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Вариант № 3

I. Спишите, поставьте существительные во множественное число, переведите все слова на русский язык.

Directory, number, apartment, warranty, head, display, machinery, producer, TV-set, example.

II. Спишите существительные, определите в них суффиксы, укажите, от каких слов образованы данные существительные. Переведите все слова.

Comfortable, unequal, direction, experimental, legalization, logical, possibility, dislike, honestly.

III. Вставьте необходимые предлоги

1. Is he … the office? - No, he isn’t.

2. Welcome … Washington.

3. I work ... GCA Incorporated.

4. He has a computer ... his desk.

5. We work ... 9 a.m.

to, in, on, for, from

IV. Спишите, подчеркните прилагательные, переведите на русский язык.

1.He has mоrе time than you.

2.Please send the book back without further delay.

3.He is the best of my friends.

4.This student is the most attentive in our group.

5.Better late than never.

V. Запишите числительные цифрами.

Twelve pounds two pence, twenty-three point seven six tons, the fifteenth of May nineteen forty-eight, the first part, eleventh, thousands of books.

VI. Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующие местоимения

1. Call (I), Norman.

2. I've got a computer in (I) office.

3. (We) office is in New York.

4. Give (we) the directory.

5. Is this (you) first visit to Moscow?

VII. Трансформируйте предложения, используя конструкцию there is/are. Переведите на русский язык

1. One computer is there.

2.The file is on my desk.

3. My boss is over the phone.

4. Some drinks are on the mеnu.

5. A desk is in the room.

VIII. Сделайте предложения вопросительными. Задайте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. Taiwan has manу skilled technicians.

2. There is some paper on the desk.

3. My secretary works from 9 а.m. till 5 p.m.

4. Usually I use mу own telephone. 5. He usually pays in dollars.

IX. Прочитайте текст, выпишите и переведите незнакомые слова, выполни­те задания к тексту.


Countries export some products and import others because sometimes it is cheaper to buy than to produce. There is climate and much vegetation in Australia. This is very good for sheep breeding and Australia exports much high-quality wool. Taiwan has many skilled technicians and so it produces radios, television sets and other electronic products for export. Canada's climate is good for wheat, and Argentina is a low—cost producer of meat. Canada ships its wheat to Argentina and Argentina sells its meat to Canada. Both countries profit by these import-export transactions. Very few countries do not take part in international business.

-Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

1.Why do some countries export and import products?

2.What kind of goods does Australia export and why?

3.What kinds of goods does Taiwan export? Why?

4. What is Canada’s climate good for?

5. What kind of producer is Argentina?

6. What kind of export-import transactions does Argentina and Canada take part in?

  1. Do countries profit by international business?

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