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Спеціальні питання (Що? Де? Коли? і тощо)

Where do you work?

Where do the motormen work?

Where does he work?

Where does the motorman work?


1. Продовжить такі речення:

  1. I keep watch in…


  1. I take measurements of fuel and oil with the…


  1. I fill…


  1. I tighten…______________ with…_____________________________

  1. I report to…_________________________________________________

  1. I replace…__________________________________________________

  1. I pump out water from_________________________________________

  1. If equipment is out of order I…


2. Ваш друг – моторист. Задайте йому 7 питань про вахту, використовуючи слова і вирази із тексту а.

Зразок: Do you keep watch in the engine room?

Do you…?

3. Скажіть, що ви не робите під час вахти:

Зразок: I don’t cook

Використовуйте наступні слова:

to study English

to repair the engine

to paint the deck

to wipe the mechanisms

to lubricate the deck equipment

4. Дайте відповідь на питання скороченими відповідями:

Зразок: Where do you keep watch?

In the engine room.

  1. What do you check during your watch?


  1. What measurements do you take?


  1. What do you take measurements of oil and fuel with?


  1. Do you pump out water?


  1. Who do you report to if equipment is out of order?


  1. Where does the duty engineer keep watch?


  1. What do you do during your watch?


5. Ви проходите атестацію у крюінговій компанії. Як би ви відповіли на такі питання? Відповіді можуть бути повними або скороченими:

  1. Where do you live?


  1. What do you do? = What is your job?


  1. Where do you work?


  1. What ship do you work on?


  1. Are you married?


  1. What does your wife do?


  1. Do you have children?


  1. How many children do you have?


  1. Do you speak English? (A little – трохи)


  1. Do you study English?


  1. Where do you study English? (at the courses – на курсах; on my own – самостійно)


  1. What is your experience on ships under a foreign flag?


Lesson 6

What are they doing?

Що вони роблять?


morning - ранок

to check - перевіряти

very - дуже

busy - зайнятий

to assist - допомагати

rags – ганчір’я

spanner – баєчний ключ

to grease – змащувати


What are they doing?

It’s 7 o’clock. I am keeping watch in the engine room with Second Engineer. This morning is very busy. There are many people in the engine room. What are they doing?

Chief Engineer is checking the engine room. Second Engineer is repairing the diesel generator. Third Engineer is assisting him. The wiper is wiping the mechanisms. He is doing it with rags. I am tightening the packing glands. I am doing it with a spanner.

Are you keeping watch now? – Yes, I am.

What are you doing? – I am tightening the packing glands.

What is Chief Engineer doing? – He is checking the engine room. He is not repairing the diesel generator.