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Методическое пособие - Трое в лодке.rtf
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Three men in a boat. Chapter 1.While reading :

1.Concentrate your attention on the following words and word combinations while reading the text, translate and remember them.

1) to be out of order (3)

10) to do smb. good (10)

2) determined (4)

11) I’d better ... (8)

3) selfish (5)

12) overwork (9)

4) to feel hurt (5)

13) out of reach (9)

5) there is smth. (nothing) the matter with smb. (5)

14) to care for (15)

6) to examine (5)

15) you can’t beat smth. (10)

7) to do smb. a good turn (6)

16) to be anxious (10)

8) commonplace (6)

17) a hearty eater (11)

9) to do smth. for smb.’s living (8)

18) to put smth. straight (12)

After you read: a. Checking your understanding:

2.Translate into Russian the part of the chapter 1 : p. 12 -13 «So I set my face against the sea trip ... when they are on land is mystery»

3.Переведите предложения: 1.Моя печень не в порядке. 2.Что-то случилось с моим телефоном. 3.Ты очень эгоистичен. 4.Он почувствовал себя обиженным, так как она не позвонила ему. 5. Мой дедушка очень любит поесть. 6.Я твёрдо решил оказать ему услугу. 7.Морское путешествие принесёт тебе пользу. 8.Она очень хотела купить билет на этот спектакль.

  1. Who and under what circumstances made the following statements.

  1. Scenery is not in my line;

  2. What a doctor wants is practice;

  3. Get up and do something for your living, can’t you?

  4. Well, what’s the matter with you?

  5. What can I get you, sir?

  6. Let’s go up the river.

  1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

  1. The writer felt better after he had been to the British Museum Library.

  2. The three friends really were ill.

  3. Harris did not want to go to the country because it was too quiet.

  4. There was something wrong with the author’s heart.

  5. The author was against the sea trip because he was afraid to be sea-sick.

  6. When you are on land, you never meet anybody who has ever been sea-sick.

B. Working with language:

  1. Write out from the text the sentences or clauses which include the words and word combinations from the Recommended Vocabulary List.

  1. Give the English equivalents of the following word combinations: две недели (4), страдать (4), складывать (6), старомодный (8), со скидкой (11), решительно воспротивиться 12), единогласное мнение(9), заранее (11), следовать предписаниям ( 7), страдать морской болезнью (13), обратный билет (10).

  1. Make lists of words and word combinations used to describe a) illnesses and health; b) travelling by sea.

С. Speaking:

  1. Divide the chapter into logical parts and entitle them.

  2. Retell the chapter: a) in brief, b) in detail, using the words and word combinations from the Recommended Vocabulary List.

Chapter 1. Class work.

  1. Checking home task: reading, vocabulary work, sentences of your own.

  2. Arrange the following headlines in the proper order.

  • Useful prescriptions

  • Original motion carried by majority of three to one

  • Sufferings of George and Harris

  • George suggests the river

  • Three Invalids

  • Montmorency lodges an objection

  • A victim to one hundred and seven fatal maladies

  • Cure for liver complaint in children

  • A week on the rolling deep?

  • We agree that we are overworked, and need rest