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textbook 1 for beginners от 24.08.doc
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I. Прочитайте следующие слова вслух и объясните, по каким правилам они читаются.

a) quite, quick, quest, quiz, quits; small, fall, tall, call, all; chalk, walk, talk, stalk, calk; new, few, stew, pew, hew, pewter, news; write, wrest, wrung, wrist, wring, wreck, wrap, wry, wrong; English, angry, angle; high, right, night, bright, might, light, fight.

b) she, meek, reel, grim, happy, pony, sack, lad, darn, got, lard, pond, mule, bloom, butter, ugly, rudder, sink, mill, fuss, hobby, fly, cube, seep, pep, send, stove, made, Sam, pane, sand, plate, mean, heat, pine, sty, teach, close, clock, shelf, cock, tape, tone, bud, fun, fume, laid, bay, tube, far, hard, term, bird, skirt, thirsty, icy, free, party, peg, gent, peck, skin, single.

II. Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

[∫]: shave, shake, shame, she, ship, sheep, flash, smash, Shakespeare;

[θ]: tooth, teeth, toothpick, thanks, theme, thief, theft, third, thirsty, depth, tenth, faith;

[ð]: the, then, that, this, thane, them, thy, they, these, those, with, these, though.

III. Запомните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.

1. We're students. This is ___ classroom. The door in ____ classroom is white. 2. I’m at home now. ___ room is small, but it’s light and clean. These are ___ sisters. ___ names are Mary and Ann. 3. Open ___ books, please. 4. Sit down, Peter. ___ mark is “good”. 5 Is she a teacher? Are these boys and girls ___ pupils? 6. This man is an engineer. ___ surname’s Petrov.

IV. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1. What colour is ___ floor in your room? 2. Write ___ question on ___ blackboard, please. 3. Please open ___ window. 4. Please close ___ door. 5. Give him ___ piece of ___ chalk? 7. Where’s ___ chalk? 8. Where’s ___ Room Six? 9. ___ exercise-book is on ___ table.

V. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. It is our classroom. 2. It is a light room. 3. The walls in my room are yellow. 4. This cup is white. 5. They are new ties. 6. The table is at the window. 7. The chairs are at the table. 8. Klimov is our teacher. 9. It is an English newspaper.

VI. Перепишите предложения, как показано на примере.

This is my bag. - It is mine.

1. These are her books. 2. This is our car. 3. Those are his exercise-books. 4. This is your cup. 5. Those are their books.

VII. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. The walls ___ the rooms ___ my flat are yellow and blue. 2. Please go ___ the blackboard, Peter. He is ___ the blackboard now. 3. Take a piece ___ chalk ___ the table and write these words, please. 4. Please come ___ the room. 5. Please go ___ the classroom. 6. The blackboard is ___ the wall ___ our classroom. 7. Please put these matches ___ your bag. 8. Please open that book ___ page eight.

VIII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What color are the walls in your room?

2. Where’s the blackboard in this classroom?

3. Is this a table or a chair?

4. What color is the floor in this room?

5. What color are the chairs in this room?

6. Where’s your friend now?

7. Is your bag new?

8. Is teacher at the blackboard or at her table?

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