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5. Дайте відповідь на ці питання, використовуючи підказки у дужках:

Зразок: Is he greasing the mechanisms now? - (tighten the packing gland)

- No, he is tightening the packing gland now.

1. Are you taking readings from the gauges? (wipe the mechanisms with rags)


  1. Are they working on deck? (keep watch in the engine room)


  1. Is Second Engineer checking the engine room? (repair the damage)


  1. Are you taking readings from the gauges? (weld the crack)


  1. Is he screwing the bolt? (replace worn packings)


6. Ви зараз несете вахту у машинному відділенні. Розкажіть, що Ви зараз робите:










Lesson 7

A motorman’s working day

Робочий день моториста


working day – робочий день

hard – важкий, старанно

long - довгий

to get up - вставати

to go - ходити

to have breakfast - снідати

after - після

job - праця

to do - робити

to have lunch - обідати

to rest - відпочивати

again - знову

to instruct - інструктувати

to have dinner - вечеряти

evening - вечір

to watch TV - дивитися телевізор

to listen - слухати

music - музика

to go to bed –лягати спати


I am a motorman. My working day is hard and long. I get up at 7 o’clock. Then I go to the rating’s messroom to have breakfast. After breakfast I go to the Central Control room. The engineer gives me the job for the day. Then I go to the engine room to do the job. I have lunch at 12.10. After lunch I go to rest in my cabin. Then I go to the Central Control room. The engineers instruct me on the job. And I work until 5 o’clock. In the evening I watch TV or listen to music. I go to the bed at 23.30.

It is 10 o’clock. What is the motorman doing? He is working in the engine room at this time.

It is 12 o’clock. What is the motorman doing? He is having lunch. He usually has lunch at this time.


Present Indefinite & Present Continuous

Порівняльна характеристика теперішнього неозначеного та продовженого теперішнього часів

Present Continuous

(Дія, що відбувається зараз)

I am

We, you, they are

He, she it is taking

Present Indefinite

(Дія, що відбувається звичайно, завжди)

Стверджув. форма

Питальна форма

Заперечна форма

I – Do


Do + not

You, we, they – Do


Do + not

He, she, it – Does (+ s, -es)


Does + not