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Oral topic: medicinal plants

Pre-text exercises

Ex.1. Practise reading the following words:

pharmaceutical [fa:məstju:tikl], practice [præktis], known [nəun], station [steiζn], certain [sətn], acient [einζnt], source [so:s], medicine [medsin], additional [ædiζnl], digestion [daidзesζn], stomach [stomək], flatulence [flætjuləns], wound [wu:nd], ulcer [Λlsə], yarrow [jærəu], chamomile [kæmomail], proprietary [propraiətri], cough [kΛf], ditinguish [distingwiζ].

Ex.2. Check up if you read these words correctly:

station, pharmaceutical, practice, ancient, certain, known, source, additional, wound, digestion, stomach, medicine, ulcer, flatulence, proprietary, yarrow, distinguish, cough, chamomile.

Ex.3. Read and memorize all the word-groups:

pharmaceutical students - студенты-фармацевты

... usually have their practice at the end of each year.

There was a competition between students from the Pyatigorsk

State Linguistic University and ... ..

... have their own curriculum which includes practice at the

Botanical Station.

2. Botanical Station - ботаническая станция

Last year we had our practice at the ... .

There is only one ... in our region.

When I was 15 I worked at the ... .

... is the only place where you can find a lot of different plants

at once.

3. as much as possible - по возможности больше

He reads ... about different diseases.

We tried to know ... about environmental researches.

They always tried to learn ... about the history of plants.

I always tried to read ... about the usage of plants in medicine.

4. certain diseases - определённые заболевания

All physicians classify them as ... .

... are most dangerous nowadays.

Many plants were used in the treatment of ... .

Sometimes ... are very difficult to cure.

As at any other region our people do have ... due to the radiation.

5. Id like to ... - я бы хотел ...

... tell you about my last practice.

... know more about medicinal plants.

... be healthy.

... dwell on the topic ‘Medicinal Plants’.

... describe my favourite plant in details.

  1. its known that ... - хорошо известно, что ...

... foxglove leaves contain digitalis.

... some herbs are made of roots, fruits and seeds.

... sodium easily conducts electricity.

... filtration is the simplest method of purification.

7. To find it interesting (important, of great importance, of

no value) to do something - находить (считать) интересным

(важным, очень важным, бесполезным) делать что-либо

... to collect plants in proper time.

... to purify water by distillation.

... store raw material carefully.

... to identify one plant from another.

... to collect medicinal plants and read about them.

Ex.4. Active vocabulary of the text:

  1. herbs [həbz] травы

  2. childhood [tζailhud] детство

  3. treatment [tri:tmənt] лечение

  4. disease [dizi:z] болезнь

  5. ancient [einζnt] древний

  6. foxglove [foksglΛv] наперстянка

  7. digitalis [didзiteilis] дигиталис, наперстянка

  8. reduce [ridju:s] уменьшать

  9. retention [ri tenζn] задержка

  10. flavour [fleivə] приправлять, придавать

вкус, запах

  1. digestion [daidзeζn] пищеварение

  2. cure [kjə] вылечивать

  3. sore throat [so: θrəut] больное горло

  4. dill [dil] укроп пахучий

  5. parsley [pa:sli] петрушка

  6. stomach [stΛmək] желудок

  7. flatulence [fla tjuləns] скопление газов, метеоризм

  8. mint [mint] мята

  9. fennel [fenl] фенхель (сладкий укроп)

  10. thyme [taim] тимьян, чабрец

  11. to relieve [ri li:v] облегчать, помогать

  12. rosemary [rəuzməri] розмарин

  13. watercress [wo:təkres] кресс водяной, жеруха

  14. kidney [kidni] почка

  15. sage [seidз] шалфей

  16. inflammation [ infləmeiζn] воспаление

  17. сhickweed [tζikwi:d] песчанка, мокричник

  18. ulcer [Λlsə] язва

  19. St John’s Wort зверобой

  20. to heal [hi:l] исцелять, заживлять

  21. daisy [deizi] маргаритка

  22. yarrow [jærəu] тысячелистник

  23. chamomile [kΛməmail] ромашка

  24. coltsfoot [kultsfut] мать-и-мачеха

  25. garlic [ga:lik] чеснок

  26. proprietary [propraiətəri] частный, патентованный

  27. feverfew [fi:vəfju:] пиретрум девичий

  28. cell [sel] клетка

  29. era [iərə] эра

  30. phytochemistry [faitəukemistri] фитохимия

  31. to be aware of smth. [ əvεə ] знать

Ex.5. Suggest the Russian for:

medicinal plants; Botanical Station; to learn as much as possible about the history of plants; treatment of certain diseases; ancient times; importance source; active ingredients; primitive medicine; to contain digitalis; to reduce the water retention in the body; to flavour food; the processes of digestion; to cure sores; to stimulate stomach action; to relieve flatulence; to stimulate the kidneys; chickweed and yarrow; leg ulcer; wild chamomile and coltsfoot; to reduce body temperature; to keep people’s health; to be aware of smth.

Ex.6. Give the English equivalents of:

практика на ботанической станции; вылечивать болезни; инфекции дыхательных путей; кашель; стимулировать работу почек; пищеварительные процессы; шалфей, розмарин и петрушка; тысячелистник и зверобой; снимать воспаление; активные составные части; листья, семена и корни; ромашка и мать-и-мачеха; понижать температуру; дополнительные свойства; вылечивать больное горло; активизировать работу желудка; поддерживать здоровье; наперстянка и мак; очень важный источник; вылечивать любые болезни; уменьшать задержку воды в организме; сердечный приступ; лук и чеснок; фенхель и чабрец.

Ex.7. Read and translate the following text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]