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Мет.указ. по проведению ПЗ(для всех спец-тей).doc
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2. Learn the following words by heart:

good-looking – красивый, миловидный

slim – стройный

experienced – опытный, квалифицированный, со стажем

broad-shouldered – широкоплечий

tо play the guitar – играть на гитаре

to repair – чинить, исправлять

to be handy with smth – уметь делать что-либо, быть искусным в чем-либо

to take to pieces – разбирать на части

to manage – суметь, справиться, ухитриться

wheels and screws – колесики и винтики

to fix – чинить, исправлять

vacuum cleaner – пылесос

washing machine – стиральная машина

fridge – холодильник

and what not – и так далее, и тому подобное

to have much in common – иметь мною общего

views on smth – взгляды на …

3. Translate into English and learn by heart:

Фильм ужасов; "мыльная опера"/ многосерийная мелодрама; мнение; воспитание; заботиться о ком-либо; она хорошо готовит; у нее умелые руки; убирать; пенсионер; вести хозяйство; вязать; бухгалтер; ученый; близнецы; детский сад; быть похожим / пойти в кого-либо из родителей; светловолосый; уравновешенный; быть в хорошем настроении; быть сильно привязанным к кому-либо; быть в хороших отношениях; ладить друг с другом.

4. Find the equivalents:

1. быть похожим

2. опытный

3. пылесос

4. увлекаться чем – либо

5. стиральная машина

6. широкоплечий

7. стройный

8. убирать

9. играть на гитаре

10. холодильник

a. to be fond of smth

b. vacuum cleaner

c. to play the guitar

d. fridge

e. experienced

f. to take after

g. broad-shouldered

h. to tidy

i. slim

j. washing machine

5. Complete the following sentences:

1. My parents have the same opinion about….

2. My mother keeps house and….

3. My grandmother lives with us and….

4. She is a good-looking woman with….

5. She is forty-four and….

6. My mother knows all about….

7. She is very good at cooking and….

8. My father and I try to help her with….

9. We are deeply attached to each other and….

10. He wants to become a doctor but….

6. Read and translate the dialogue, try to make up your own one


– Your name is George Scott, isn’t it?

– Yes, it is. I am an electronic engineer. I live and work in New York. And what’s your name?

– My name is Peter Brook. I am an editor. I live and work in San Francisco.

– You are married, aren’t you?

– Oh, yes. I am married and I’ve got two daughters.

– What a coincidence! I’ve got two daughters, too: Helen and Mary. What are your daughters’ names?

– They are Susan and Jane. Susan is ten years old and Jane is eight. They both go to a private school. Do your daughters go to school?

– Not yet. Helen is five years old and Mary is three.

– They are at home, aren't they?

– Sure. My wife Joan doesn’t work now. She runs the house and looks after the children. Emily is the name of my wife. She is a designer. She adores her trade and dreams of going to her office again. But she can’t for the time being.

– It’s only natural. Nowadays very few women are satisfied with being housewives. My wife whose name is Nancy is a teacher of Russian. She works at a college.

– Do you have any brothers or sisters?

– Unfortunately not. I am the only child in the family. I’ve got a cousin who lives in Chicago. We are on friendly terms.

– I have got a sister. She is much younger than I am. She lives with our parents in Los Angeles. I’ve seen very little of her of late.

– Los Angeles is a beautiful city. My aunt lives there and I visit her from time to time.

– It’s a long time since I went to Los Angeles.

– Too bad!