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Chapter 4 (part 2) Home task

  1. Concentrate your attention on the following words while reading the text, translate and remember them: a square meal (37), every now and then (39), to take smth. in a certain way (39), to make smb. mad(39), not to care a hang (41), to be in a light-hearted spirit (41), to make no comment(41), a pile(41), to be smb.’s turn(41), to get in the way(42), to reach out for(43), to be a nuisance (43).

  2. Write out from the text the sentences or clauses which include the following word combinations.

  3. Use some of the units from the Recommended Vocabulary List in a situation of your own.

  4. Do you remember the following things?

a) How did the packing begin? Who played the leading role? b) What is the thing that haunts the author every time he is travelling? Has anything of the kind ever happened to you?

c) What was Montmorency’s role in the episode? d) Notice the change of mood in the main characters and comment on it.

2. Translate the part of the chapter 4, pp. 38 - 39: «We made a list of the things ... other people sitting about doing nothing when I’m working»

3. Write out from the text the sentences or clauses which include the following word combinations.

4. Use the words and word combinations from the Rec.Voc. List in sentences of your own.

5. Choose a word from the recommended vocabulary list from this and the previous home assignments to match the following definitions:

- to say something in a very indirect way, especially something good or encouraging

- to plan and make preparations for something

- someone who make problems for you, prevent you from doing what you want to do

- a group of things of the same kind put on top of each other

- caring only about yourself, not about other people

- happening very often. It is not considered to be special or unusual

- a number of names of things, places, etc. that are written down together

- things that have been spread untidily around a place in a wrong places

Retell the chapter using the words and word combinations.

Chapter 5

Keyhole (44)

to snore (45)

to care for (46)

touchy (52)

weather forecast (46)

indoors (47)

to soak (47)

to turn up (53)

to cheer up (48)

to mislead (48)

drought (49)

rumour (54)

to make head or tail (49)

beforehand (50)

  1. Write out from the text the sentences or clauses which include the following word combinations.

  2. Use some of the units from the Recommended Vocabulary List in a situation of your own.

  3. Dear diary. Keep diaries of the events as seen by George, Harris, Jerome and Montmorency.

Chapter 5. Working in class

1. Arrange the following headlines in the proper order.

People gather around us Our luggage

Mrs P. Wakes us We are afloat in an open boat

The weather forecast Innocence of South Western Officials concerning such worldly things as trains

Depravity of the small boy George, the sluggard We drive off in great style, and arrive at Waterloo