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The Participle (Причастие)

Participle I



Выражает действие, одновременное с



being built

действием глагола-сказуемого.

Participle II


Выражает действие, одновременное с




действием глагола-сказуемого или




предшествующее ему.

Perfect Participle

having built

having been built

Выражает действие, предшествующее




действию глагола-сказуемого.

Функции причастия


Английский вариант

Русский вариант






Причастие I (Participle I)




а) с глаголом to be образует

Many rivers are flowing in this

Много рек протекает в


форму Continuous


этом районе.






б) определение

50 stars symbolizing 50 states

50 звезд,



the flying bird

символизирующих 50








летящая птица


в) обстоятельство

When (while) reading this

Читая эту английскую



English book I came across

книгу, я встретил много



many new words.

новых слов.



Radio and television changed

Радио и телевидение


Past Indefinite (Simple)

people’s leisure time.

изменили время досуга






Причастие II




(Participle II)




а) с глаголами to have

Since people have appeared on

С тех пор как люди


образует формы Perfect

the earth.

появились на земле.


б) с глаголом to be образует

All sciences are closely

Все науки тесно


формы Passive





well-informed citizens











в) определение

the lakes connected by

озера, соединенные










г) обстоятельство (после

as compared with that city

сравнивая с тем городом


when, if, as, though)

As asked he brought the book

Так как его попросили,




он принес книгу.



When asked, he brought the

Когда его попросили, он




принес книгу.



If prepared well, he will pass

Если он подготовится



the exam.

хорошо, он сдаст







Though not prepared very

Хотя он был не готов,



well, he said some words on

он сказал несколько слов



the problem.

по проблеме

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Grammar and lexical exercises.

1.Образуйте причастие I и II от глаголов: a) образец: to go – going (Participle I)

1.to learn, to get, to finish, to study, to contain, to lecture, to include, to sit.

2.to give, to teach, to count, to read, to write, to put, to draw, to dance.

б) образец: to offer – offered; to do – done (Participle II)

1.to continue, to enter, to receive, to include, to require, to improve, to increase, to cross.

2.to be, to have, to begin, to sing, to take, to teach, to get, to choose.

2. Переведите предложения, определив функцию причастия: а) определение, в) обстоятельство, с) часть сказуемого.

а) Participle I.

1.The students are going to the University now.

2.When speaking about education it is necessary to say that education includes different kinds of learning experiences.

3.My friend was doing a degree work when I came in his study.

4.The preschool education is an education consisting of network of kindergarten.

5.Finishing the senior school the young people can get higher education.

6.The existing conditions were discussed by the teachers.

б) Participle II.

1.Pupils are taught to count, to read, to write, to draw, to sing and to dance.

2.If prepared well, he will pass the exams.

3.All the school-leavers have already taken competitive examinations.

4.When asked he told about the system of education in Russia.

5.As compared with the system of education in Russia, the British system differs from the educational systems of other countries.

6.Well-educated citizen is the aim of higher education.

7.The written test was done by the student well.

8.The teachers invited to the conference are good specialists.

3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний.

источник, гармония, окружающая среда, развитие, дымный, предприятия, побочный продукт, деятельность, загрязнять, вредные вещества, страдать, исчезновение, кислород, редкие виды, разрушение, экологический, ужасный, катастрофа, ущерб, последствия, взрыв, защита, меры, безопасность, научный центр, сохранить, первые шаги, сохранить жизнь.

4. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

1.since ancient times…

2.people lived in harmony

3.the by-products of their activity

4.some rare species of animals

5.destruction of the ozone layer

7. environmental protection agencies

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5. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. the source of life

1. редкие виды птиц

2. natural riches


кислородный баланс

3. industrial enterprises


огромные леса

4. vast forests


источник жизни

5. the oxygen balance


озоновый слой

6. rare species of birds


сохранить окружающую среду

7. the world’s ocean


радиоактивные вещества

8. the ozone layer


промышленные предприятия

9. radioactive substances


природные богатства

10. to preserve the environment

10. мировой океан

6. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и





атомная электростанция

1. man’s interference


загрязнение воздуха

2. all over the world


экологически неблагополучные регионы

3. the development of civilization


во всем мире

4. the pollution of air


вмешательство человека

5. man’s careless interaction


первые шаги

6. a sign of the ecological crises


развитые цивилизации

7. the atomic power-station


признак экологического кризиса

8. a system of ecological security


система экологической безопасности

9. ecologically poor region

10. небрежное взаимодействие человека

10. the initial steps

7. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Во всем мире появляются большие города с тысячами дымящих промышленных предприятий.

