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Text b from the history of pharmacy

Pharmacy is as old as man himself. The first primitive man using plants was already in drug business. Thus many drugs were prepared. The civilization of the past contributed to our present knowledge by the collection of drugs and drug preparation. Many drugs are still prepared as many centuries ago. Long ago pharmacy was an integral part of medicine.

The official date of appearing pharmacy business in Russia is considered 1581. This is the time of Ivan IV when the first tsarist pharmacy was opened by an Englishman James Franchem. He arrived at Moscow with a group of medical workers and supply of drug raw materials. The first Russian pharmacy was situated in the Kremlin not far from the Chudov Monastery. The indications and properties of all drug components were written on the prescription. In the assortment of the first Russian chemist’s shop there were 120 names of drugs and medicinal herbs, many of which haven’t lost their significance today.

As a branch of science Russian pharmacy started its development since the decree of Peter I in the 18th century. The brilliant Russian scientist M.V.Lomonosov made a great contribution to the development of natural science and medicine in Russia. As a result of his efforts the first Russian University with a school of medicine was opened in Moscow. Lomonosov’s works contained a great deal that had a direct bearing on pharmacy.



Rarely has a titular distinction been so deserved. William Procter, Jr., graduated from The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 1837; operated a retail pharmacy; served the College as Professor of Pharmacy for 20 years; was a leader in founding The American Pharmaceutical Association; served that organization as its first secretary; later, as its president; served 30 years on the U.S.P. Revision Committee; was for 22 years Editor of the American Journal of Pharmacy. In 1869, though retired, Procter continued to edit the Journal in a small publication office located beside the College's Tenth Street building. From retirement he returned to P.C.P.'s chair of Pharmacy in1872; literally died "in the harness," in 1874. 


  1. to contribute [kəntribju: t] - способствовать, вносить

  2. integral part [ intigrəl pa:t] - неотъемлемая часть

  3. to loose one’s significance - потерять значение, важность

  4. a direct bearing on pharmacy [bεəriŋ] - прямое отношение к фармации

1. Is pharmacy old? 2. What did the civilization of the past contribute to? 3. Was pharmacy an integral part of medicine? 4. What is the official date of appearing pharmacy business in Russia? 5. When was the first tsarist pharmacy opened? 6. What do you know about James Franchem? 7. Where was the first Russian pharmacy situated? 8. How many names of drugs had the first Russian pharmacy? 9. When did pharmacy as a branch of science appear? 10. Who made a great contribution to the development of natural science and medicine in Russia? What do you know about him?

Ex.9. Speak on:

1. Your future speciality, its history, subjects studied at the


2. The sphere of action of a specialist with higher

pharmaceutical education

using the information of the 2 texts.


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