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Граматика Модальне дієслово Must. Must – висловлює повинність, обов’язковість.

Стверджув. форма

I (we, you, he, she, it, they) must work – Я (ми, ти, він, вона, воно, вони) повинні працювати.

Питальна форма

Must I (we, you, he, she, it, they) work? – Yes, I must. No, I must not. Чи повинен я працювати? Так, повинен. Ні, не повинен.

Заперечна форма

I (we, you, he, she, it, they) must not (mustn’t) work.

Я не повинен працювати.


1. Скажіть, що ви повинні зробити, використовуючи такі вислови:

Зразок: to close the door.

I must close the door.

To check the machinery, to take measurements of fuel and oil, to fill the tank, to stop the leakage, to shut the valve, to close the watertight door, to go to the engine room, to go to the muster station, to start the engine of the life-boat.

2. Спитайте вахтового механіка чи повинні ви робити наступне:

Зразок: to close the door

Must I close the door?

To start the engine, to seal off ventilation channel, to check the level of oil in the engine, to get ready the fire-pump, to prepare CO2 extinguishing system, to keep emergency sea water pumps in a stand-by position, to lubricate the machinery.

3. Дайте відповідь на такі запитання за зразком:

Зразок: Must I close the door? (Так) Yes, you must.

Must I close the door? (Ні) No, you needn’t.

  1. Must I bring a file? __________________________________________________

  1. Must I screw the bolt? _________________________________________________

  1. Must I solder the pipe? _________________________________________________

  1. Must I welder the hole? _________________________________________________

  1. Must I bring an adjustable wrench? _______________________________________

  1. Must I get ready the fire-pump? __________________________________________

  1. Must I take the extinguisher? ____________________________________________

4. Розташуйте у правильній послідовності наступні дії по тривогам:

Вкажіть які дії ви не виконали:

General emergency alarm

  1. I must go to the engine room.

  2. I must report to the watch engineer.

  3. I must go to my muster room.

  4. I must close the shaft tunnel.

  5. I must go to my cabin.

Abandon ship alarm

  1. I must start the engine of the life-boat.

  2. I must go to the ratings’ room.

  3. I must lubricate the mechanisms.

  4. I must go to the boat deck to life boat № 1.

  5. I must check the level of oil in the engine.

Fire alarm

  1. I must get ready sea water pumps.

  2. I must control the operation of the fire-pumps.

  3. I must get ready the fire-pumps.

  4. I must go to life-boat № 2.

  5. I must go to the Central Control Station.

6. Ви приходите на нове судно. З вами проводять бесіду. Які ви даєте відповіді на такі запитання:

  1. Where are the extinguishers in the engine room? (в ЦПУ; біля ГРЩ)


  1. What is your muster station:

  • at the abandon ship alarm

  • at the emergency general alarm

  • at the fire alarm


  1. Where is your life jacket?


  1. What is the number of your life-boat?


  1. Where are the life-boats on the ship?


  1. What extinguishers are there on the ship?


  1. Where is the first aid box in the engine room? (в ЦПУ; у механічній майстерні)