2.С древних времен природа служит человеку, являясь источником его жизни.

3.Каждый год мировая промышленность вырабатывает один миллион тонн пыли и других вредных веществ.

4.Загрязнение воздуха и мирового океана, разрушение озонового слоя являются результатами небрежного обращения с природой, признаком экологического кризиса.

5.Был нанесен большой урон сельскому хозяйству, лесам и здоровью людей.

6.Защита окружающей среды – всеобщая забота.

7.Многочисленные конференции были проведены этими агентствами, чтобы обсудить проблемы, стоящие перед экологически неблагополучными регионами.

8.Международная организация «Гринпис» делает многое для того, чтобы сохранить окружающую среду.

8. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.How did people live for thousands of years?

2.What appears all over the world today?

3.What pollutes the air we breathe?

4.What is the result of the pollution the atmosphere?

5.Why is environmental protection of a universal concern?

6.What are the initial steps in this direction?

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Сообщение на тему: «Environment».

About two hundred years ago man lived in a harmony with nature because industry was not much developed. Today the contradictions between man and nature are dramatic.

Every year world industry puts their waste materials, harmful substances into the water and atmosphere and pollutes the environment. People of many cities suffer from smog. Radiation has become one of the main problems. The pollution of the air, ocean, seas, rivers, forests and the destruction of the ozone layer can lead our planet to a global catastrophe.

Our Earth is our home and we must take care of it. We must keep our environment clean. The environmental question is connected with other important international problems: the overgrowth of population, hunger, poverty, peace and disarmament. The pollution of the environment influences the lives of animals, plants and humans.

We have to control atmospheric and water pollution, to study man’s influence on the climate, to protect the health of people. The protection of our environment is a matter of survival of Mankind on Earth.

Words and word combinations.

harmony – гармония nature – природа

to develop – развивать contradiction – противоречие waste materials – отходы

harmful substances – вредные вещества to pollute – загрязнять

environment – окружающая среда to suffer – страдать

pollution – загрязнение destruction – разрушение Earth – Земля

to take care – заботиться to keep – хранить, держать

environmental – экологический important – важный

to lead – приводить clean – чистый

to put in to – выбрасывать

to be connected – быть связанным overgrowth of population – перенаселение hunger – голод

poverty – бедность disarmament – разоружение to influence – влиять animals – животные

plant – растение humans – люди

to protect – защищать health – здоровье protection – защита survival – выживание Mankind – человечество

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Lesson Eight (The Eighth Lesson)

1.Text “Ecological Situation in the Orenburg Region”.

2.Words and word combinations.

3.Grammar: Времена группы Perfect.

4.Grammar and lexical exercises.

Text “Ecological Situation In The Orenburg Region”.

Each region has its own ecological problems. Our region is known as ecologically unfavourable. According to the total volume of polluting substances the area takes the 8th place among 77 provinces of Russia and the 3d place in the Ural economic region. The most polluted area is the eastern part and Orenburg, Novotroitsk, Orsk and Mednogorsk in particular. Every inhabitant has about 3 tons of dangerous wastes to breath. These towns are included in the list of the most polluted towns of Russia. Factories and plants are the main pollutants of air, water and soil. The wastes and by-products are dispersed into the rivers. The index of air and water pollution with copper, sulphur, dust, nitrogen, ammonia is above the norm. Due to the Orenburg Gas Plant the air pollution index in Orenburg is also very high (196).

Atomic explosions are another problem. The first took place on September 14th 1954. It greatly influenced nature and the health of the population. The rate of cancer is 4-5 times higher than in other regions.

