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Task V. Chapters 10-11 (pp. 83-107)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

  1. to clean up

  2. to ring up the curtain

  3. to be apt to do smth

  4. knocked all of a heap

  5. to keep in touch with smb

  6. to pass for smb

  7. to laugh at smb up one’s sleeve

  8. to have scruples

  9. to queer the pitch for smb

  10. to have the cheek to do smth

  11. to break away

  12. to be taken aback

  1. Give the summary of the chapters.

  2. Read and translate the passage on pp. 88-89 from “At the bottom of her heart…” to “… how much she really spent on them”.

  3. Speak about Evie. Was she a proper maid for Julia from the point of view of Julia, that of Evie herself and that of Michael?

  4. Comment upon:

  1. “When you start thinking of the past it means you ain’t got no future, don’t you?” (p.83)

  2. “Plain living and high thinking” (p.86)

  3. “She was about to step from the world of make-believe into the world of reality” (p.88)

  4. “What a hell of a nuisance it is that one can’t go anywhere without people staring at one” (p.99)

  1. Describe in details:

  • Julia’s ordinary day (her routine affairs)

  • Julia’s keeping to a diet

  • Julia’s plans for the future

  • Julia’s attitude to her fans

  • Julia’s “world of reality”

  1. Speak about:

  1. Julia’s attitude to “great ladies and the noble lords”. How did she have “the best of both worlds”?

  2. Lord Charles Tamerly, his attitude to Julia, the rumours about him and Julia. Is it the lot of all actors/actresses?

  3. Julia’s attitude to Lord Tamerly’s love; her preparations for the scene of his confession; “the disgraceful thing” that she did and her real feelings after it.

  1. Prove that Julia skillfully made profit on her relations with Charles. Prove that she has a double nature. Can you appreciate Charles’s platonic love to a predator-woman.

  2. Why did Julia agree to meet the young man if she felt he was treating her like a chorus girl?

  3. What did his flat remind her of?

  4. Speak about Tom Fenell. Analyse his combination of impudence and shyness. “Still waters run deep”. Is it about Tom? Analyse his behaviour during “the tea party” and Julia’s reaction. How did this incident influence Julia?

Task VI. Chapters 12-13 (pp. 107-124)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

  1. to put smb off

  2. to set oneself

  3. to be prudish

  4. to go hot and cold all over

  5. to blackmail

  6. to go a little weak at the knees

  7. to pop in and out

  8. a figment of one’s fancy

  9. to shine like a new pin

  10. to pawn

  1. Give the summary of the chapters.

  2. Speak about Julia’s adventure which happened to her 8 years ago:

  • Describe the place and the circumstances;

  • Describe the Spaniard, his behaviour, his manners. What attracted Julia to him?

  • Appreciate his methods of seducing;

  • Comment upon Julia’s contradictory behaviour;

  • Do you believe that this situation was a mere “coincidence” or “a put-up job”?

  • Comment upon Julia’s afterthoughts and fears;

  • Comment upon their final meeting and Julia’s attitude to this adventure some years later;

  • What is your attitude to such men and such adventures?

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