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Expression of the Pontian culture must be saved

Describing this situation, the International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples (LIDLIP) would like to insist on the lack of freedom of expression of a particular people, the Pontians in present-day Turkey. This situation ought to be known by the international community. Further, interventions towards its alleviation is a step for safeguarding a living culture which has enriched mankind.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Ethnic cleansing; to be deprived of; to enhance; a harsh measure; to distort; a descent; to be subjected to; surveillance; intact; brutal; to run a risk of; to be sentenced to; to eliminate; an alleviation; to safeguard.

3. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Reproduce the sentences from the article with them.

Ослабление; быть лишенным чего-либо; защищать; убрать (устранить); укреплять; наблюдение; нетронутый; жестокий; этническая чистка; рисковать; происхождение; быть приговоренным к; подвергаться; искажать; жесткая мера.

4. Read the article again and answer the questions using the active vocabulary.

  1. What is the non-government organization LIDLIP concerned about?

  2. When did the Pontian ethnic cleansing take place?

  3. What rights are Pontians deprived of?

  4. Has the sense of Pontians' particular identity weakened recently?

  5. What sort of measures do Turkish authorities take?

  6. What attempts do pseudo-scientists make?

  7. What are Pontian travelers from Greece subjected to?

  8. What did Pontian people preserve intact?

  9. What do students of Pontian descent run a risk of?

  10. What measure is necessary to safeguard the Pontian culture according to LIDLIP?

5. Imagine that you work for lidlip and using the article make a formal report on the case of the Pontians at the un Commission on Human Rights including the following:

  1. A summary of the problems the Pontians face in Turkey today.

  2. Your proposals for the Turkish authorities and the international community to improve the situation.

6. Translate the following text into English.

Госдепартамент США опубликовал заявление своего официального представителя о ситуации с беженцами из Чечни. «Мы приветствуем решение России не заставлять беженцев возвращаться в Чечню против воли. Возвращение на родину должно быть добровольным, без всякого давления или принуждения. Те, кто не желает возвращаться в Чечню, должны иметь возможность остаться в других областях России».

Американский дипломат также заявил, что в разрешении любой ситуации с беженцами должны принимать участие такие международные организации, как ООН и ОБСЕ. По его словам, их деятельность носит конструктивный характер и способствует улучшению гуманитарной обстановки в местах проживания беженцев.

Comment on the quotation:

«Treat the enemy that has been conquered with courtesy and generosity». (Kwan-Tsze)

Section с

1. Read the article and look up the meaning of the underlined words and phrases in the dictionary.

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