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Сравнительная и превосходная степень имеется только у качественных прилагательных и наречий, образованных от них.

Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий образуются по одному из трех способов:

а)  при помощи суффиксов;

б) при помощи усилительных наречий без изменения формы прилагательного или наречия;

в) путем изменения самого прилагательного или наречия.

1. Односложные прилагательные









Сравнительная степень





Превосходная степень

the calmest

the oldest

the hottest

the wettest


При помощи суффиксов сравнительная и превосходная степень образуется также от двусложных прилагательных, таких как:

1. tidy - tidier -  the tidiest

2. clever - cleverer - the cleverest

3. slow – slower – the slowest

4. simple – simpler – the simplest

Следует запомнить, что

перед прибавлением суффиксов –er и –est

a) немая ‘e’ опускается: large - larger - the largest

в) конечная согласная удваивается, если ей предшествует ударный краткий гласный: thin - thinner - the thinnest (но: clean - cleaner - the cleanest)

с) конечная буква «у» меняется на «i» если ей предшествует согласная: early - earlier - the earliest (но: gay – gayer - the gayest)

2. Многосложные и двухсложные прилагательные, а также наречия, оканчивающиеся на –ly


Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень


more expensive

the most expensive

less expensive

the least expensive


more modern

the most modern

less modern

the least modern


more easily

the most easily


Особые формы сравнительной и превосходной степени

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень



(the) best



(the) worst



(the) least



(the) most



farther (более далекий,дальше)

(the) farthest (самый далёкий, дальше всего)

further (дальнейший, далее)

(the) furthest=farthest


4. Сравнительные конструкции

as ……as

такой же (так же) ……..как

not so\ as…as

не такой ( не так) ……..как

twice\three times, etc.\as + adjective+as

в два\три раза

the same ….as

такой же как

the+comparative…, the +comparative


less+ (adjective)… than


the least +(adjective) ….of\in



более и более


Martha is as pretty as Julie

Tony isn’t as lazy as Carol.

Our new flat is three times as big as our old one.

I am the same age as Maggie.

The sooner he arrives, the better.

The wooden chair is less comfortable thаn the leather armchair.

Mr Morris is the least experienced manager in our company.

The music got louder and louder as the party went on.


Упражнение 1. Определите, в какой форме должно стоять прилагательное или наречие в скобках

1. In your opinion, what is (stressful) aspect of being a doctor?

2. I think women drive (carefully) than men.

3. Please talk a bit (quietly). You are disturbing everyone.

4. He feels much (fit) since he stopped smoking.

5. There is nothing (annoying) than losing one s door key.

6. Michael prefers to be alone. He is (sociable) person in the office.

7. He did not do very well, but at least he tried (hard) than last time.

8. It was the (bad) movie I have seen in a long time.

9. I bought her (expensive) present I could afford.


Упражнение 2. Запомните эти пословицы. Приведите их русские эквиваленты:

Two heads are better than one

His eyes are bigger than his stomach.

We must hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Better late than never.

More haste, less speed.

It is better to do well than to say well.

Actions speak louder than words.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Blood is thicker than water.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Bold business plays best.


Упражнение 3. Перефразируйте второе предложение в каждой паре предложений, данных ниже, с помощью слова, выделенного курсивом. Для этого вам потребуется от 2 до 5 слов

1. Mary has more experience than Sally as Sally does not Mary.

2. Patrick is certainly more punctual than David. not David Patrick.

3. John is not as well qualified as Sally. than Sally John.

4. My interview lasted much longer than yours. long Your interview mine.

5. Rod has got more experience than Sue. much experience as Rod.

6. Lynda seemed more reliable than Liz. as Liz did not Lynda.

7. Sandra was more enthusiastic than Jeff. not Jeff. Sandra.

8. Danny writes more clearly than Karen. as Karen does not.Danny.

9. David earns the same amount money as me. much David earns I do.

10. The house is more expensive than the flat. less The flat the house.


Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях,  следуя примеру.

1. The plane got further and further (far) away until I couldn’t see it any longer.

2. (many) people are asking interest in environmental issues these days.

3. He tried (hard) until he finally managed to open the door of the old house.

4. (much) you study, (knowledgeable) you will become.

5. (much) she practices, (good) she gets.


TEXT A. Прочтите текст, переведите его и ответьте на вопросы, приведенные ниже.


