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Oral Speech Practise Exercises

Ex. 5. Practise reading the following flashes of conversation:


Ex. 6. Comprise the similar flashes of conversation using words and word combinations from the text “The Stavropol Region”.

Ex.7. Prove that:

  1. The Stavropol Region is one of Russian’s best agricultural regions.

  2. The proximity of the Main Caucasian Ridge in the South and drought steppes in the north of the Black and Azov Seas in the west and Caspian Sea in the east affects the climate and weather of the Caucasian spas.

  3. Stavropol Territory is famous for medicinal mineral and mud springs:

4. Abundance of sun, transparency and cleanness of mountain air, luxurious flora and mineral springs made this place a famous resort.

  1. There are more than 100 sanatoriums and boarding houses in the Stavropol Territory.

Text b resorts caucasian mineral waters.

Zheleznovodsk is a considered a more picturesque one with all other cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is beautiful in all seasons. Near cities the mountains Razvalka, Honey, Beshtau, makes city more attractive.

One of the sights of Zheleznovodsk is more resort park. Located on the area of 30 hectares, it is a part of a flatter file covering a mountain Zheleznaya. In park there are structures with beautiful architectural ensemble: Pushkinskya, a sourse Slavyanovskaya, Telmanns House.

Near a source follows tract conducting around of a mountain Zheleznaya. During all route lengthways roads meet stone iron sculptures, as an animal and birds, also there is a sculpture bear with little bears, which is very popular and adorable by the visitors, and at the others of Zheleznovodsk.The wonderful view on a mountain Zheleznaya opens from the high of a platform. On same platform there is eagle – a symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. And from platform in the bottom part of park the beautiful stone double ladder conducts, in the middle with which by cascades mineral water flows down, filling flowing pools, decorated by sculptures on each side and the center

It is possible to make a walk to area of “eternal frozenness” and cave of the primitive man “on a mount Razvalka, to Orliny rocks and rock Kouka on a mountain Beshtau, on top of a mountain Zheleznaya. Zheleznovodsk is considered a balneological and climatic resort.

Essentuki have become famous by medical mineral water. Resort borrows the central place among resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In the central park of city the resort park borrowing more of 60 hectares of green planting was stretched. The resort park is divided on Top Park and Bottom Park. The Bottom is connected to the central part of the town by beautiful architectural ensemble – cascade ladder with fountains, terraces and arches. The building of a resort differs by beautiful architecture, especially Central mud cure clinic of Semashko, Top and Bottom baths, buvettes of mineral sources and many hotels.

Kislovodsk town of the sun, air and narzan. It is most southern of resorts of group of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Here you can see Red stones on the routes of terrencours (foot track) leads to the groups of red stones, on one of them is established an eagle. Grey stones – an exellent panorama platform, from there it is possible to examine all town Kislovodsk and resort park. White Main Caucasian ridge with two-headed Elbrus is well visible every solar day. Temple of air. Here is a magnificient platform with a kind of The Ginal Ridge, the tourist tract and approaches to Small Saddle. Many caves are open on the south, and per solar days even the winters is warmly here. The patients with diversified diseases come to Kislovodsk. The bath of carbonic mineral water is used for treatment of most heart – vascular diseases.

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