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Причастие и причастные обороты (The Participle and the Participle Constructions) 9

Формы причастия 9

Функции причастия в предложении 9

Независимый причастный оборот

(The Absolute Participle Construction) 10

Using the Earth's Resources 13

Words to the text "Oil Industry" 14

Oil industry 19

Remember, when measuring something the following words are used: 22

UNIT 2 29

Инфинитив и инфинитивные конструкции (The Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions) ..33

Формы инфинитива 33

Функции инфинитива в предложении 33

Конструкция "Сложное дополнение с инфинитивом"

(The Complex Object Construction) 34

Конструкция "Сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом"

(The Complex Subject with the Infinitive) 36

Глаголы-сказуемые в предложениях с конструкцией

"сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом" 36

TheColourofOil 38

Words to the text "OIL BUSINESS" 38

Oil Business 43

"Creekology" 52

UNIT3 53

Герундий (The Gerund) 54

Формы герундия 54

Функции герундия в предложении 54

Герундиальные конструкции

(The Gerundial Constructions) 55

Words to the text «Natural Gas» 59

Natural GAS , 61

TextA 66

TextB 66

TextC 66

TextD 67

TextE 67

TextF , 67

TextG 68

TextH,. 68

Text I... 68

UNIT4 72

Conditional Sentences (Условные предложения) 74

Союзы, вводящие условные предложения 74

Бессоюзные условные предложения (II и III типы) 74

Сослагательное наклонение (The Subjunctive Mood) 75

Role ofimported oil in industrialized countries 77

Words to the text «ECOLOGY» 78


UNIT 5 91

Why Engineering? 93

Words to the text "University" 94

University 96

Abbreviations 108


Литература 124



Oil Industry


The Participle and the Participle



Revision: The Passive Voice Construction

Ex.1 Read the foUowing international words and word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

a) industry

['mdsstri] standards



['enstfti] export



['beisis] operation



['aesfaelt] globe


local ~

['loukal] continent



[di'pozit] resource



['limit] inspect



[.eksploi'teijan] specific



[,inta'naejanl] production


b) industrial civilization [m'dAStnal ^sivilai'zeijan]

energy basis

['enadji 'beisis]

localized territory ['loukslaizd 'tentari]

international industry [.mts'nsejsnl 'mdsstn]

national export

['naejanl 'eksport]

commercial production [ka'mstjsl prs'dAkjan]

global resources ['gloubsl n'saisiz]

Petroleum Engineering


Unit 1

Ex.2 Read the following noun

'increase (n)

— in'crease(v)


— de'crease


— ex'port




— transport




— re'cord

Ex. 3 State the part of speech of the underlined words. Translate the sentences.

  1. Temperature increase results in global warming.

  2. Temperature increases the rate of the reaction.

  3. Metro is the fastest means of city transport.

  4. Ocean going ships transport oil all over the world.

  5. Russia exports about 4.3 million b/d of crude and refined products, mainly to Europe and the US.

  6. Russia's export of gas reached 135 bcm in 2000.

  7. Export pipelines have the highest throughput, often reaching 101 -103% of its capacity.

Ex. 4 Translate the sentences. Mind the Voice of the predicate.

  1. The development of the Turkish national economy will be much influenced by the construction of the Russian new gas pipeline «Blue Stream».

  2. Oil and gas are forced up the well into the separation system.

  3. The speaker was listened to with great attention.

  4. Oil is being looked for in all the continents.

  5. Petroleum is referred to as one of the most valuable natural resources in the world.

  6. The test results can be relied on.

  7. It should be noted that oil is looked upon as the main raw material for the chemical industry.

  8. The properties of metals are affected by temperature, pressure and other factors.

  9. The idea of horizontal wells originated in the 1930s wasn't paid much attention to until the 1950s.

  10. The process of distillation was followed by other refining processes.

  11. Many important problems were touched upon during the annual meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).

Ex. 5 Use the Impersonal Passive Structures to express the same idea according to themodel. Complete the sentences.

e. g. They say that... - It is said that... - говорят, что .

We consider that..., they noted that..., they found that..., they can mention that..., they may report; we suggest; we should know; they believe.


Petroleum Engineering

Unit 1

Соседние файлы в папке книга ин яз вся