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Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Complete the following sentences:

1. Our Academy was founded. . . 2. The Academy has two. . . 3. The Academy trains. . . 4. Many students from distant towns and villages. . . 5. My friend studies well and he gets. . . 6. The course of training last. . . 7. Pharmacy students have practice at the . . . 8. Exams are held. . . 9. After examination sessions students have. . . 10. The results of the students’ scientific work are reported. . .

Ex. 2. Express the following in English:

1. Пятигорская фармацевтическая академия была основана в 1943 году.2. В 1993 году Академия получила сертификат государственного комитета Высшего образования Российской Федерации. 3. Академия готовит (обучает) высококвалифицированных провизоров. 4. В академии учится более 2000 студентов. 5. Курс обучения –5 лет. 6. Многие студенты живут в общежитиях и получают стипендию. 7. В течении первых двух лет студенты изучают общеобразовательные предметы. 8. Студенты–фармацевты проходят практику в аптеках, на заводах и в ботанических садах. 9. Экзамены проводятся в Академии два раза в год. 10. После сессии у студентов каникулы. 11. В Академии 22 кафедры. 12. Преподаватели кафедр выполняют учебную и научную работу. 13. Студенты занимаются научно-исследовательской работой в научных кружках. 14. В Академии есть библиотека. 15.Студенты имеют все возможности в Академии для получения глубоких знаний по фармации.

Ex. 3. Look through the text and state what it has to say on the following points:

1. The foundation of the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy; 2. The course of training at the Academy;3. Academic and research work;4. Sport at the Academy;5. Library.

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy established?

2. When did the Academy obtain a certificate of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation?

3. What specialists does the Academy train?

4. Where do students from distant towns live?

5. How long does the course of training last?

6. What subjects do the students study?

7. Where do students have practice?

8. How often are exams held at the Academy?

9. When do students have vacation?

10.How many chairs carry on academic and research work at the Academy?

11. Are there any scientific circles at the chairs?

12. Where do students get necessary books?

Oral Speech Practice Exercises

Ex. 5. Practise reading the following dialogue and memorize it:


Nick: Hello, Mike. Glad to see you!

Mike: Hi, Nick, what’s the news?

Nick: You don’t know ! Last month I passed entrance exams and now I am a student of the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy.

Mike: Oh, I envy you and I only attend preparatory courses to enter your

Academy. By the way, could you tell me some words about your Academy?

Nick: With pleasure. The Pharmaceutical Academy is one of the oldest higher schools in Pyatigorsk. It was founded during the war.

Mike: And what about the skill of your graduates?

Nick: Our Academy trains highly qualified pharmaceutists.. And as I can see we have all the opportunities to study and even to carry on the research work.

Mike: And where can you carry on the research work?

Nick: Practically at each chair. We can do it with help of experienced scientists.

Mike: Oh, it sounds attractive! Of course I’ll do my best to enter your Academy.

Nick: Good luck to you!

Ex. 6. Compose a similar dialogue, using some word combination from the text.

Ex. 7. Read the text and be ready: 1)to discuss the following points:

a)Students’ Trade Union; b)Student Scientific Society.

to give a short summary of the text B:

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