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2. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

To assume security responsibilities; minority; to enforce; legitimacy; majority; endorsement; North Atlantic Council; decision-making body; unilateral; to violate; might; authorization; to prevent smb from doing smth; a poll; to conduct; to abuse; the letter and spirit; to raise a question.

3. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Орган, ответственный за принятие решений; меньшинство; злоупотреблять чем-либо; поддержка; взять на себя ответственность за безопасность; большинство; законность; проводить (опрос); односторонний; опрос общественного мнения; нарушать; сила/мощь; дух и буква; поднимать/ставить вопрос; заставлять/навязывать; Североатлантический совет; одобрение; мешать кому-либо делать что-либо.

4. Read the article again and complete the following sentences using the active vocabulary.

  1. NATO is trying to assume...

  2. NATO's nature raises questions about its...

  3. A group of states is trying to enforce...

  4. The Kosovo war did not receive any endorsement...

  5. NATO acted on the basis of a vote in the North Atlantic Council which is...

  6. NATO's unilateral action violated ...

  7. The alliance is willing to enforce its rules with...

  8. The alliance began the air war without...

  9. There was worry in Moscow, that theoretically nothing prevents the alliance from...

  10. In polls conducted in April 1999, from 70 to 73 per cent of Russians believed...

  11. Fears that NATO may abuse...

5. Answer the questions on the article.

  1. Is NATO the largest security organization in Europe?

  2. What questions does NATO's nature raise?

  3. What did a group of states try to enforce among other Europe's states?

  4. What body endorsed the Kosovo war?

  5. What did NATO unilateral action violate?

  6. How is NATO willing to enforce its rules?

  7. What was Moscow worry about?

  8. What did the polls of 1999 indicate? 9) What are fears of NATO based on?

6. Using the given «package words» express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements.

Agreement: I can't agree more./I agree with you./Yes, it's true.

Disagreement: I'm afraid it's not quite true./I'm sorry, you're mistaken./I don't see eye to eye with you on smth.

  1. NATO is Europe's largest security organization.

  2. The Kosovo war did not receive the endorsement of the United Nation's Security Council.

  3. NATO's unilateral action violated if not the letter, then the spirit, of the UN Charter.

  4. NATO keeps away from enforcing its rules with military might.

7. Using the active vocabulary render the article in English.

8. Comment on the following statements.

  1. NATO is the right organization to assume the regional security responsibilities in Europe.

  2. The alliance's selective nature inevitably raises questions about its legitimacy.

  3. NATO is willing to enforce its rules with military might, and as such it inevitably arouses suspicions among some neighbors.

  4. Fears that NATO may potentially abuse its military might have translated into tensions and insecurity in Europe.

  5. Europe would be better off with a collective security organization instead of NATO.

  6. As the enforcer NATO could be causing more damage than good through the methods it uses.


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