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Task VIII. Chapters 15-17 (pp. 154-179)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

  1. (not) to be all milk and honey

  2. a kept-boy

  3. to call it a day

  4. to get back on smb

  5. to make a song and dance about smth

  6. not to care two hoots for smb

  7. to be wrapped up in smb

  8. to wheedle smb into doing smth / to wheedle smth out of smb

  9. to give smb away

  10. a pip-squeak

  11. to chatter (speak in undertones)

  12. a little bird (told smb)

  1. Give the summary of the chapters.

  2. Speak about Tom’s reaction to Julia’s “condescending letter and the humiliating present”. How does such behaviour characterize him? Had Julia expected such a reaction? What did Julia do to make Tom change his mind? Comment on her playing “the embodiment of all the woe of the humankind”. What effect did it produce on Tom? Why was Julia happy to get him back if she had “a feeling of ever so slight contempt” for Tom?

  3. Read, translate and comment on the passage on pp. 162-163 from “His voice was broken…” to “… looked at one another with fond eyes”.

  4. Speak about the means Julia used to hold Tom. What were her plans about his and her future? Did the disparity in their ages trouble Julia? and Tom?

  5. Speak about “the moment’s disquietude” she had on this point. Comment upon Tom’s behaviour in this situation and Julia’s determination not to spare herself.

  6. Speak about the gossips about Julia and Tom. Why did it never occur to Julia that people began gossiping about her? What was Dolly’s reaction to these gossips? Why did she decide to tell Michael about them?

  7. Speak about Dolly’s attitude to Michael and Michael’s attitude to Dolly. How did Michael defend his wife and approve of her behaviour in their conversation?

  8. Compare Michael’s and Dolly’s attitudes to T.Fennell. Why didn’t Dolly tell Michael the truth about her suspicions? Comment upon the end of their conversation.

  9. Speak about Michael’s “joke” and Tom’s and Julia’s reactions to it. What were Julia’s intentions concerning: - Dolly (her interior monologue; her plans “to be sweetness itself”); - Michael; - Charles; - Tom.

  10. Comment upon:

  1. “…she was really distracted with grief, but, what was it? Another self within her knew what she was doing, a self that shared in her unhappiness and yet watched its expression” (p.162).

  2. “All the same, what mugs men are”. (p.163)

  3. “Men were creatures of habit; that gave women such a hold on them”. (p.165)

  4. “Only a woman knows what a woman can do”. (p.171)

  5. “Bed’s all very well in its way, but there are other things in life”. (p.172)

  6. “Acting’s a whole time job and if you want to be really good you’ve got to give your whole self to it”. (p.172)

  7. “Men were such fools; there wasn’t one of them who wouldn’t cut off his nose to spite his face”. (p.178)

  1. Give the definitions of the following words:

  • sublimation - aplomb

Find some information about Freud’s theory of sublimation.

Task IX. Chapters 18-20 (pp. 179-200)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

  1. to get into mischief

  2. to eat out of smb’s hand

  3. to tax smb with smth

  4. to chuck smb

  5. to toss up

  6. to get in (into) a state

  7. to go on the binge

  8. in the twinkling of an eye

  9. to be scared out of one’s wits

  10. if a day

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