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Test to section II

1. What are the main principles of mechanics?

2. What are interrelations of parts in any mechanism?

3. What is called a drive?

4. What are the types of a drive?

5. What machines are called turbocompressors?

6. What is the principle of a drive?

7. What does a drive consist of?

8. What is the function of the hydraulic drive?

9. In what technical appliances is the hydraulic drive applied?

10. What sciences study the properties and ability of fluids to make a work?

Test to section III

1. In what machinery is the fluid drive employed?

2. What is the hydraulic servomotor?

3. What is the leading company in hydraulic components manufacture?

4. What is the demand for its products?

5. What is the range of products of the Kayaba company?

6. What is the function of the Hydrostar motor?

7. What are the operating features of the piston motor?

8. What is mini-motion package?

9. What makes electric motors and hydraulics reliable from view of oil leakage?

10. What does the hydraulic circuit include?

Test to section IV

1. Where is hydraulic equipment widely used?

2. What are the subdivisions of such equipment?

3. What is the function of the pump in a hydraulic volume-displacement drive?

4. Where is a volume-displacement drive employed?

5. Describe the principle of working a hydraulic cylinder.

6. What are glands and their function in hydraulic cylinder?

7. What are hydraulic engines and their role in hydraulic drive?

8. Describe the design of hydraulic engine.

9. What is a fluid coupling and the principle of converting kinetic energy into mechanical?

10. What is the advantage of combining the internal-combustion engine and torque converter?

Test to section V

1. What is the advantage of the hydraulic drive over the mechanical one?

2. What is the design of hydraulic drive release in Zhiguli car?

3. What is a convertible top of a car and how is it actuated?

4. What is it possible to intergrate hydraulic booster with the brake control valve for?

5. What is the role of hydraulic transmission in modern cars and trucks?

Test to section VI

1. How can be hydraulic transmission defined?

2. What elements does any hydraulic transmission consist of?

3. What is the classification of hydraulic transmissions?

4. What elements does a translational hydraulic actuator include?

5. What is the principle of functioning a hydraulic actuator?

6. What are there the types of rotary hydraulic transmissions?

7. What is similar and different in fluid coupling and torque converter?

8. What parts does a fluid coupling consist of?

9. What is the positive displacement hydraulic transmission?

10. What does the term “reversible” imply?

11. Where are the rotodynamic transmissions employed?


1. Абросимов К.Ф., Бромберг А.А., Катаев Ф.И. Road – Machinery.– М.: Машиностроение, 1967.– 692 с.

2. Nekrasov B.B. Hydraulics.– М.: Mir Publishers, 1969.– 275 p.

3. Соболева Н.М. и др. Механика. Машиностроение: Пособие для чтения на английском языке / Под общ. ред. Л.Н. Андриановой.– Л., 1970.– 151 с.

4. Cаватеева Л.Г., Сухобская Л.С. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов гидротехнических специальностей.– Л., 1972.– 158 с.

5. Rechitskaya E.E. A little on automobiles.– M.: Military Publishing House, 1972.– 207 p.

6. Annual Report. Advertising prospect.– Sweden, Solna: ITT Flygt, ITT Industries company, 1996.

7. Submersible Vortex pumps. Advertising prospect.– Sweden, Solna: ITT Flygt, ITT Industries company, 1997.

8. ITT Flygt seals: User guide.– Sweden, Solna: An ITT Industries company, 2002.

9. Series compressors: Catalogue.– UK: Nuovo Pignone, 2002.

10. Hydraulic components. Japan: KYB Comporation, 2004.– http://www.kyb.com/hydraulic/index.html.

Редактор Т.А. Жирнова

ИД № 06039 от 12.10.01.

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