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  1. Read, translate and comment on the passage on pp. 118-119 from “There was no part of her busy life…” to “… verses of Verlaine”. Speak about your favourite part of the day.

  2. Comment upon:

  1. “One never knew what one of the conductors could not manage for a tip”. (p.109)

  2. “Oh, well, in for a penny, in for a pound”. (p.113)

  3. “It was always best to tell as much of the truth as you could”. (p.115)

  4. “…Julia thought how disgusting men were. You simply couldn’t trust them for a minute…” (p.116)

  1. Speak about Julia’s intentions toward Mr. Fennell. Why did she completely change them?

  2. Comment upon Tom’s behaviour and Julia’s thoughts during their meeting in Julia’s dressing-room.

  3. Speak about their date in a restaurant:

  • Julia’s feelings and preparations;

  • Tom’s attitude to “grand people”.

  1. Compare Julia’s and Tom’s feelings to each other. Can we speak of “love” in this case? What is your attitude to such affairs?

  2. Find some information about these famous people: Madame de Pampadour, Louis XV, Ludwig de Bavaria, Alfred de Musset, Francis I, Sarah Bernhardt, Duse, Madame Récamier.

Task VII. Chapter 14 (pp. 124-154)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

  1. to stand smb a supper

  2. to make much fuss of smb

  3. to have one’s head screwed on his shoulders the right way

  4. to set one’s face against smth

  5. to click

  6. to be head and shoulders above smb

  7. to insinuate oneself into a part

  8. to make a claim on smb

  9. a chatterbox

  10. to cook one’s goose

  11. to cross one’s t’s

  12. to put on frills

  13. to get smb on the raw

  14. to rack one’s brains about smth

  1. Give the summary of the chapter.

  2. Speak about Julia’s love for Tom (her presents to him; Why did it thrill her? What else did she do to bind him? Was it a real love?)

  3. Describe Tom (his snobbery; What attracted women to Tom? Why was he with Julia? Michael’s attitude to Tom).

  4. Speak about Roger (his relations with his parents, especially with his mother; Can you say that there was mutual understanding between Roger and his mother? How did Julia treat her son? What was her attitude to her child?)

  5. Speak on the relations between Tom and Roger. Compare Julia’s and Michael’s attitudes to the friendship of the young men. Suppose Roger guessed that there was smth between his mother and Tom, what would his reaction be?

  6. Prove that Tom’s indifference hurt Julia. Trace the change of her attitude to him. Comment on the discrepancy between her thoughts and actions.

  7. Read and translate the passage on p. 140 from “It always surprised her when people…” to “…and that was the substance”.

  8. What are Julia’s thoughts about men of genius and of herself as an actress? What is celebrity for her?

  9. Speak about Julia’s jealousy. Comment upon her talk with Charles. How did she get even with Tom and her son? What was “the last straw” for Julia? “The outraged woman never forgives”. Do you agree with it?

  10. Comment upon:

  1. “It was strangely flattering…tumbled on to a bed”. (p.126)

  2. “What he’s got, of course, is sex appeal”. (p.126)

  3. “People don’t want reasons to do what they’d like to… they want excuses”. (p.131)

  4. “A woman attracts men by her charm and holds them by their vices”. (p.145)

  5. “But when she got into the theatre she felt that she shook off the obsession of him like a bad dream from which one awoke…” (p.149)

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