The region also faces fresh water supply problems. There are not many rivers and lakes and people must take care of them. Nature has suffered greatly because of ploughing up the steppe, falling the trees, pollution of water and soil. 132 kinds of flowers and 30 kinds of animals need protection. There are 18 hunting reservations in the region and also reservations of lilies-of-the- valley and sweet-berries in Buguruslan and Ilek where wild animals and rare plants are protected. There are some monuments of historic, cultural and scientific significance: the Camel Rock, SolIletsk Lake and some lakes in Svetly.

Recently the Regional Ecological and Nature Protection Committee has been established. It regulates the use of natural resources and provides ecological safety of the region. Laboratories and inspection services are submitted to this state committee which takes part in programme planning for preservation of nature.

Only half of the 305 enterprises got permission on disposing garbage. 40 plants throw their wastes into rivers and lakes. Some steps have been taken for saving the Ural River, but they proved to be insufficient.

What should be done to change the situation for the better?

We must change people's attitude towards the environment.

We should stop the pollution of air and water.

We must save more energy and water and try to use other sources of energy (solar and tidal energy, the energy of the wind, subterranean hot water, etc.).

We must protect the ozone layer from harmful industrial products.

We should prevent animals from extinction.

These and many other steps should be taken already now to make our region a safer and better place to live in.

Words and word combinations:

unfavourable – неблагоприятный to pollute – загрязнять

substance – вещество inhabitant – житель dangerous – опасный wastes – отходы

to breath – дышать to include – включать

pollutant – загрязняющее вещество soil – почва, грунт

pollution – загрязнение by-product – побочный продукт to disperse – разбрасывать index – показатель, индекс copper – медь

sulphur – сера

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dust – пыль

to submit – подчинять

nitrogen – азот

to provide – обеспечивать

ammonia – аммиак

preservation – сохранение

explosion – взрыв

permission – разрешение

rate – доля, процент, степень

disposing – удаление, устранение

cancer – рак

garbage – отбросы

supply – запасы

attitude – отношение

to suffer – страдать

environment – окружающая среда

plough up – взрывать (землю)

solar – солнечный

falling – падение

tidal – приливной

protection – защита

subterranean – подземный

hunting – охота

harmful – вредный

reservation – заповедник

prevent from – не допускать

lilies-of-the-valley – ландыш

extinction – вымирание

sweet berries – сладкие (душистые) ягоды

safe – надежный, безопасный

significance – значение

insufficient – недостаточный

to establish – создавать, основывать

saving – спасение


Спряжение глаголов во временах группы Perfect


to have + Participle II

The Present Perfect Tense










I (we, you, they) have asked.



Я (уже) спросил.



He (she, it) has asked.



I have not asked.


He has not asked.





Have you








Has he



The Past Perfect Tense















I (he, she, it,




we, you,

had asked.









Я спросил (до того, как…).







I had not asked.










Had you asked?








Grammar and lexical exercises.

1.Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1.She has seen an interesting film lately.

2.We had finished our experiment by 5 o’clock.

3.They have never been in London.

4.The workers will have built this new house by the end of the year.

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2.Раскройте скобки, заменяя инфинитив нужной формой глагола – сказуемого.

1.“You ever (to be) to London?” “Yes, I (to go) there last winter”.

2.“Is father at home?” “No, he (not to come) yet.”

3.I just (to finish) work and (to read) a book now.

4.We (to translate) the article by five o’clock.

5.She (to write) the letter already when we came?

6.They (to send) some telegrams already by nine o’clock tomorrow morning.

3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола

– сказуемого.

1.Мой друг уже прочитал много книг английских писателей.

2.Вы были когда-нибудь в Лондоне?

3.Мы никогда не видели этот фильм.

4.К концу года он уже научился говорить по-английски.

5.Я ещё не говорил ему об этом.

6.Они уже перевели текст, когда он пришел?

7.Инженеры уже выполнят эту работу к десяти часам утра.

8.Ваш сын уже окончит институт в следующем году?

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

экологические проблемы, неблагоприятный, общий объем, экологический, часть, в особенности, житель, опасные отходы, загрязненные города, почва, побочный продукт, пыль, медь, атомный взрыв, население, защита, заповедник, ландыш, дикие животные, редкие растения, научное значение, недавно, природные ресурсы, экологическая безопасность, служба, сохранение, предприятие, разрешение, устранение, отбросов, шаги, спасение, недостаточный, отношение, окружающая среда, источники энергии, солнечная энергия, подземная горячая вода, озоновый слой, вредные промышленные продукты, вымирание, не допускать.

