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textbook 1 for beginners от 24.08.doc
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IX. Заполните пропуски местоимениями many, much, few, little, a few, a little, a lot of, some, any:

1. There is ... milk on the table, ... cake and ... apples. — Is there ... juice? — No, there isn’t ... juice but there’s ... tea on the table. 2. Is there ... butter in that packet? - There’s ... 3. Are there ... apples in that bag? — There are ..... Why? — Well, I need ... for my cake. 4. I need ... milk. — There is ... . Is that enough? — That’s O.K. 5. We haven’t got ... potatoes. But there’s ... rice. 8. How ... milk is there? There’s too ... and we haven’t got ... cheese, but there’s ... butter and ... fruit. 9. There’s ... bread left. 10. How ...sandwiches are there on the plate? 10. We need ... eggs and ... milk. 11. My sister put … salt in the soup. 12. She doesn’t want to drink this tea. There is too … sugar in it.

X. Вставьте some или any. Затем воспроизведите этот диалог в парах.

Peter: Hello Julia, are you ready for the party?

Julia: I’ve got some lemonade, ________ orange juice and lots of food.

Peter: Have you got ______ cakes?

Julia: No, I must buy ______ . I must also buy _______ sweets.

Peter: Have you got __________ decorations?

Julia: No, I haven’t, but I’m going to buy _________ of those, too.

XI. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я люблю чай с лимоном. 2. Я очень хочу пить, дай мне чашку молока, пожалуйста. 3. Дома есть масло? 4. Англичане любят пить чай с молоком, а русские любят с лимоном. 5. Во сколько ты обычно завтракаешь? 6. Вчера я ел яйца на завтрак. 7. Ты любишь чай или кофе? 8. Какой сок ты предпочитаешь? 9. Мое любимое блюдо - мясо с картофелем. 10. Какое твое любимое блюдо? 11. Я голоден, давай сходим пообедать.

XII. Вставьте many, much или a lot of.

1. There is ___________milk.

2. He has got _______________ money.

3. There isn’t ______________ sugar in this coffee.

4. Is there _______________ orange juice?

5. She has got _____________ books in her bag.

6. Have you got ______________ friends?

7. There aren’t _______________ cakes in the packet.

8. We haven’t got _____________ bread.

9. Are there _______________ houses in this street?

10. There isn’t _____________ pepper in the soup.

11. Is there _______________ tea in the cup?

12. How __________ apples are there in the cake?

XIII. Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. We (to go) to Italy in 2000. 2. He (to come) home late. 3. Our children (to meet) their grandparents last year. 4. I (to work) at school 3 years ago. 5. He (to eat) meat yesterday. 6. I (not to cook) my breakfast. 7. Where you (to go) last week? 8. She (to have) dinner at her office. 9. My friend (to live) in America 2 years ago. 10. Yesterday he (to wash) at a quarter past seven. 11. You (to live) in this house last year? 12. Your mother (to cook) supper yesterday?

XIV. Выберите подходящее местоимение:

1. I saw my brother. I saw (her, him). 2. I saw her at school, and she saw (you, me). 3. I don’t have this lesson. I don’t have (it, him). 4. He gave cakes me and my friends. He gave (him, us) some cakes. 5. You wanted to talk to him, but he didn’t want to talk to (you, him). 6. Tell John to call me. Tell (them, him) to call me. 7. Where did you put the book? Where did you put (her, it)? 8. I met your sisters last month. I met (them, us) last month.

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