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The Other America

At the post-war time, when 75 % of all Americans enjoyed economic growth, 25 % lived below the poverty line. Although a number of poor Americans declined from 34 % in 1947 to 22 % in 1960, there were still more than 35 million poor people.

These people mostly lived in either decaying inner-city slums or in the rural areas far from state and interstate highways. Age, race, sex, education and marital status were the factors of their poverty. Among the poor were almost half of the nation's black population and Mexican-Americans, who continued entering the country in large numbers, often illegally.

The poorest group of population was Native Americans, whose annual income was half the amount of the poverty level. Indians, accustomed to the life in reservations had difficulty adjusting to the city. They moved to cities for better life, but instead found only poverty. As people were trapped in a cycle of poverty, they could not give proper education to their children, who often faced the same difficulties in life.

During the 1950s, poverty reached 36 %, and only by 1962 it fell back to 25 %. In the 1960s, the war against poverty stated by President Lyndon B. Johnson helped to reduce it to 13 % by 1969.

Task 2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What were the factors that caused the after-war economic boom?

  2. How did the pattern of jobs change in the post-war years?

  3. What is a "postindustrial" society?

  4. What factors caused the mobilization of the nation?

  5. What megalopolises developed in the post-war period?

  6. How did the baby boom contribute to the growth of economy?

  1. What did the concept of "family togetherness" emphasize?

  2. How did the Levitts contribute to the growth of suburbs?

  3. What did the materialistic culture of the fifties reflect?

10. What population groups represented the "other America" of the fifties?

Task 3. Vocabulary development. State the meaning of the following derivatives and fill in the gaps.

1) Suburb, suburban, suburbanite, suburbia

a) is an outer area of a town or city where people live rather

than work.

b) is a derogatory term for dwellers.

c) Post-war America quickly .

2) Fertile, fertility, fertilize, fertilizer

a) are chemical or natural substances put in the land to make

crops grow better.

  1. Some species of fish are very . They lay thousands of eggs.

  2. Chemicals thrown in the water can diminish fish's .

  3. Bees the flowers.

3) Metropolis, metropolitan

a) is a chief city or the capital city of a country.

b) New York area includes parts of New Jersey, Connecticut,

and Long Island.

4) affluent, affluence

a) The term denotes people having much money or possessions.

b) is one of the chief values for many modern people.

5) slum, slummy, slumming

a) New York were famous for poor conditions and unrepaired


  1. He was fond of – visiting places of lower social level.

  2. Sometimes this place is very .

Task 4. Many well-known today terms were either coined or widely used in the 1950s. Match the term from column A to its explanation from column B.



1) a blue-collar worker

a) a society where most jobs involve intellect rather that manual labor

2) a white-collar worker

b) a large shopping area with cinemas, cafes and entertainment

3) postindustrial society

c) a story told in pictures with small amount of writing


4) megalopolis

d) a style, activity or interest popular for a very short period of time

5) baby boom

e) a worker employed in service or management

6) highway

f) a cinema where people can watch movies without leaving their cars

7) sit com (situation comedy)

g) an important road that joins cities and towns together

8) paperback (pocket book)

h) an amusing television or radio show in which the same characters appear in each program in a different story

9) comic (comic book)

i) a large increase in the number of babies born among the particular group

10) a drive-in (theater)

j) a cheap book with paper cover

11) fad (crazy)

k) a worker employed in manufacturing

12) mall

1) an interrupted metropolitan complex stretching from one big city to the other

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