5. Прочитайте следующие сочетание слов и переведите их:

ecological unfavourable

the rate of cancer

according to the total volume

ploughing up the steppe

economic region

historic significance

the main pollutants

inspection services

fresh water supply problems

preservation of nature

6. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. to take place

1. очень высокий

2. polluted area


заботиться о

3. water pollution


культурное значение

4. nitrogen


падение деревьев

5. very high


занимать место

6. health of the population


загрязнённая площадь

7. people's attitude


здоровье населения

8. to take care of


загрязнение воды

9. falling trees



10. cultural significant

10. отношение людей

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Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и



1. опасные отходы

1. greatly influence


загрязнение воздуха

2. need protection


выше нормы

3. some steps


сильно повлияло

4. other sources of energy


нуждаются в защите

5. dangerous wastes


использование природных ресурсов

6. air pollution


экологическая безопасность региона

7. to change the situation


некоторые шаги

8. above the norm


изменить ситуацию

9. the use of natural resources

10. другие источники энергии

10. ecological safety of the region

8. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

1.is, as, region, ecologically, our, known, unfavourable.

2.are, the, rivers, wastes, into, dispersed, by-products, and.

3.not, and, people, there, many, must, lakes, take care, are, rivers, and, of, people, them.

4.stop, of, we, and, water, should, the, pollution, air.

5.products, must, the, from, we, protect, industrial, ozone, harmful, layer.

9.Выберите нужную форму глагола из приведённых в скобках:

1.Each region (have, has got, had, has) its own ecological problems.

2.Atomic explosions (am, is, was, are, were) another problem.

3.It greatly (influences, will influence, influenced) nature and the health of the population.

4.The region also (faced, have faced, faces) fresh water supply problems.

5.The wastes and by-products (is dispersed, will be dispersed, were dispersed, are dispersed) into the rivers.

10.Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Используйте следующие вводные фразы: as far as I know, it's true, I don't really agree, I'm afraid it's not correct.

1.These towns are included in the list of the most polluted towns of Russia.

2.Since ancient times nature has served Man, being the source of his life.

3.There are not many rivers and lakes and people must take care of them.

4.Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the word.

5.It is thus evident that environmental policy becomes more complex at national and international levels.

11.Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите в каждом из них группу

"подлежащее – сказуемое", определите время. Составьте вопросы ко всем членам предложения.

1.There are some monuments of historic significance.

2.It regulates the use of natural resources.

3.Some enterprises got permission on disposing garbage.

4.We must try to use other sources of energy.

5.Nature has suffered greatly because of pollution of water and soil.

12. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1.Каждый регион имеет свои экологические проблемы.

2.Отходы и побочные продукты разбрасываются в реки.

3.Атомный взрыв сильно повлиял на природу и здоровье населения.

4.Регион также сталкивается с проблемами запаса свежей воды.

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5.Фабрики и заводы являются главными загрязнителями воздуха, воды и почвы.

6.Показатель загрязнения воздуха и воды медью, серой и аммиаком выше нормы.

7.Процент заболевания раком в 4-5 раз выше, чем в других регионах.

8.Он регулирует использование природных ресурсов и обеспечивает экологическую безопасность региона.

9.Мы должны защищать озоновый слой от вредных промышленных продуктов.

10.Нам следует не допускать вымирание животных.

13. Расскажите коротко (8-10 предложений), что вы знаете об экологической ситуации в Оренбургском регионе. Используйте следующие разговорные формы: as is known, I'd like to say a few words about, it should be noted that…, generally speaking, etc. В своём рассказе дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1.Has our region its own ecological problems?

2.What are the main pollutants of air, water and soil?

3.Are the wastes and by-products dispersed into the rivers?

4.Did atomic explosions greatly influence nature and the health of population?

5.Why has nature suffered greatly?

6.What problems does the region face?

7.What regulates the use of natural resources and provides ecological safety of the region?

