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The iSQL*Plus Log In Screen

The iSQL*Plus Log In Screen

After you have successfully connected to iSQL*Plus, the Log In screen is displayed:

Different web browsers, and the size of the web browser window, may affect the appearance and layout of the Log In screen.

Help Icon Click the Help icon to access the iSQL*Plus User’s Guide and Reference in a separate browser window.

Username: Enter a valid username to connect to Oracle9i. You can optionally enter your password separated by a / after the username.

Password: Enter a valid password for the username. Your password is not displayed.

Connection Identifier: Leave this field blank to use the default Oracle database if one exists, otherwise enter a connection identifier to specify a remote database you want to connect to. You can use either a TNS alias, or the full connect identifier, for example:



If you use a TNS alias, it must be specified on the machine running the iSQL*Plus Server, which may not be the same machine from which you run your web browser.

3-2 iSQL*Plus User’s Guide and Reference

The iSQL*Plus Log In Screen

Privilege: The Privilege dropdown list has three options:

User—is the default connection. iSQL*Plus connects to the specified database with no administrator privileges.

AS SYSDBA—connects to the specified database with SYSDBA privileges.

AS SYSOPER—connects to the specified database with SYSOPER privileges.

To connect with either SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges, your username and password must be added to the Oracle HTTP Server authentication file. For further information about connection privileges, see "Using Administration Privileges" in Chapter 2.

Log In Click the Log In button to log in to iSQL*Plus with the supplied username, password, connection identifier and privilege.

Clear Click the Clear button to clear the fields on the Log In screen and allow you to re-enter login details.

The iSQL*Plus User Interface 3-3

Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 9.0.1