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4. Fill in the gaps:

a) slant, b) letter spacing, c) handwriting samples, d) handwriting, e) individual characteristics, f) identification, g) pressure, h) class characteristics

1. The author of the letter is an ambitious achiever, because his _________ is dynamic, strong and cheerful.

2. Handwriting ____________ was one of the factors that led to the capture of the criminal.

3. We developed _________________ that are unique to us and distinguish our handwriting from someone else's.

4. Handwriting identification is a comparison analysis of the questioned writing with known ____________.

5. Different writing characteristics are called handwriting indicators or writing traits. Examples include writing size, __________ and _______________.

6. _______________ belong to the system or style of writing the person learned. They may also be forms or features added to letters by environmental or cultural influences.

7. People who write with wide _______________ reach out to the world and to others. They ask for help when they need it, and are willing to try new things.

5. Find synonyms from the text to the following words:

pattern, slope, to establish, counterfeit, orthography, penmanship.

6. Complete the sentences according to the text:

  • Handwriting contains …..

  • The forensic scientist looks at ….

  • Class characteristics are those which ….

  • Individual characteristics are those which ….

  • When a forensic scientist suspects a person in a forgery case ….

  • If the forensic scientist has enough handwriting samples from the suspect ….

7. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the meanings of the phrasal verb ‘look’:

1. The forensic scientist looks for is the way the lines form the letters.

2. When analyzing writing style, the forensic scientist looks at the handwriting in general.

3. He looks at strokes, pressure, slants, heights, loops, letter spacing, dotted "i's" and crossed "t's".

4. A forensic scientist also looks to see if people make ornaments such as circles.

5. He looked through the questioned document.

6. Look ahead! This laboratory experiment is very dangerous.

7. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

8. Translate into English:

1. Почерковедение в криминалистике изучает почерк, разрабатывает методы его исследования с целью раскрытия преступлений или установления конкретных обстоятельств по гражданским делам.

2. Общие признаки почерка характеризуют почерк определенного лица в целом и включают наклон, размер букв, нажим и т. д.

3. Частные признаки почеркаотражают особенности движений при написании отдельных букв и их элементов (штрихов).

4. Для проведения экспертизы, ученые отбирают образцы почерка лиц, подозреваемых в подлоге.

5. Эксперты утверждают, что по почерку можно определить эмоциональное состояние человека, его настроение.

6. Криминалисты, исследуя документ, анализируют его стиль, орфографию, пунктуацию, грамматику, общие и частные признаки почерка.