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Language activity

Exercise 1. Choose the right form of pronouns.

  1. Is this your/yours lens?

  2. The improved telescope was my/mine.

  3. I know their /theirs invention. But this one is our/ours.

  4. They are her/hers glasses.

  5. I gave him/his address to our/ ours friends.

  6. I locked my/mine bike. And they locked their/theirs.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the following verbs: burn, do, dry, concentrate, meet, blame, feel. Use myself/yourself, etc. only where necessary.

  1. I really … well today, much better than yesterday.

  2. Be careful. The pan is hot. Don’t … .

  3. It isn’t her fault. She really shouldn’t … .

  4. He climbed out of the pool and … .

5.I tried to study but I just couldn’t … .

6. Mary and Jack first … at a party five years ago.

7. “Do you want me to post this letter for you?” “No, I’ll … .”

Exercise 3. Insert prepositions of place: in, at, on.

  1. That man standing…the window is a well-known professor.

  2. I couldn’t hear the teacher very well. She was talking quietly and I was sitting …the back.

  3. The water …the tank should be heated up to 500C.

  4. St. Petersburg is situated …the Neva river.

  5. Look at this beautiful clock …the wall over there.

  6. We shall see a picture …the screen 0.1 sec after it actually has disappeared.

  7. The device is …the corner of the room.

  8. Our laboratory is located …the 3-rd floor of the main building of the University.

  9. Kate isn’t …home, she must be …work.

Exercise 4. Put some, any, something, somebody, anything, anybody, somewhere, anywhere in the blanks.

  1. I was looking for … a little cheaper.

  2. A blind man cannot see … .

  3. If you have no money, you can buy … .

  4. May I offer you … tea?

  5. … has parked his car right in front of mine.

  6. I don’t like … in his family.

  7. There isn’t … time for discussion.

  8. I don’t see my glasses … .

  9. He’s … in the garden.

  10. There’s … on the phone for you.

  11. I never eat … with sugar in it.

  12. We’ll get … to eat at that snack bar.

Exercise 5. Read the following figures, dates, numerals, etc.

    1. 35; 700; 268; 4093l; 1175;

    2. 1954; 1961; from 1954 up to 1960; 1812; 2005;

    3. 1/4; 3/7; 2.58; 0.005; 37; 5-10;

    4. 90%; 1 cm; 140 km/h; 25°C.

Unit 2 word-study

Exercise 1. Check the transcription in the dictionary and read words listed below.


stimulus, vision, behavior, frequency, spectrum, roughness, incidence, ratio,



perceive, exhibit, emerge, occur, vibrate.


fascinating, perpendicular, diffuse, mirror-like.

Exercise 2. Make nouns from the following verbs using suffixes -ation, -tion, -ion, and translate them.

Adsorb, demonstrate, diffract, direct, illuminate, oppose, propagate, polarize, reflect, refract.

Understanding a printed text

List of Terms:

diffraction – дифракция

enlargement – увеличение

interference – интерференция

inverted image – перевернутое изображение

opaque – светонепроницаемый

pinhole – точечное отверстие

polarization – поляризация

propagation – распространение

refraction – преломление

scattering – рассеивание

thermal rays – тепловые лучи

virtual image – мнимое изображение

crest – гребень волны

trough – впадина волны

adsorb - всасывать

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