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Упражнение 1. Напишите транскрипцию к следующим словам.

Right, niece, brief, .pace, trench, prick, cheque, passive, double, slight, check, whine, yarn, plumb, stern, lick, ray, drill, lied, wit, runner, hatless, calmness, clay, sad, find, pass, follow, warn, owe, news, figure, worry, tube, burn, queen, walk, tub, nor, steel, ice, origin, answer, smile.

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски, используя местоимения личные или притяжательные местоимения.

Example: 'I'm looking for Andrew. Have you seen him?' 'Yes, he was here a few minutes ago.

1. Peter and I are going out this evening. ____'re going to the cinema. Would you like to come with ____ ?

2. Where are my keys? I put ____ on the table a moment ago, but now _____'ve disappeared.

3. ______'s usually quite cold in New York in the winter.

4. 'What did you think of the film, Simon?' ' _____enjoyed ____very much.'

5. ____'s strange that Kate didn't come to the meeting.

6. 'What do the government plan to do about education?' _____'say that ____'re going to build more schools.'

7._____aren't allowed to drive a car in Britain until _____'re 17 years old.

8.If you have any problems, just tell someone and __________'11 help you.

9. How far is _____ from Madrid to Paris?

10. My sister and I are quite different __'s much more serious than ____am.

Упражнение 3. Выберите правильный ответ.

Например: We/Us met Sally yesterday afternoon. She/Her came to the cinema with we/us.

1. I phoned Sarah last night and gave she/her the message.

2 My brother is older than l/me, but he/him isn't as tall as I/me am.

3. Who wants a cup of coffee?' 'I/Me.' –

4. Have you seen Simon today?' 'Yes. 1/Me saw he/him this morning. He/Him was going to the swimming pool.'

5. What did those people want?' 'They/Them asked I/me to help they/them.'

6.We know their/theirs telephone number, but they don't know our /ours.

7.My/Mine car wasn't as expensive as her/hers. How are your/yours children?' 'Fine, thanks. How are your/yours?7

8.Maria has got her/hers suitcase, but her/hers friends haven't got their /theirs.

9.Our/Ours flat isn't as big as their/theirs, but our/ours is much more comfortable.

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Ее квартира находится на 6 этаже. 2. Машина отца новая. 3. Его книга у Питера, а моя у Анны. 4. Они уехали в горы на прошлой недели. 5. Мы купили телевизор два года назад. 6. Я обычно ужинаю в 6 часов вечера. 7. Вы живете в Москве или в Петербурге? 8. Его жена - врач. 9. Мой друг изучает два языка: французский и английский. 10. Эта девушка моя сестра, ее зовут Катя. 11. Их сын живет в Киеве. 12. Моя семья очень дружная. Мы часто проводим время вместе: читаем книги, смотрим телевизор и обсуждаем разные проблемы.

Часть II. Темы устной практики oral topic: my future speciality

Pre-text exercises

Ex.1. Practise reading the following words:

recognizing [rekəgnaiziŋ], identifying [aidentifaiŋ], storing [sto:rin], law [lo:], to supply [sə plai], storehouse [so :haus], provisor [provaizə], health [helθ], manager [manədз ], private [praivit], origin [oridзin], sphere [sfiə], recovery [rikΛvəri], financial [fainænζ l], responsible [risponsibl].

Ex.2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

identifying, storing, recognizing, to supply, provisor, manager, recovery, storehouse, origin, sphere, law, private, financial, responsible.

Ex.3. Read and memorize all the word-groups:

  1. animal (vegetable) origin - животное (растительное)


These drugs are of ... .

Galenical are substances of ... and vegetable ... .

2. ready-made drugs - готовые лекарственные формы

At the chemist’s department you may buy ... .

... are sold at numerous chemist’s stalls.

You should know exactly how to use ... .

3. It’s worth to ... - стоит

... use this medicine.

... work at a chemist’s after graduating from the academy.

4. to permit by law - разрешать законом

A pharmacist is ... to prepare drugs.

Such actions are not ... .

5. to devote one’s life to ... - посвящать жизнь

I ... to pharmacy.

A doctor ... to treating people.

6. love for - любовь к

... one’s profession

... people is necessary for a doctor.

7. to be responsible for ... - быть ответственным за

You ... this work.

A manager ... the work of the whole chemist’s shop.

Ex.4. Active vocabulary of the text A:

to choose (chose, chosen) [ζ u:z] выбирать

to recognize [rekəgnaiz] узнавать

to identify [ai dentifai] идентифицировать

to store [sto:] хранить

to permit [pə:mit] разрешать

to dispense [dis pens] распределять

to supply [sΛplai] поставлять

to devote [di vout] посвящать

to explain [iks plein] объяснять

origin o ridзin] происхождение

to define [di fain] определять

sphere [sfiə] сфера

manager [ mænədзə] управляющий

dispensing pharmacist рецептар

to deliver [di livə ] доставлять, вручать

storehouse [ sto:haus] склад

numerous [ nju:mərəs] многочисленный

profound [profaund] глубокий, постоянный

respect [ris pekt] уважение

recovery [rikΛ veri] выздоровление

Ex.5. Suggest the Russian for:

storing and dispensing; to devote one’s life to; the science explaining composition; broadly defined; to deliver drugs; drug storehouse; to supply population; medical care; administrative, financial activity; the manager is responsible for ... .

Ex.6. Give the English equivalents of:

выбирать фармацию, лечить людей, разрешать законом, защищать здоровье людей, сфера деятельности, готовые лекарства, стоит сказать, многочисленные лаборатории, любовь к профессии, глубокое уважение к людям, вера в более быстрое выздоровление.

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]