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1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian

1. There is a lot of laboratory equipment for teaching hydraulics.

2. There are a lot of parts in each complex unit.

3. There is the new design of the hydraulic drive.

4. There is research and development strategy at each modern enterprise.

5. There are a lot of advantages of foreign-made automobiles over domestic ones.

6. There are several innovations in this model.

7. There are various principles of a drive.

8. There are a lot of inventors having improved mechanical devices.

9. There are a number of road-making machinery employing various hydraulic equipment.

2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Существуют различные приборы для изучения гидравлики.

2. Существуют многочисленные сферы применения основ механики.

3. У каждого современного автомобиля есть инновационные решения.

4. У гидравлического привода есть несколько преимуществ.

5. У древних механиков было несколько изобретений.

6. Есть различные виды гидравлического привода.

7. Существует шесть основных понятий механики.

8. Было много учёных, открывших законы механики.

9. Существуют устройства, превращающие один вид энергии в другой.

10. Сейчас в мире есть много производителей современной усовершенствованной техники.

III. Substitutional words

Неопределённо–личное местоимение – one и указательное местоимение that употребляются для замены ранее упомянутого существительного, чтобы не повторять его дважды. Для замены существительного во множественном числе употребляются формы ones и those:

The laws of mechanics were opened by both foreign scientists and Russian ones.

Законы механики были открыты как зарубежными учёными, так и русскими.

Translate the sentences from English into Russian

1. The students should differ between theoretical mechanics and applied one.

2. Mechanics of fluids studies the incompressible fluids and compressible ones.

3. There are stable parts and mobile ones.

4. The adjustable equipment may be developed from the fixed one.

5. The fixed equipment may be transformed into adjustable one.

6. There are radial-piston hydraulic engines, which are high-torque hydraulic ones.

7. There is difference between mechanical and electric drives and hydraulic ones.

8. In the later motor vehicles the mechanical clutch release drive has been replaced by a hydraulic one.

9. The hydraulic drive in the cars has definite advantages over the mechanical one.

10. The engine of the passenger car is smaller than that of the truck.

11. The capacity of oil engine is less than that of diesel one.

12. Opposite to the preceding models of the cars the new one has some innovations.

IV. Compound conjunctions

Иногда их называют составными. Наиболее употребительными являются: both … and… – как …, так и …; either … or … – либо …, либо …; neither … nor … – ни …, ни …; as …, as … – такой же, как и …. Эти союзы, как и все служебные слова, употребляются для соединения членов предложения.

Mechanics can be both pure and applied science.

Механика может быть как теоретической, так и прикладной наукой.

Horizontally–split casings are either cast or fabricated.

Горизонтально–разъёмные картеры могут быть либо литыми, либо сборными.

The students know neither Becquerel’s name, nor Doern.

Студенты не знают имени ни Беккереля, ни Доерна.

Leonard Euler was as celebrated mathematician and physicist as the great Russian scientist Lomonosov.

Леонард Ойлер был таким же известным математиком и физиком, как великий русский учёный Ломоносов.

Translate the sentences with compound conjunctions

1. There are both stable, immovable parts and mobile ones.

2. Both foreign scientists and inventors and Russian ones opened the basic laws of mechanics.

3. Two flat surfaces, one stationary and one rotating, are pressed together to create as narrow gap as possible between them.

4. The best way to prevent rotating is to “anchor” the rings as firmly as possible to their retaining structures.

5. This preventing can be achieved either with mechanical devices or by simply exerting pressure around the ring.

6. Nitrile Rubber is usually the standard choice, because it is affected by neither oil nor water.

7. A well designed seal both fulfills its primary function of preventing leakage, and also has a long service life.

8. Both oil and water are ready to fulfill some work when under pressure.

9. There are a lot of both foreign and Russian scientists associated with the development of mechanics.

10. All rotary displacement pumps can be used either as a pump or as a motor.