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2. Скласти речення, використовуючи конструкцію there is/there are.

Зразок: twenty cabins \ ship

There are twenty cabins on the ship.

  1. five holds \ ship.


  1. galley \ second deck


  1. Chief Engineer’s cabin \ first deck


  1. engine room \ below the laundry


  1. officer’s messroom \ second deck


  1. bridge \ boat deck


3. Де знаходяться такі приміщення на вашому судні?

  1. The bridge, the galley, the rating’s messroom, the officer’s messroom, the engine room, the pumproom.







4. Поставте такі питання вашому сусіду про його судно:

  1. Where is the Master’s cabin?


  1. Is the bridge above the boat deck?


  1. Where is your cabin?


  1. Is the Chief Engineer’s cabin near the Master’s cabin?


  1. Where is the rating’s messroom?


  1. What deck is the engine room on?


  1. Where is the galley?


5. Використайте присвійний відмінок:

Зразок: the name of the ship – the ship’s name

  1. The messroom for the ratings ___________________________________________

  1. The cabin of the Chief Engineer___________________________________________

  1. The messroom for the officers____________________________________________

  1. The cabin of the pilot___________________________________________________

  1. The order of the Chief Engineer___________________________________________

6. Розкажіть про розташування різних приміщень на вашому судні, використовуючи конструкцію there is \ there are.







Lesson 4

Engine room equipment.

Обладнання машинного відділення.

Deck equipment.

Палубне обладнання.


Частина 1

equipment - обладнання

mechanism - механізм

main engine – головний двигун

diesel engine – дизельний двигун

four-stroke - чотирьохтактний

boiler - котел

fire-tube - димогарний

generator - генератор

auxiliary - допоміжний

motor - мотор

pump - насос

there - там

Central Control Station – ЦПУ (центральний пульт управління)

Main Switch Board – ГРЩ

Частина 2

different - різний

deck equipment – палубне обладнання

mooring – швартування, швартовний

anchor handling equipment – якірне обладнання

cargo handling equipment – вантажне обладнання

hatch cover – кришка люка

winch - лебідка

capstan - шпиль

windlass - брашпиль

crane - кран

heavy lift derrick – стріла для великої ваги

tanker – танкер


Частина 1

This is our engine room. There are many mechanisms there. Our main engine is a diesel engine. It is a four-stroke medium-speed diesel engine. There are two boilers in the engine room. They are water-tube. They are not fire-tube. There are also diesel generators, auxiliary motors and pumps in the engine room. This is our Central Control Station. There is the Main Switch Board there.

What is there in the engine room? There is the main engine there.

How many boilers are there in the engine room? There are two boilers in the engine room.

Are there diesel generators in the engine room? Yes, there are. (No, there are not.)

Is there the Main Switch Board in the Central Control Station? Yes, there is. (No, there is not.)

Частина 2

Deck equipment

We have different deck equipment on the ship:

    1. mooring equipment (e.g. winches, capstans, windlass);

    2. anchor handling equipment (e.g. winches, windlasses)

    3. cargo handling equipment (e.g. cranes, heavy-lift derricks and oil pumps for tankers);

    4. hatch cover

Have you deck equipment on your ship? Yes, we have. (No, we have not.)

What deck equipment have you on your ship? We have different deck equipment.

How many winches have you? We have two winches.


  1. Конструкція there is\there are

  2. Дієслово to have (мати)

I have – у мене є (я маю) She has – у неї є

You have – у тебе є He has – у нього є

We have – у нас є It has – воно має

They have – у них є