8.What should be done to change the situation for the better?

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Lesson Nine (The Ninth Lesson)

1.Text “Computers and the Internet”.

2.Words and word combinations.

3.Grammar: Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice).

4.Grammar and lexical exercises.

Text “Computers and the Internet”.

Computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions called program and then carry out them. The modern world of high technology could not be possible without computers. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout our society. They are used for the storage and handling of data, secret governmental files, information about banking transactions and so on. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow’s weather reports. Using of different databases and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources.

There are two main types of computers, analog and digital, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital type, because this type of computer is widely used today.

The digital computers can perform a much broader range of functions than the analogue computers. The application includes all forms of automatic control in science and industry and first of all in space exploration, in automatic piloting, navigation and landing of space vehicles. Computer programming is the progress of the future.

Everywhere we go, we hear about the Internet. It’s on television, in magazines, newspapers, and in schools.

The Internet has already entered our ordinary life. Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundreds of millions of users all over the world and helps us to communicate with each other.

Faster ways of connecting to the Internet may sound like a solution to the problem, but, just as new lanes on highways attract more cars, a faster Internet could attract many times more users, making it even slower than before.

The Internet is a huge network of computers spanning this planet and is now started to bring in the surrounding area like space. Some computers like servers share data, other just surf the web as clients downloading the data. Public Internet began in the late 70’s.The Internet is very helpful, because it’s a huge database of knowledge, from the pictures of family trips to an analysis of quantum mechanics. Everyone should have the Internet because of its near instantaneous communication and huge wealth of knowledge.

Besides data, one can get from the Internet, we can also send receive e-mail or electronic mail. This internet service is cheaper than ordinary mail and much quicker. It is becoming popular day by day. We can get some news from the Internet, because there are many informational servers in the web.

Words and word combinations.

electronic device – электронное устройство to receive – получать, принимать

set of instructions – набор/свод инструкций to carry out – выполнять

society – общество storage – хранение handling – обработка transaction – операция

to enhance – повышать, увеличивать essential – существенный

tool – инструмент, орудие

network – сеть source – источник analog – аналоговый digital – цифровой

lane – линии движения

to embrace – охватывать, окружать user – юзер, пользователь

huge – большой, гигантский, громадный, огромный

to span – обхватывать, охватывать surrounding – окружающий

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to share – делить, распределять, разделять data – мн. от datum; данные, факты, сведения; информация

to surf – зд. находиться в сети

to download – загружать, пересылать (по линии связи)

quantum mechanics – квантовая механика instantaneous – мгновенный; немедленный, незамедлительный


СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ (The Passive Voice). Образование: to be в соответствующем времени + III форма основного глагола (причастие II)








am, is, are

am, is, are being

have/has been

+ III форма глагола

+ III форма глагола

+ III форма глагола




I am invited

I am being invited

I have been invited

He (she, it)

He (she, it)

He (she, it)

is invited

is being invited

has been invited

We (you, they)

We (you, they)

We (you, they)

are invited

are being invited

have been invited
















was, were

was, were being

had been

+ III форма глагола

+ III форма глагола

+ III форма глагола




I (he, she, it)

I (he, she, it)

I (he, she, it)

was invited

was being invited

had been invited

We (you, they)

We (you, they)

We (you, they)

were invited

were being invited

had been invited
















will (shall) be, will be


shall (will) have been

+ III форма глагола


+ III форма глагола


Вместо отсутствующей




I (we) will (shall)

формы употребляется Future

I (we) will (shall)

be invited


have been invited

He (she, it, you, they)


He (she, it, you, they)

will be invited


will have been invited




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Grammar and lexical exercises.

1.Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1.Houses are built very quickly now.

2.The delegation was met at the station.

3.The work can be done tomorrow morning.

4.This rules will be revised at the next lesson.

5.The doctor has been sent for.

6.The article is being translated into Russian now.

2. Переведите предложение на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление страдательного залога.

1.Эти вопросы обычно обсуждаются после работы.

2.Ему не дали эту книгу.

3.Много домов строится в вашем городе?

4.Об этом фильме много говорили.

5.Кем была написана эта статья?

