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Ключи к тесту:

I. 1) Has he any new English books?

He hasn’t any new English books.

2) Were there any magazines on his table?

There weren’t any magazines on his table.

3) Can they speak some foreign languages?

They can’t speak some foreign languages.

4) Does he know any engineers of our office?

He doesn’t know any engineers of our office.

5) Did we send any letters to foreign firms yesterday?

We didn’t send any letters to foreign firms yesterday.

6) Did our director receive any documents the day before yesterday?

Our director didn’t receive any documents the day before yesterday.

7) Will they discuss the terms of delivery with them next week?

They won’t discuss the terms of delivery with them next week.

8) Are they having talks with their partners?

They aren’t having talks with their partners.

9) Have they concluded an agreement yesterday?

They haven’t concluded an agreement yesterday.

II. 1) much, any

2) many

  1. few

  2. a few, few

  3. much

  4. a little

  5. a few, few

  6. little, few

  7. a little, little

III. a) Pete is writing the word “foreign”.

He has written the word “foreign”.

Pete has written the word “foreign”.

He wrote the word “foreign” a minute ago.

b) Nick is opening the window.

He has opened the window.

Nick has opened the window.

He opened the window a minute ago.

IV. 1) some, no

2) any

3) any

4) some, no

5) any, some

6) any, no

V. Is; is speaking, is speaking, have seen, can (could), believe, have sent, haven’t received, did send, sent, believe, must, think, do require, believe, can (could).

VI. 1) having installation problems

2) when traveling

3) advertising the latest model of the boilers

4) coming into the office, waiting for him

5) when writing a cable.

VII. 1) What goods are you interested in?

We are interested in ….

2) What time have you made an appointment with Mr. Bunin (for)?

I have made an appointment with Mr. Bunin for 5 p.m.

3) What can I do for you?

Could you help me by …?

4) At what price does your company sell power equipment?

We sell it for …

5) What models of boilers are in great demand?

The newest models of boilers are in great demand.

6) What goods can you offer us?

We can offer you ….

7) What terms of shipment are acceptable to you?

April or May is acceptable to us.

8) What goods do you require?

We require …

9) Since when have they done business with Brown and Co.?


Контрольная работа №2

I курс, II семестр Вариант № 1

I. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смысла, в Past Simple или Present Perfect

Запишите полученные предложения, переведите на русский язык.

1. I (not, to see) this film yet, but I (to hear) a lot about it.

2. He isn't here, he just (to go) out.

3. Last winter I (to spend) a lot of time in the library.

4. (to arrive) the steamer? - No, it hasn't.

5. I (to meet) him yesterday.