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Text a pharmaceutical training in russia

Pharmaceutical training in Russia is carried out in pharmaceutical academies and pharmaceutical departments in medical academies. Thousands of students study the theory and practice of pharmacy. After graduating from higher schools young specialists work at state, private, firm chemist’s shops, hospitals, clinics, polyclinics, chemical pharmaceutical plants, scientific research institutions and in different branches of chemistry. Many work in higher educational establishments, or in schools of medicine and pharmacy.

During the first two years students study theoretical subjects such as physics, mathematics, general chemistry, anatomy, physiology, botany, Latin, foreign languages, etc. From the third year students have lectures and practical classes in special subjects such as pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognozy, technology of galenicals, etc. Much new information is introduced to different subjects such as pharmaceutical science of commodities, technology of drugs, hygiene, organization and economy of pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry.

To become qualified specialists students acquire deep knowledge of pharmacy during the period of studies. The period of practical training became longer than it was some years ago. At the end of each year of studies pharmacy students have practice at Botanical Stations, at chemist’s shops, at chemical plants, and analytical laboratories. Future specialists learn to gather herbs and plants, to store and to pack them, they get acquainted with the equipment of chemist’s shops and the work of the pharmacists. Senior students study the processes of drug production, distribution, organization and economy of pharmacy.

Changes taking place in our country cause serious alterations in the system of higher pharmaceutical education. Highly qualified specialists in the field of medicine production, management, marketing, etc. are required at present. The aims of training specialists depend on the socio-historical conditions in which future specialists will live and work. A specialist must meet the modern requirements and tasks of the future. This outlines his new model. Market relations are to stimulate the rational use and protection of natural resources. That is why future specialists must know how to do it. The whole process of training specialists must lead students to the necessity to protect our nature. Thus future specialists will contribute to the main task - people’s health.

Cardinal changes are in prospect in the field of organization of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science of commodities. Modern assortment of pharmaceutical production requires broadened knowledge of clinical pharmacology. Future specialists must be acquainted with the civil law - this is due to the appearance of private firms, pharmacies, joint enterprises. Work with people requires knowledge of psychology.

We have the experience of participation of students in scientific societies, making up course papers out of the curriculum, making up diploma papers.

Foreign experience of the higher school provides the opportunity for gifted students to work according to individual syllabus. In the fifth year the graduates take state examinations which are held in complex. The questions include technology, pharmaceutical chemistry, organization and economy of pharmacy. At state examinations it is advisable to use the mixed method of control combining the elements of oral, practical, written and test control. The best students write diploma papers in special subjects under the guidance of experienced teachers. All the graduates have the opportunity to study further.

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