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4. Read the article again and answer the questions using the active vocabulary.

  1. Will the problem of the world food grain production have been resolved by 2015?

  2. Will the number of chronically malnourished people diminish in Sub- Saharan Africa?

  3. Where will the potential for famine still exist?

  4. What will the attitude of donors to provide relief be like?

  5. What will help to meet the nutrition needs of the poor in developing countries?

  6. What role did water play historically?

  7. What will the energy trend be like in global economy?

  8. What will global economic growth drive?

  9. Where will gas consumption be especially high?

  10. What are the most important oil producing regions and countries?

  11. What patterns will global energy markets have developed along?

  12. Will current environmental problems slacken?

  13. Why will greenhouse gas emissions increase substantially?

  14. How does this report describe the progress in dealing with environmental issues?

  15. Are environmental issues likely to have a major constraint on economic growth of developed countries?

  16. What problems will Russia and Ukraine face in their environment?

  17. Will the pressure on the environment increase according to this report?

5. Using the active vocabulary render the article in English.

  1. food resources;

  2. water resources;

  3. energy;

  4. environment.

6. Questions for discussion.

  1. Why is there popular and political opposition to the use of genetically modified crops in the EU countries?

  2. Do you agree that the possibility of conflict will increase because of water shortages?

  3. Why do you think Asia is forecasted to become the leading energy consumption region?

  4. Why will nuclear energy use remain at current levels?

  5. How do you think new transport routes for Caspian oil and gas exports bypassing Russia will affect Russian interests?

  6. Why will oil-producing countries continue their attempts to increase prices but are unlikely to achieve stable high prices?

  7. Why is progress in dealing with environmental issues forecasted as uneven?

  8. To what extent do you believe the assessment of the environment issues for

7. Make presentations on the topics below and answer the questions of the audience:

  1. How will natural resources and environment affect the world?

  2. Natural resources and environment in Russia by 2015.

8. Translate the following article into English.

Сегодня в условиях глобализации экономики знание иностранного языка является ключевым фактором успеха. И английский язык занимает лидирующее положение, так как еще со времен Адама Смита, известного экономиста XVIII века, является языком финансов.

С ростом финансовых рынков значение английского языка только возрастает. Это справедливо и для других областей, а не только тех, где английский язык используется традиционно — финансы и авиация. Так, распространение компьютерных технологий — особенно Интернета — привело к тому, что английский язык используется сейчас в самых отдаленных уголках мира. Молодое поколение в Сеуле, Софии, Сантьяго растет с хорошим знанием английского языка.

В глобальном мире знание английского языка — необходимое условие высокооплачиваемой работы и успешной карьеры в бизнесе.

Даже антиглобалисты отдают должное английскому языку. Выходя с протестами на улицу, они несут лозунги, написанные по-английски, косвенно подтверждая, что процесс глобализации уже необратим.

Comment on the quotation:

«Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding». (Albert Einstein)

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