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Etymological survey of the english word-stock

§ 1. Some Basic Assumptions ............... 160

Words of Native Origin

§ 2. Semantic Characteristics and Collocability. ......... 162

Derivational Potential .................... 162

§ 4. Summary and Conclusions . . ................ 164


§ 5. Causes and Ways of Borrowing . . .............. 164

§ 6. Criteria of Borrowings .................... 165

§ 7. Assimilation of Borrowings . . ............... 166

§ 8. Phonetic, Grammatical and Lexical Assimilation of Borrowings 167

§ 9. Degree of Assimilation and Factors Determining It ...... 170

§ 10. Summary and Conclusions . . ................ 170

Interrelation between Native and Borrowed Elements

§ 11. The Role of Native and Borrowed Elements .......... 171

§ 12. Influence of Borrowings .................... 172

§ 13. Summary and Conclusions ...........'....... 175

VII. Various aspects of vocabulary units and replenishment of modern english word-stock

Interdependence of Various Aspects of the Word

§1. Notional and Form Words ................. 176

§2. Frequency, Polysemy and Structure ............ 177

§3. Frequency and Stylistic Reference .............. 178

§4. Frequency, Polysemy and Etymology ............ 179

§5. Frequency and "Semantic Structure .............. 180

Replenishment of Modern English Vocabulary

6. Development of Vocabulary ................

7. Structural and Semantic Peculiarities of New Vocabulary Units

Ways and Means of Enriching the Vocabulary

§ 8. Productive Word-Formation .............. 184

§ 9. Various Ways of Word-Creation .............. 187

§ 10. Borrowing .......................... 191

§ 11. Semantic Extension ... .................. 193

Number of Vocabulary Units in Modern English

§ 12. Some Debatable Problems of Lexicology ........... 195

§ 13. Intrinsic Heterogeneity of Modern English .......... 196

§ 14. Number of Vocabulary Items in Actual Use and Number of Vocabulary Units in Modern English .............. 197

§ 15. Summary and Conclusions . , ........... . .... 198

VIII. Variants and dialects of the english language

The Main Variants of the English Language

§ 1. General Characteristics of the English Language in Different Parts of

the English-Speaking World ................. 200

§ 2. Lexical Differences of Territorial Variants ........... 202

§ 3. Some Points of History of the Territorial Variants and Lexical Interchange Between Them .................... 205

Local Varieties in the British Isles and the USA

§ 4. Local Dialects in the British Isles ........... 206

§ 5. The Relationship Between the English National Language and British Local Dialects .................... 207

§ 6. Local Dialects in the USA .................. 208

§ 7. Summary and Conclusions . . ................ 209


Main Types of English Dictionaries

§ 1. Encyclopaedic and Linguistic Dictionaries .......... 210

§ 2. Classification of Linguistic Dictionaries ........... 211

§ 3. Explanatory Dictionaries . . ................ 213

§ 4. Translation Dictionaries . ................ 213

§ 5, Specialized Dictionaries . .. ................ 214

Some Basic Problems of Dictionary-Compiling

§ 6. The Selection of Lexical Units for Inclusion .......... 216

§ 7, Arrangement of Entries . ....... 218

§ 8. Selection and Arrangement of Meanings ........... 219

§ 9. Definition of Meanings . ................. 220

§ 10. Illustrative Examples . . .................. 221

§ 11. Choice of Adequate Equivalents .............. 222

§ 12. Setting of the Entry . ................... 222

§ 13. Structure of the Dictionary ................ 225