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Методическое пособие - Трое в лодке.rtf
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2. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations.

  1. 182 водонепроницаемый, обращаться осторожно, реликвия, p. 183 говорить чистую правду, выбирать, p. 184 шёл монотонный мелкий дождь, p. 185 лить как из ведра, играть в азартные игры, p. 186 сердце кровью обливается, выудить, p. 187 ворочаться ,

p. 188 до последней капли крови, p. 189 иметь наглость сказать, p. 190 как аршин проглотил, p. 191 на задних ногах, выглядывать, порыв ветра

Summing up

1.Would you like to have a boating holiday on a river? Describe a kind of boat you would like, the places you would visit, and the things you would take with you (for example, a tin-opener!)

2. humour, energy, intelligence, bravery, and loyalty.

Prepare a graph representing each trait with a vertical scale. Prove your graph using quotations from the text.

3. Retell the episodes as seen by a photographer (ch. 18 ), by a black cat (ch. 13), the owner of the inn where the plaster trout hang (ch. 17), a couple who was towing the boat (ch. 9), a tin of pine-apple juice (ch. 12), Montmorency in his battle with the kettle (ch. 14 ), an angel in the disguise of a small boy (ch. 12), a plain-cloth constable (ch. 11), Herr Slossenn Boschen (ch. 8), the students (p. 8), an old man who wanted to show the tombs to J. (ch. 7), the engine-driver (ch. 5).