6.За ними уже послали.

7.Когда будут принесены письма и газеты?

8.Её слушают сейчас на экзамене.

9.Делегация должна быть встречена в аэропорту.

10.О них не будут говорить завтра.

3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

электронное устройство, набор инструкций, высокие технологии, общество, хранение, обработка, операция, системы связи, инструмент, сеть, область исследования, источник, аналоговый, цифровой, применение, автоматический контроль, повседневная жизнь, пользователь, большой, окружающий, база данных, находиться в сети, загружать, мгновенная связь, электронная почта, информационный сервер.

4. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их: modern world of high technology

different types and sizes of computers secret governmental files

modern communication systems

different databases and computer network global computer network

huge database of knowledge analysis of quantum mechanics

5. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. to receive a set of instructions



2. handling of data


прогноз погоды

3. banking transactions



4. essential tools


получать набор инструкций

5. weather reports


обработка данных

6. network


банковские операции

7. servers


обычная почта

8. ordinary mail


существенный инструмент

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Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и



1. общество

1. to share data



2. pictures of family trips


построение моделей

3. users all over the world



4. to communicate with each other


делиться информацией

5. society


картинки семейных поездок

6. storage


пользователи по всему миру

7. application

8. общаться друг с другом

8. constructing models

7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1.Компьютер – это электронное устройство, которое может получать набор инструкций, называемых программой, а затем использовать их.

2.Компьютеры открыли новую эру в производстве, они улучшили современные системы связи.

3.Каждый знает, что интернет – это глобальная компьютерная сеть, которая связывает сотни миллионов пользователей по всему миру и помогает нам общаться друг с другом.

4.Некоторые компьютеры, такие как серверы, делятся информацией, другие только путешествуют по сети как клиенты и загружают данные.

5.Эта служба интернета дешевле, чем обычная почта, и она работает намного быстрее.

8. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is computer?

2.What is the main purpose of computers?

3.Where are computers used?

4.What is the Internet?

5.What are servers?

6.When did public Internet appear?

7.Is it cheaper to use the Internet mail service instead of ordinary post office?

8.Why should we have the Internet?

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Lesson Ten (The Tenth Lesson)

1 Text «The history of computer development».

2. Words and word combinations.

Text «The history of computer development».

The rapidly advancing field of electronics led to construction of the first general-purpose electronic computer in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. It was Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer or ENIAC, the device contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and a speed of several hundred multiplications per minute. Its program was wired into the processor and had to be manually altered.

Later transistors appeared. The use of the transistor in computers began in the late 1950s. It marked the advent of smaller, faster elements than it was possible to create with the use of vacuumtube machines. Because transistors use less power and have a much longer life, computers alone were improved a lot. They were called second-generation computers. Components became smaller and the system became less expensive to build.

Modern digital computers are all conceptually similar, regardless of size and shape. Nevertheless, they can be divided into several categories on the basis of cost and performance. The first one is the personal computer or microcomputer, a relatively low-cost machine, usually of desktop size. Sometimes they are called laptops. They are small enough to fit in a briefcase. The second is the workstation, a microcomputer with enhanced graphics and communications capabilities that make it especially useful for office work. And the server computers, a large expensive machine with the capability of serving the needs of major business enterprises, government departments, scientific research establishments. The largest and fastest of these are called supercomputers.

A digital computer is not actually a single machine, in the sense that most people think of computers. Instead it is a system composed of five distinct elements: a central processing unit, input devices, memory storage devices, output devices and a communications network, called a “bus” that links all the elements of the system and connects the system itself to the external world.

Computer speeds are measured in gigahertz today. Recently, an optical central processing unit has been invented, which is capable of executing trillions discrete operations per second or it is as fast as speed of light.

So, we are at the threshold of new computer era, when artificial intelligence could be invented.

There are no questions with “if”, the only question is “when”. And time will show us either computers become our best friends or our evil enemies as it is shown in some movies.