One of the things that young people discover as they grow older is that you can not have everything. You are reminded of it every time you shop. Although you may see twenty or thirty items that you would really like to buy, you know that you will have to limit your selection to one or two. Everyone goes through life having to make choices. Every business must pick and choose from among the things they would like to have, because, like you and me, they cannot have everything. Governments, too, cannot have everything. Every year the most important polititcal debates concern issues of spending taxpayers money. Neither individuals nor societies can have all the things they would like to have. There simply is not enough of everything to go around .Economists note that there is no limit to the amount or kinds of things that people want. There is, however, a limit to the resources, things used to produce goods and services, available to satisfy those wants.

For that reason individuals, business firms, and governments must choose among the things that  they would like in order to get the most from their resources. With this in mind, we can define economics as the social science that describes and analyzes how society chooses from among scarce resources to satisfy its wants.

Thus every society must solve the fundamental economic questions:

What goods and services are to be produced ?

How are they to be produced ?

Who will receive them ?

The way in which a society goes about answering those fundamental questions is known as its economic system. Economic systems may be classified as traditional, command., or market systems. As the names suggest, resources are distributed in a traditional economy in accordance with tradition and in a command economy by government planners. Resources in a market economy are allocated in accordance with the laws of supply and demand.


Вопросы к тексту:

1. Why must all societies deal with scarcity?

2. Why is economics called the ‘study of scarcity and choice?

3. How do different economic systems cope with the problem of scarcity?


Запомните следующие слова:

scarcity                         дефицит, нехватка.

taxpayer                       налогоплательщик

available                       имеющийся в наличии, распоряжении.

supply                          предложение.

demand                        спрос.


TEXT B. Прочтите текст, переведите его и ответьте на вопросы, приведенные ниже


At the age of sixteen Simon Turner was a pupil at one of Britain s best and most expensive public schools. He was about to take his exams and expected to go to university.

Simon s world was turned upside down when his parents took him away from the school because they could no longer afford to pay the fees. Simon s father s business had been doing very badly. The family moved to a much smaller house and Simon attended a state school, but worse was to come. The stress was too much for his father and he died suddenly. The business had already gone bankrupt and obviously he was overwhelmed by a sense of failure.

When the company s assets had been sold to pay off the debts, there remained one small workshop and a few machines, which Simon inherited. In fact, it was the original workshop where his great-grandfather started the business in 1930.

Walking around it one day Simon made an important decision. He decided to keep the family business going. He left school and tried to borrow money from the banks. But the banks just laughed at him because the boy was still under eighteen.

And then Simon had an idea. Some of their former workers had got new jobs but many were still unemployed. Simon made them an offer. If they worked for him without pay for one year, he would pay those two years salary when the company was a success. Most of them did not take him seriously and did not want to take the risk but he managed to persuade six of them to join him, so they started producing furniture again.

Simon discovered some of his great-grandfather s original designs and copied them. This style of furniture turned out to be popular and soon they could hardly cope with the demand. For the first two years he worked eighteen hours a day. He was the manager, the designer, the accountant and the salesman. He knew nothing about running a business and had to pick up skills as he went along.

That was six years ago. Simon, still only twenty-four, has succeeded in doing what he set out to do. He employs one hundred workers and sells millions of pounds worth of furniture every year.

Looking back, I know I took a big risk, but we managed to make a go of it. I am really proud that I have kept the family name alive.

Вопросы к тексту:

1. Was Simon glad to leave public school ?

2. Did the collapse of the business come as a surprise to him?

3. Was Simon s decision to keep the business going made on impulse?

4. Were the banks immediately helpful?

5. Did the majority of his father s workers find Simon s offer tempting?

6. How did Simon manage to cope with the demand?

7. Is the business doing well now?

8. How would you feel and what would you do if you were forced to stop studying before your studies were completed?


TEXT C. Прочтите текст и ответьте на  вопросы, приведенные ниже.

The students at a certain American university used to play tricks on each other when one of them was going to receive his first visit from a new girlfriend. Usually the trick was to take all the furniture out of the student s room. So that when his girlfriend arrived, there was nothing to sit on.

Ted Jones was a country boy who had never left his birthplace until his admission to the university. When he arrived there for the first time and heard about this behavior, he disliked it and announced to the other students, “I am determined that that s not going to happen to me. I am going to lock my door”. His confident words were greeted with laughter by the other students.

When Ted brought his girlfriend to his room for the first time, he was astonished to find that all the furniture was there - but the door of his room was gone.


Вопросы к тексту:

1. When did the students play tricks on each other?

2. What was the usual trick?

3. What kind of person was Ted Jones?

4 What did he think of the student’s tricks?

5. What did he say very confidently?

6. How did the other students answer?

7. What happened when Ted brought his girlfriend to his room?


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