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Check your understanding

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

      1. What is the purpose of fiber optic systems?

      2. What are three main components of a fiber optic system?

      3. How does a transmitter work?

      4. How is a fiber optic cable constructed?

      5. What is the purpose of an optical receiver and how does it work?

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with words from the text.

  1. At the head end of the chain is the … .

  2. Light pulses move easily down the fiber-optic line because of a principle known as … .

  3. … is the light carrying element at the center of the optical fiber.

  4. Surrounding the core is … made of pure silica.

  5. The outer jacket is added to protect against … .

  6. The transmitter accepts … coming from copper wire.

  7. A light-emitting diode or an injection laser diode can be used for … .

Increase your vocabulary

Exercise 1. Match words and collocations from the left column with words and collocations from the right column.



1) abrasion

  1. механическое повреждение поверхности

2) angle of incidence

  1. поверхность с высоким отражением

3) buffer material

  1. стык, поверхность раздела

4) copper wire system

  1. сердцевина оптического волокна

5) contaminant

  1. импульс

6) critical value

  1. угол падения

7)extremely reflective surface

  1. связь, осуществляемая по медным проводам

8) injection-laser diode

  1. приемник

9) interface

  1. наземные

10) light-emitting diode

  1. буферный материал

11) optic cladding

  1. средство передачи

12) optic core

  1. входить

13) outer jacket

  1. вредный фактор

14) pulse

  1. превосходить

15) receiver

  1. выходить

16) terrestrial

  1. световой диод

17) transmitter

  1. внутреннее покрытие

18) transmission medium

  1. предельное значение

19) to enter

  1. инжекционный лазерный диод

20) to exceed

  1. внешнее покрытие, кожух

  1. оптическое покрытие

  1. передатчик

  1. пластинка

Exercise 2. Insert the proper words or collocations: a) optical receiver, b) fiber optics, c) optic core, d) fiber optic strand, e) principle, f) transmitter.

  1. A … usually consists of five main elements.

  2. The received light is detected and converted into an electrical signal by … .

  3. Instead of using electronic pulses to transmit information down copper lines … use light pulses to transmit information down fiber lines.

  4. … accepts coded electronic pulse information coming from copper wire.

  5. In a fiber optic line a … known as total internal reflection is used.

  6. This is the light carrying element at the center of the optical fiber. It’s called …

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