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English Through Reading.doc
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1. Он согласился на мое предложение. 2. Мы спешили, так как

хотели успеть на последний автобус. 3. Соседние дома также были

охвачены огнем. 4. У него достаточно большая доля акций, чтобы

управлять политикой компании. 5. Мы не можем сомневаться в

правдивости его слов. 6. Это очень надежный человек, он никогда не

подводил нас. 7. Договорились ли вы о цене? 8. Мейбл следовала за

Джорджем, пытаясь догнать его в одном из портов Китая. 9. Мое

внимание привлек высокий загорелый юноша, который быстро шел по

перрону. 10. Это следует проверить. 11. Она не смогла сдержать свои

чувства и разрыдалась. 12. Ваше описание не соответствует тому, что



он рассказал нам об этом месте. 13. Все наши планы провалились.

14. Я был полон восхищения и гордости, когда слушал ее речь.

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the

word fail.

1. Говорят, он обиделся на мои слова. На этот раз ему, должно

быть, изменило чувство юмора.

2. Неужели он опять провалился на экзамене?

3. Она не пришла на соревнования и подвела команду.

4. Мы не смогли вовремя послать телеграмму, и мама очень


5. Он да смог дать удовлетворительного объяснения своему


6. За что бы он ни брался, он всегда терпит неудачу.

Ex. 12. Choose the right word and insert it in the proper form.

control — direct — manage

"control" (headquarters) — have a power to take all the important decisions

"manage" — be responsible for organizing (a business, an organization, a system)

and seeing that the right things are done

"direct"— refers to a leadership or order

1. The Imam of Yemen was an absolute ruler. He ... the life of every


2. In small business there are people who own the business and often

... it as well.

3. The President of the United States ... the nation's foreign policy.

4. The merchants ... the network of marketing and supplies.

5. Mrs Hughes ... the 400 acre dairy farm with the help of five men.

6. They want ... their own lives themselves.

7. Who ... the film?

doubt — suspect

"doubt" — do not believe that smth is true or possible; lack of faith or trust

"suspect" — a questioning uncertainty, especially when you are relying on your


1. Nobody ... his knowledge of countryside matters.

2. I ... he was already in New York.

3. I ... that many of them could barely read or write.


4. Jane never ... for a moment that her first child would be a son.

5. He felt so weak that he ... whether he would be able to walk to the


6. He ... that no one had ever seen anything like that before.

greet — salute — welcome

"greet" — say "Hello" or make a gesture with the same meaning

"welcome" — show that you're glad to see smb, especially when people arrive

"salute " — make a formal sign of respect

1. A large uniformed police sergeant recognized him and at once ...

2. She went down the steps ... Harry with a kiss on both cheeks.

3. As the king arrived he ... at the door by the prince.

4. "Yes, sir," said Pitman, giving the major an exemplary ... .

5. The guests ... on arrival by the crowds of people.

6. "... to Peking," the sign said.

fill — satisfy

"fill" — suggests adequacy but no more

"satisfy" — adequate response to a requirement, need or expectation, stressing its


1. The candidate ... all requirements for a degree.

2. She was hired ... a staff vacancy.

3. This is a film that can hardly ... the expectations of the people.

4. Despite excellent recommendations she didn't ... our expectations.

5. He ... the post satisfactorily and performs the duties well.

fight — battle

"fight" — suggests any struggle towards a goal, more general than "battle"

"battle " — refers most strongly to a specific fight that may be part of a larger war

or disaster

1. It was a desperate ... to win the tournament at all costs.

2. That ... produced the heaviest casualties of the war.

3. The ... broke out between two drunks but soon spread to the whole


4. They were caught in the storm and had ... with the winds and waves.

5. The dogs ... over a bone.

6. He ... his way toward his goal.



Study the verbs connected with beliefs and opinions

Think and believe are the most popular.

Here are some more.


be convinced







very strong feeling

that you are right

insist on believing,

veiy often against

the evidence

strong personal


informal, usually

an opinion on what

is likely to happen

dis belief

have a strong

feeling about smth









I'm convinced we've met


She maintains that we are related.

but I'm not convinced.

I feel she shouldn't be forced to do


1 reckon they'll get married soon.

I doubt we'll ever see total world


I suspect that he is a lier.

Prepositions used with belief and opinion words

? Do you believe in God?

О What are your views on divorce?

? What do you think of tne new boss?

? I'm in favour of long prison sentences.

? I have my doubts about this plan.

? Are you for or against this candidate?



Kx. 13. Match the words in column A with those in column В adding

;i preposition.


1. I have strong views

2. Most people believe

3. I was in favour

4. What does he think-*

5. This is absurd

6. He's quite wrong

7. Well, that's just silly

Ex. 14. Translate the sentences using the following structures (for

reference see "English Grammar", pp. 136, 141, 147):

can't do

He might + be doing smth

must have done

See the text: His mind went back to that book — the book the Lord Himself

must have put into his hand...

Examples: She must have recognized his voice, for in a second the door

was unlocked and opened...

"Perhaps," said the Captain, "you might have heard the

ernor mention my name."

He can't hate her. Could he hate John's mother and yet

keep her photo?

(Based on an episode from To Let by J. Galsworthy.)

Соме остановился перед картиной одного из начинающих

дожников, с интересом ее рассматривая. "Что бы это могло

жать?" — думал он. "Они могли бы, по крайней мере, сделать надпись.

Лх вот, судя по каталогу, это, наверное (должно быть), и есть картина,

изображающая "Город будущего." А что значат эти вертикальные черные

полосы? Может быть, это самолеты? Джун опять устраивает выставки

произведений молодых художников. Она, должно быть, все еще полна

иллюзий и думает, что со временем они могут стать знаменитостями.

Но где же Флер? Что могло ее задержать? Не могла же она забыть о

my opinion.

the proposed changes.


0f my mind.

-~»^^^ life after death.

^~-"-- the new teacher?

our point of view.



своем обещании? Да нет, она, наверное, опять пошла к Имоджии

Кардиган. Эти женщины! На них никогда нельзя положиться!" Вдруг он

заметил даму и юношу. Что-то в ней показалось ему знакомым. "Неужели

Ирэн? После стольких лет!" И она его увидела. В глазах его, должно

быть, отразилась саркастическая улыбка, так как лицо ее приняло жесткое

выражение и она прошла мимо.

Ex. 15. Translate the sentences using the structure


know smb/smth to do smth


See the text: Next time you doubt yourself, I want you to hear my voice

reciting to you...

Example: I want you to come and dine with me.

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