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Text b college life in england

When they first arrive at the higher school first year university students are called “freshers”. A fresher’s life can be exciting but terrifying for the first week. During this period all the clubs and societies hold a freshers’ “fair” during which they try to persuade the new students to join their society.

As well as lectures there are regular seminars at which one of a small group of students (probably not more than ten) reads a paper he or she has written. The paper is then discussed by the tutor and the rest of the group. Once or twice a term students will have a tutorial. This means they see a tutor alone to discuss their work and their progress. In Oxford and Cambridge the study is based entirely around such tutorials which take place once a week. Attending lectures is optional for Oxford students.

More than 75 percent of the students live in residence halls, small houses, special-interest houses, and fraternity and sorority houses. With the exception of commuters (who live with their parents within a 30-mile radius), all freshmen have their meals and live on campus. They usually have a double room in all-freshmen residences. Residence halls have kitchens, lounges, recreation areas and laundry facilities and some have fireplaces and pianos. In the spring, students select rooms for the next academic year through a lottery. Both coed and single sex residential halls are available.

Each dorm is self-governed. Students elect a Residence Hall Council, set up their rules about quiet hours, visitation, smoking and other aspects of communal life, and then formally and informally make sure their arrangements work. It is easy to get around campus and into town. Walking, biking or riding the “green machines (College shuttle buses)” are the primary modes of transportation. Only commuters and students who have finished two years and 54 credit hours may have cars on campus.




to persuade



residence hall

fraternity house

sorority house







[p∂ sweid]

[in tai∂r∂li]

[ rezidens]

[fr∂ t∂:niti]

[s∂ roriti]

[ kæmp∂s]


[ lo:ndri]

[ k∂ued]



убеждать, уговаривать




мужское общежитие

женское общежитие





Ex.9. Speak on: 1) Pharmacy education in Great Britain;

2) Students’ life in Great Britain,

using information of the texts.


Oral Topic: Pharmaceutical Service

In Great Britain

Pre-text exercises

Ex. 1. Practise reading the following words:

Integral [ integrəl], numerous [nju:mərəs], branch [ brα:ntζ],storing [ storiŋ], embrace [əmbreis], thoroughly [θΛrəili], investigate [ n’vestigeit], concern [kon’sə:n], health [‘helθ], private [praivit], commercial [koəlζl], reliable [riəlabl], confirm [konfə:m], diabetes [ daiəbitiz], asthma [ æsmə], migraine [ maigrein], herpes[ hə:pə:z], hepatitis [hep ta tis], grippe [ r p

Ex. 2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

Numerous, integral, storing, branch, investigate, embrace, storing, thoroughly, concern, private, health, reliable, commercial, confirm, asthma, diabetes, migraine, hepatitis, herpes, grippe

Ex. 3. Read and memorize all the word-groups

1. to come into being- возникать

The new system. . . last year

A new town. . . . in this district of Siberia soon

2. An integral part- неотъемлемая часть

Long ago pharmacy was. . . of medicine

Work in the laboratory is. . . of your studies

3. to provide the needs-обеспечивать нужды

Medicines. . . of the population

Often industry can not. . . of people

4. An outlying district- район, удаленный от центра

My friend lives in. . .

There are many. . . in our region

5. A reliable system-надежная система

The country has. . . over medicinal preparations

. . . of import and export

6. to be aimed at-быть нацеленным на

The law. . . at protecting people’s health

His work. . . at obtaining good results

7. to be concerned with-касаться, иметь отношение к. . .

my work. . . drugs

The procedure. . . treating people.

Ex. 4. Active vocabulary of the text:

1. integral [integrəl]- неотъемлемый

2. needs [ni:dz] нужды

3. reliable [rəlaibl] надежный

4. confirm konfə m] подтверждать

5. influence [influəns] влияние

6. to embrace [əmbreis] охватывать

7. environment [ nvairənmə nt] окружающая среда

8. remedies [remədiz] лекарственные средства

9. to investigate исследовать

10.thoroughly тщательно

11. a law [ lo :] закон

12. to permit [pəmi t] позволять, разрешать

13. to create [kri: eit] создавать

14. available [ əveəbl] доступный

15. enterprise [ entəpraiz] предприятие

16. to belong [biloŋ ] принадлежать

17. AIDS [eidz] СПИД

18. diabetes [ dai bi:ti:z] диабет

19. migraine [ mi: rein] мигрень

20. asthma астма

21. herpes [ hə :piz] герпес

22. disease [di zi:z] заболевание

23. grippe [g rip] грипп

24. Austria Австрия

25. Italy Италия

26. New Zealand [ nju: zi:lə nd] Новая Зеландия

27. Belguim [ beldзium] Бельгия

28. Germany [ dзə :m əni] Германия

29. Norway [ nowei]- Норвегия

30. Sweden [ swi:dn] Швеция

Ex. 5. Suggest the Russian for:

to come into being; influence upon; provide the needs invironment; to investigate thoroughly; to be confirmed; different remedies; effectiveness and harmlessness; outlying districts; integral part; diseases of respiratory tract.

Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents of:

общественная структура, многочисленные препараты, надежная система, основные шаги (этапы), коммерческие прдприятия, переиздавать, мигрень, СПИД, герпес, гепатит, заболевание респираторного тракта, заболевания обмена веществ.

Ex. 7. Read and translate the following text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]