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VIII. Сделайте предложения вопросительными. Задайте специальные воп­росы к выделенным словам.

1.Australia exports much high-quality wool.

2.There are some people in the room.

3.The conference starts at 3 o’clock on the 1st of December.

4.They always purchase a lot of machinery in the USA.

  1. We always discuss our prices with our clients.

IX. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания к тексту.


Importers and exporters do not use the same currency. When they buy and sell goods they change money from one currency to another. There are two ways of doing this. First, the importer can buy in his own currency and the exporter changes it on the international currency market. Secondly, the importer sells his own currency and purchases the exporter's. The importer pays. Usually the tanks buy and sell currency for their clients.

The international currency market consists of a net of international banks. Exchange brokers and dealers deal in foreign exchange (Forex) transactions. The exchange rates change (or fluctuate) from day to day. For example, one day the exchange rate is 0.520-pound sterling to a dollar, another day it is 0.520-pound sterling to a dollar. Dealers and banks choose the best rates and profit Forex dealing.

  • Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

  1. Do the importers and exporters use the same currency?

  2. How do the importers get the currency they need?

  3. What is the first way the importers use?

  4. Where does the importer change money?

  5. Who buys and sells currency for their clients?

  6. What does the international currency market consist of?

  7. Who deals in Forex transactions?

  8. Do the exchange rates fluctuate?

9. What rates do the dealers choose: to profit by foreign currency transactions?

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Вариант №5

I. Спишите, образуйте множественное число существительных, переведите все слова на русский язык.

Telefax, machine, shelf, liability, radio-set, meat, cost, currency, goods, way, net.

II. Спишите, определите суффиксы, запишите исходное слово, переведите на русский язык.

Beautiful, different, active, hopeless, eatable, intellectual, useful, dictatorship, transmission, submission.

III. Вставьте вместо точек подходящие предлоги

1. He lives … Russia.

2. I see many figures ... the computer screen.

3.There are the prices ... various commodities.

4. My boss comes … 9 o'clock.

5. Comе ... mу rооm.

on, into, in, at, of

IV. Спишите, подчеркните прилагательные, переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Dealers and banks choose the best rates.

  2. The more you study the better you pass your exams.

  3. I have more time than you.

  4. We usually start earlier.

  5. He is more careful than I.

V. Запишите числительные цифрами.

Two hundred and twenty-six, four thousand five hundred and sixty-eight pounds ten shillings and three pence, May the fifteenth, nineteen forty-eight.

VI. Раскройте скобки, поставьте соответствующее местоимение. Переве­дите на русский язык.

1. Excuse (I).

2. (I) computer’s screen is blue.

3. I see (he) at my desk.

4. There is (I) boss over the telephone.

5. John comes into (they) room.

VII. Трансформируете предложения, используя конструкции there is/there are. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The food is on the table.

2. The drinks are on the shelves.

3. Some figures are on the display.

4. Some changes are in the market.

5. Some people are in the street.

VIII. Сделайте предложения вопросительными. Задайте специальные воп­росы к выделенным словам.

I. Taiwan products radios, television sets and other electronic products.

2.There is some oil in the tank.

3. The exporter changes money on the international currency market.

4. He usually buys a lot of meat.

5. She always telephones him from Italy.

IX. Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, переведите. Выполните задания к тексту.


Herman (over the telephone): Hello. Operator, I need 364 28S 38...

Thanks. Yeah... is this 364 285 38? What? Wrong number... 0. God...Hey, operator, I need 364 285 38, ... 38. O.K. Is this 364 285 38? O.K. I need extention 291, please...

Operator: I'm putting you through.

Norman: Is this 291? Could I speak to Mrs. Johnson, please? No, I am calling from Lincoln, Florida... United States, yeah.

Who is speaking? Oh, hello, Linda. Norman here.

Linda Johnson: Hello, Norman, how are you?

Norman: I'm O.K. You know, we аrе signing a contract with Lincoln Freight on Wednesday…

Linda: Wednesday. That is November, the twenty fifth?

Norman: Yes, that's right. November the twenty fifth. Now, look, Linda I need information on our latest transaction in Guatemala. It's about our bank's Letter of Credit dated July the fourth and August the thirteenth.

Linda: Reference numbers? Terms?

Norman: Yeah. Both.

Linda: Hold a moment, please …

  • Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.

1.What number does Norman call?

2.What extention does he need?

3. Who puts him through?

4. Where does he telephone?

5. What does he ask Linda about?

  1. What are the dates of Letter of Credit?

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