling'.

Debbie Hee-hee!

Mrs Lewis It's not funny, Debbie. If I hadn't noticed it, we could have lost the order.



She noticed the error. They didn't lose the order.

If she hadn't noticed the error, they could have lost the order.

Do the same.

1 She noticed the spelling mistake. They didn't upset the customer.

2 She saw it in time. They didn't send the letter.

3 She checked the letter. They didn't post it.


Ruth Hi, Debbie. Did you have a good day, today?

Debbie No, I didn't. I'm glad today's over! Everything went wrong!

Ruth Really?

Debbie Yes, I made a lot of typing errors, then I forgot to send a telex and I offended Bob because 1 ignored him in the street.

Ruth Why was that?

Debbie It was that party last night. If I hadn't gone to bed late, it wouldn't have been such an awful day. I'm having an early night tonight!



I went to a party ./I went to bed late./I forgot to set the alarm./I got up late./I missed the bus./I was late for work./

I've had a bad day./I forgot to send a telex./I made a typing error.

If I hadn't gone to the party, none of these things would have happened.

If I hadn't gone to a party, I wouldn't have gone to bed late. Make eight sentences.


Упражнение 5. Ознакомьтесь с приведенными ниже ситуациями. Предложите свои варианты выхода из затруднительного положения. Начните со слов: If I were you ……………….

You have an important business meeting this afternoon, but you are not feeling well.

Your boss entrusted you with a highly confidential report to read over the weekend. You now cannot find it and think you may have left it on the train.

You have been sent to a foreign country to negotiate an important new contract for your firm. However, during the negotiations your counterpart makes it clear to you that if your company is to be selected then he will need a personal cash contribution (a bribe) from you.

You lied on your CV about you qualifications in order to get the job you wanted. You have just been offered the job, but your new employer has asked to see your certificates.


TEXT A. Прочтите текст, переведите его.


Two of the most important pieces of information contained in every annual report are: the balance sheet and the income statement. The balance sheet summarizes a company’s assets, what it owns; its liabilities, what it owes; and the net worth, the difference between the two sums at a given time.

Assets include:

current assets; money in the bank, investments that can easily be turned into money, money that customers owe, stocks of goods that are going to be sold.

fixed assets: equipment, machinery, buildings and land.

intangible assets: things which you cannot see. For example, goodwill: a company’s good reputation with existing customers, and brands; established brands have the power to earn money.

The value of an asset at any one time is its book value. This isn’t necessarily the amount that it could be sold for at that time. For example, land or buildings may be worth more than shown in the accounts, because they have increased in value. But computers could only be sold for less than book value.

Assets such as machinery and equipment lose value over time because they wear out, or are no longer up-to-date. This is called depreciation or amortization. For example, when we buy new computers, we depreciate them or amortize them over a very short period, usually three years, and a charge for this is shown down in the financial records; the value of the equipment is written off completely at the end.

Liabilities are a company’s debts to suppliers, lenders, the tax authorities, etc. Debts that have to be paid within a year are current liabilities,  and those payable in more than a year are long-term liabilities, for example bank loans.

A company’s balance sheet gives a picture of its assets and liabilities at the end of a particular period, usually the 12-month period of its financial year. This is not necessarily January to December.

For every business the things that it owns are assets, and those that it owes are liabilities. The difference between the two, which is how much more the business owns than it owes, is its net worth. In other words:


assets – liabilities = net worth

or  assets = liabilities + net worth

The Income Statement, or profit-and-loss statement as it is also called, shows how much a business has made or lost over a period of time (usually a year).


TEXT B. Прочтите текст и подберите к нему подходящий заголовок из предложенных.

(Part I)

                       When in Rome…                                            Problems that business people face

                       Travelling abroad                                            Good manners, good business

                       Doing business in Europe                                 I didn’t mean to be rude!


Nobody actually wants to cause offence but, as business becomes ever more international, it is increasingly easy to get it wrong. There may be a single European market but it does not mean that managers behave the same in Greece as they do in Denmark.

In many European countries handshaking is an automatic gesture. In France good manners require that on arriving at a business meeting a manager shakes hands with everyone present.

Handshaking is almost as popular in other countries including Germany, Belgium and Italy. 'But Northern Europeans, such as the British and Scandinavians, are not quite so fond of physical demonstrations of friendliness.

In Europe the most common challenge is not the content of the food, but the way you behave as you eat. Some things are just not done. In France it is not good manners to raise questions of business over the main course. Business has its place: after the cheese course. Unless you are prepared to eat in silence you have to talk about something -something, that is, other than the business deal .

Italians give similar importance to the whole process of business entertaining. In fact, in Italy the biggest fear, as course after course appears, is that you entirely forget you are there on business. If you have the energy, you can always do the polite thing when the meal finally ends, and offer to pay. Then, after a lively discussion, you must remember the next polite thing to do - let your host pick up the bill.


Упражнение 6. Отметьте, какие из ниже приведенных высказываний соответствуют содержанию текста, а какие нет.

1.In France you are expected to shake hands with everyone you meet.

2 People in Britain shake hands just as much as people in Germany.

3 In France people prefer talking about business during meals.

4 It is not polite to insist on paying for a meal if you are in Italy.

5. Managers behave the same throughout the world.


TEXT C. Прочтите текст и заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими контексту.

When he was twenty-four, Martin Smith inherited one million pounds (0) on the death of his grandmother. He had known (1) ___ several years that he (2) ___ inherit a large sum of money but he was surprised at (3) ___ large it turned out to be. His life (4) ___ been affected by the money before he received it. After leaving university, at the age of twenty-one, he made (5) ___ .serious attempt to start a career because he thought his inheritance would make (6) ___ unnecessary.

Martin began to enjoy a lavish lifestyle. He held extravagant parties and had (7) ___ of friends. “But they were not true friends,” says Martin. They just wanted to help me spend my money. Sometimes I think people really (8) ___ advantage of me.” Once he bought a 5,000 pounds stereo system. I was stolen from his flat the next day. He bought (9) ___ one and that was stolen too. “I’m sure (10) ___ was giving information to the thieves,” says Martin.

In (11) ___ than two years Martin had spent (12) ___ the money and was in debt. He had to get a job in a supermarket to (13) ___ ends meet. He now accepts that he must work for his (14) ___ but has not given up his dreams of wealth. “I bought a lottery ticket recently,” he said. “If I won, I’d have a better idea (15) ___ to do with the money next time.”


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