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2. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Foundations; to benefit; a long-term strategy; to take actions; to ensure smth; a benefit; to contribute to; to require; realm; justice.

3. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Принимать меры; долгосрочная программа/стратегия; приносить пользу; основа/фундамент; требовать; выгода/польза; справедливость; область/сфера; обеспечивать; способствовать/вносить вклад.

4. Say whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use introductory phrases for agreement and disagreement.

Agreement: Yes, I agree with it. /I can't agree more. /Absolutely/It's obvious /Exactly.

Disagreement: I'm afraid I can't agree. /I'm sorry, but that's not quite right. /To my mind it's wrong.

  1. There is no denying that globalization will bring economic benefits to all.

  2. Globalization doesn't carry any risks.

  3. Globalization could be the answer to many of the world's hard problems.

  4. To ensure equality and justice strong democratic foundations are needed.

  5. You won't be able to move fast enough in a global world.

  6. Women are playing a central role in contributing to global economy.

  7. Business and politics are the two realms that are dominated by men.

  8. We can make globalization work for all today.

5. Questions for discussion.

  1. What role do women play in the modern world? Is this role changing?

  2. Are the fruits of globalization available to all? Can it bring real benefits to poor nations?

  3. What risks can globalization bring?

  4. Why do you think women are still not fairly represented in the global economy?

  5. Can you open up your country and at the same time protect your national industry?

  6. Do you think globalization is a natural process?


Translate the following texts into English.


Приведет ли глобализация к более справедливому распределению богатства в мире? Независимо от того, что могут говорить критики глобализации, она скорее всего не приведет нас к неравенству. Если же такое случится, то глобализация потерпит неудачу.


В эпоху глобализации возрастет роль ООН и некоторых региональных организаций в улаживании внутренних конфликтов, так как ведущие державы в силу своих собственных проблем, отсутствия доброй воли или ограниченности ресурсов постараются минимизировать свое прямое вовлечение во внутренние конфликты других стран.


Однако глобализация может ослабить некоторые страны. Дело в том, что распространение рыночных отношений опережает возможности некоторых стран, где отсутствует рыночная экономика, адаптироваться к этим отношениям. Тем более глобализация не может влиять на политические системы этих стран.



1. Read the article and look up the underlined words and phrases in the dictionary.

Global Trends 2015:

A dialogue about the future with non-government experts

The international system in 2015 will be shaped by some trends: population; natural resources and the environment; science and technology; the global economy and globalization; national and international governance; the nature of conflict; and the role of the United States. These trends will influence the capacities, priorities, and behavior of states and societies and thus substantially define the international security environment.

Population trends

The world in 2015 will be populated by some 7.2 billion people, up from 6.1 billion in the year 2000. The rate of world population growth, however, will have diminished from 1. 7 per cent annually in 1985, to 1.3 per cent today, to approximately 1 per cent in 2015.

Increased life expectancy will contribute to a shift towards an aging population in high-income developed countries. Beyond that, demographic trends will sharply diverge. More than 95 per cent of the increase in world population will be found in developing countries, nearly all in fast expanding urban areas.

  • India's population will grow from 900 million to more than 1.2 billion by 2015; Pakistan's probably will go up from 140 million now to about 195 million.

  • Some countries in Africa with high rates of AIDS will experience reduced population growth or even declining populations despite relatively high birthrates. In South Africa, for example, the population is projected to drop from 43.4 million in 2000 to 38.7 million in 2015.

Russia and many post-Communist countries of Eastern Europe will have declining populations. As a result of high mortality and low birthrates, Russia's population may drop from its current 146.5 million to as low as 130 to 135 million in 2015, while the neighboring states of Central Asia will experience continued population growth. In Japan and West European countries such as Italy and Spain, populations also will decline in the absence of sharp increases in birthrates or immigration.

  • North America, Australia, and New Zealand — the traditional magnets for migrants — will continue to have the highest rates of population growth among the developed countries, with annual population growth rates between 0.7 per cent and 1.0 per cent.

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