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Текст № 1

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Weekend in Franklin’s Family

Every weekend is important in the Franklin’s family during the week they don’t have very much time together, but they spend a lot of time together at the weekend. Mr. Franklin works at the shoe department during the week, but he doesn’t work at the weekend. Mrs. Franklin works at the city hospital during the week, but she does not work there at the weekend. Bobby and Sally Franklin go to the elementary school during the week but they don’t go there at the weekend. And the Franklin dog Rover stays home alone during the week, but he doesn’t stay home alone at the weekend. On Saturdays and on Sundays the Franklins spend all their time together. On Saturday morning they clean the house together. On Saturday afternoon they work in the garden together. And on Saturday evening they sit in the living room and watch TV together. On Sunday morning they go to the church together. On Sunday afternoon they have a big dinner. And on Sunday evening they play musical instruments together.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

  • The Franklins are very busy on weekdays, aren’t they?

  • Where does Mr. Franklin work? Does he work at the weekend, too?

  • What does Mrs. Franklin do?

  • And what about the children?

  • What do the Franklins do on Saturday morning /afternoon, evening/?

  • Where do Franklins go on Sunday morning?

  • What do they do on Sunday afternoon?

  • When do they play musical instruments?

3. Закончите предложения:

  • Mr. Franklin works at the shoe department during the week, but…

  • Mrs. Franklin works at the city hospital during the week, but…

  • Bobby and Sally go to the elementary school during the week, but…

  • On Saturday morning…

  • On Saturday evening…

  • On Sunday afternoon…

4. Согласитесь или не согласитесь:


  • Mrs. Franklin doesn’t work.

  • Yes, she does. She works at the city hospital.

  1. Mr. Franklin works at a factory.

  2. The children don’t go to school at the weekend.

  3. The Franklins’ dog Rover stays at home during the week.

  4. The Franklins don’t spend much time together at the weekend.

  5. On Saturday morning the Franklins go to church.

5. Ответьте на вопросы о себе:

Where do you work? What do you do? Do you go to work on Saturday? What do you do on Saturday evening? Are you married? What does your wife (husband) do? Do you have any children? What do they do? Do you spend much time with family? Say what you /the members of your family/ do and what you don’t do on the weekend?

Текст № 2

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Before Work”

Jill usually gets up at a quarter to eight. Steve doesn’t often get up before 8 o’clock. They usually have coffee and toast for breakfast but they never have very much time. Jill often runs for the bus, but she seldom arrives late for school. Steve is sometimes late for work. He often takes his toast with him to the office. Before work they are always in a hurry. They don’t usually say much at breakfast, they never have time.