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textbook 1 for beginners от 24.08.doc
5.29 Mб

I. Выразите свое согласие или несогласие (It’s right or it’s wrong) со следующими утверждениями:

1. People took their food from the world around them.

2. In the central Europe people don’t eat so much meat, they eat more fish.

3. We transport food from one part of the world to the other.

4. Bananas come to Russia from the USA and Poland.

5. Chinese like to eat with their hands.

II. Напишите название овощей и фруктов

Vegetable Fruit

  1. beginning with the letter “p” …………….. ……………..

  2. beginning with the letter “o” …………….. ……………..

  3. beginning with the letter “b” …………….. ……………..

  4. beginning with the letter “c” …………….. ……………..

  5. beginning with the letter “t” ……………. ……………..

III. Какие слова лишние в каждой группе слов и почему?

  1. meat chicken fish onion

  2. milk cheese coffee butter

  3. apple beet cucumber potato

  4. sweet sugar cherry chocolate

  5. juice water tea soap

  6. bread salt banana beer

IV. Вставьте в предложения

a) and или or.

1. “An egg ___ tomato sandwich, please.

2. “Apple juice___ orange juice?” “Apple, please.”

3. “Milk ___ sugar?” “Milk, please. No sugar.”

4. “Two chocolate ___ one tea, please.

5. “Black ___white coffee?” “ White, please.”

b) is, isn’t, are, aren’t

  1. Sorry, there ____ any cheese.

  2. ____ there any apples on the table ?

  3. There ___ some eggs on the shelf.

  4. There ___ some porridge in the plate.

  5. ___ there any milk?

  6. This tea ___ cold. Can I have another cup?

V. Найдите названия продуктов.

VI. Вставьте фразы в диалог.

Anything else? That’s six fifty. Little or large?

You’re welcome. Anything to drink? Can I help you?

Server: ……………………………….

Customer: Yes, an egg and sausage, please.

Server: ………………………………….

Customer: Yes, a chocolate cake.

Server: …………………………………

Customer: Yes, please. A juice.

Server: …………………………….

Customer: Large.

Server: …………………………….

Customer: Thank you.

Server: …………………………….

VII. Спроси у своего партнера:

- Сколько раз в день вы едите?

- Что вы едите на завтрак?

- Где вы обычно обедаете?

- Во сколько вы ужинаете?

- Что вы предпочитаете: рыбу или мясо?

- Вы любите сладкое?

- Какое ваше любимое блюдо?

- Кто готовит в вашей семье?

- Что вы любите пить после обеда или ужина?

VIII. Прочитайте диалог по ролям и переведите.

Eating out

Ann: Hello!

John: Hi! How are you?

Ann: Ok! Thank you. And you?

John: Not bad, thanks.

Ann: I am too tired. I don’t want to cook.

John: Me too. Let’s go out.

Ann: How about Chinese food? I know a nice café not far from our place.

John: Well but I don’t like Chinese food.

Ann: It’s a pitty. Let’s go to the restaurant.

John: It’s too expensive1. What about pizza?

Ann: It’ s a good idea2. Let’s go to “Pizza Palace”.

  1. Expensive- дорогой 2. A good idea- хорошая идея

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