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8.Прочитайте следующие слова

Evening, morning, square, Rome, China, comrade, spring, summer, winter, ditty, art, picture, try, enter, hurry, tired, write, report, well, prepare, whole, return, scenery, difficult, department, combine, time, during, term, parents, hope, spoke, store. risk, red, ripe, read, rest, rally, hand, hay, hip, hate, heap, help, hide, yes, yell, easy, daddy, yet, yelp, my, by, myth, next, text, exam, six, sixty, ring, thing, fang, bring, sing, gang, sling, drink, link, clink, pink, prank, shelf, shy, sheet, dash, fish, chain, chick, change, catch, patch, mine, cage, fill, mile, Spain, miss, ice, page, back, space, click, game, gem, let, lest, gay, set, lay, say, lack, icy.

9.Вставьте пропущенную букву

…eap [tζi:p], c…nt [kaunt], pa…h [pætζ], p…m [pa:m], r…bbit [ræbit], t…tal [tәutl], mi…ion [miζn], aw…ke [ә’weik], comb…ne [kәmbain], e…g [eg], sn…ff [snΛf], tr…ce [treis], m….ce [mais], s…le [seil], w…d [wed], c…ve [keiv], sh…ve [ζeiv], …ent [sent], st…mp [stæmp], …ing [θiŋ], s…ift [ζift], g…ps [dзips], pr…ze [prais], …ong [rבŋ], …eck [rek], …ain [vein], s…ueeze [skwi:z], f…ling [fi:liŋ], t…t [tækt], t…n [taun], st…ut [staut], n…ber [nΛmbә], t…be [tju:b], c…rt [kә:t], n… [nב:], p…re [pεә], ….at [ðæt].

10.Найдите лишнее слово, обращая внимание на чтение согласных

know, according, capital, king

space, miss, listen, cake

thing, with, thank, three

who, win, why, where

clock, lake, talk, cycle

bed, debt, box, burn

chemistry, machine, rich, cheese

exist, box, six, taxi

quick, quite, unique, queue

sugar, sea, stand, stop

11. Напишите слова в орфографии.

[freζ], [bΛtә], [kəup], [wבtζ], [sta;z], [siŋ], [θב:t], [nәu] [ði:z], [mεә], [flæt], [a:sk], [klaim], [daut], [klәuz], [hu:], [ζi:], [si:], tekst], [iniζ(ә)l], [piktζə], [klבk], [naïf], [braid], [kru:].

12. Напишите транскрипцию к следующим словам

Near, dear, ready, dead, reason, mean, bread, deal, fear, hear, weather, moon, cook, cow, mellow, pail, air, foam, lean, steel, toil, roast, tune, stew, rude, bind, bold, thing, boat, coat, loan, roam, foam, goat; barrel, fracture, mild, carry, receiver, Larry, knack; ruler, lull, fast, don­key, feather, clearer, mask; central, cutting, cycle, carriage, fate, fact, comrade, cabbage, alike, again, farm, grammar, fare, pet, Peter, pert, reader, release, remain, ticket, cricket, here, pin, pine, flirt, fire, mistook, valid, bun, fume, burn, cure, difficult, multitude, box, procure, phone, potato, born, more

13. Запишите парами слова, имеющие различное написание, но одинаковое звучание.

For, read, tea, team, tick, tail, threw, tee, teem, reed, trough, four, tie, tale.

Oral topic: student’s working day

Pre-text exercises

Ex. 1. Practise reading the following words:

bathroom [ ba:θrum], breakfast [ brekfəst], academy [əkædəmi], practical [præktikəl], lecture [lektζə], discuss [diskΛs], actual [æktζəl], properties [ propətiz] , substances [ sΛbstænsiz], scientific [ saiəntifik], research [risə:tζ], knowledge [ nolidз], material [mætiriəl].

Ex. 2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

material, practical, breakfast, substances, discuss, actual, lecture, bathroom, academy, properties, research, scientific, knowledge.

Ex. 3. Read and memorize all the word groups:

1. a week-day будничный день

Friday is a. . .

On. . . I usually go shopping in the evenings.

I’m busy as a bee during. . . .

2. to get up- вставать

Every morning I. . . at 7 o’clock.

My brother. . . at 6 o’clock.

Tomorrow I’ll. . . later than yesterday.

3. to do one’s morning exercises делать зарядку

Everybody must. . . .

I never do my. . . .

He usually does his. . . at 7 o’clock.

4. to have breakfast (dinner, supper) завтракать(обедать, ужинать)

I usually. . . at home.

Sometimes we . . . after our morning exercises.

I’d like to. . . with my friends somewhere far away from here.

5. to take a tram (a bus) ездить на трамвае, (автобусе)

I usually. . . to get to the academy.

Often we. . . if we want to get to the railway station.

Don’t . . . Let’s walk. It’ll take us 15 minutes to get there.

6. in the first year на первом курсе

He studies botany. . .

They’ll study physiology. . .

7. to go on foot ходить пешком

My father goes to his work. . . .

Every morning I don’t take a tram, but. . . .

Sometimes she prefers to. . . .

Ex. 4. Active vocabulary of the text:

1. to wash oneself [woζ ] умываться

2. the alarm-clock будильник

3. to wake smb разбудить кого-либо

4. to turn on, off включать, выключать

5. strong coffee крепкий кофе

6. sandwich(es) бутерброд(ы)

7. substantial плотный ( о еде)

8. canteen [kæn ti:n] буфет, столовая

9. at 8 sharp ровно в 8 часов

10. practical classes практические занятия

11. to discuss обсуждать

12. among [ m ] среди, между

13. a medicinal plant [me disinl] лекарственное растение

14. besides кроме

15. to make experiments [iks perim nts] делать эксперименты

16. property [ propəti] свойство

17. substance [ sΛbstəns] вещество

18. compound [kəmpaund] соединение

19. to carry on выполнять

20. research work научно-исследовательская работа

21. a branch of chemistry отрасль химии

22. to interlink взаимосвязывать

23. to fathom постигать

24. to broaden knowledge расширять знания

25. to achieve достигать

26. to consult literature изучать литературу

27. to be over заканчиваться

28. to work hard много работать

29. to prepare for classes готовиться

30. to look through [θru:] просматривать

31. to review smth. [ri vju:] просматривать, повторять

Ex. 5. Suggest the Russian for:

to do morning exercises; on week-days; to have breakfast (dinner, supper); at 8 sharp; to go on foot; to take a bus; it takes me 10 minutes to get to the Academy: to discuss actual problems; medicinal plants; research work; to fathom pharmacy; different branches of chemistry; to broaden knowledge; to work hard; to look through the newspaper; to review some material.

Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents of :

научно-исследовательская работа, процесс обучения, заниматься спортом, тесно-взаимосвязанный, повторять, готовиться к занятиям, постигать фармацию, много работать , делать эксперименты, просматривать газеты, обсуждать новости, достигать хороших результатов, расширять знания, обедать, вставать, делать зарядку, на первом курсе, ходить пешком, лекарственные растения , эта работа занимает много времени, читальный зал, свойства веществ, подобно другим студентам, свободное время, будние дни.

Ex. 7. Read and translate the following text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]