Words and word combinations.

rapidly – быстро

general-purpose – универсальный,


device – прибор, устройство vacuum tube – вакуумная трубка several – несколько multiplication – умножение

to wire into – зд. записана на manually – вручную

to alter – изменять, менять transistor – транзистор

to create – создавать

to improve – улучшать, совершенствовать expensive – дорогой, дорогостоящий

to build (past built, p.p. built) – построить digital – цифровой

conceptually – концептуально similar – похожий, подобный regardless – невзирая на nevertheless – тем не менее, однако

desk-top – десктоп, компьютер настольного размера

laptop – лэптоп to fit – подходить

briefcase – портфель, чемоданчик workstation – рабочая станция

to enhance – улучшать, увеличивать capability – способность

server – сервер enterprise – предприятие

research establishment – исследовательское учреждение

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to be composed of – состоять из central processing unit – центральное вычислительное устройство

distinct – разный, различный input device – устройство ввода информации

memory storage device – устройство хранения информации

output device – устройство вывода информации

communication network – система коммуникаций

bus – зд. шина

to link – соединять external – внешний

Ответьте на вопросы:

1.When was the first general-purpose electronic computer constructed?

2.When did the use of transistor in computers begin?

3.Are all modern digital computers conceptually similar?

4.What is laptop?

5.What is a server computer?

6.What is supercomputer?

7.How many elements can be distinguished in a computer?

1. Переведите следующий текст, пользуясь словарем. Parts of a computer system.

The computer system is divided into two parts. The first is the hardware – that is the mechanical parts of system, including the machine itself and the peripheral devices. The second part is the software which consists of the programs that are processed. Software is a very important part of the system since it is only through accurate programs that the equipment will return accurate results.

Because programs are so important many companies that have computers also have large staffs of people who specialize in designing software for their particular needs. These people are the programmers. Just as small companies rent time on computers, they also frequently hire programmers for a period of time from firms that specialize in preparing software. Once a basic program has been worked out for a small company, the company usually has no further need for a large programming staff. At that point the hired programmers go on to work on software for another customer.

Because of the high cost of both software and hardware the practice of renting what is needed for only as long it is needed has become very common. Even if a company cannot afford a highspeed computer, it can usually afford to rent time on one.

2. Выберите правильные ответы на следующие вопросы.

1.How many parts is the computer system divided into?

a)The computer system is divided into three parts.

b)The computer system is divided into two parts.

c)The computer system is divided into five parts.

2.What is a very important part of the system?

a)Hardware is a very important part of the system.

b)The machine itself is a very important part of the system.

c)Software is a very important part of the system.

3.What staffs of people have many companies?

a)Many companies have staffs of people who specialize in preparing software.

b)Many companies have large staffs of people who rent times on computers.

c)Many companies have large staffs of people who specialize in designing software for

their practical needs.

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3. Переведите следующие предложения, пользуясь словарем.

1.Since electronic computers were first used in scientific and engineering computation, solving primarily mathematical problems, many of the terms came from this mathematical background.

2.Software was defined as anything and everything related to an electronic computer that is not present in hardware.

3.Increasingly, computers are also being used in teaching and training.

4.New applications are being made possible due to the compactness and low cost of microcomputer-based systems.

5.Electronic systems are being widely spread all over the world nowadays.

6.Steps have been taken to increase the speed of sending up messages.

7.The report of the lab has been widely discussed and has been a stimulus for further investigations.

8.The capacity of the computer for strong, processing and displaying information has been greatly increased by microelectronics.

9.Electromagnets can be used to send messages.

10.All the programming languages may be divided into high-level languages and machine-level languages.

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Эволюцию (развитие) цифровых компьютеров часто разделяют на поколения.

2.Аналитическая машина была спроектирована в 1842.

3.Компьютер – это машина со сложной сетью электронных цепей.

4.Основной задачей компьютера является обработка данных.

5.Компьютер может выполнять сотни и даже тысячи логических операций.

6.Первая попытка создать электронный компьютер принадлежала проф. Атанасову в 1937г.

7.Компьютеры могут осуществлять очень сложные операции за чрезвычайно короткое время

– за секунды или даже доли (fraction) секунды.

8.Компьютер может осуществлять определенный набор инструкций, но эти инструкции могут сочетаться в бесконечной (infinite) последовательности.

9.Компьютеры хранят информацию на дисках в файлах.

10.Современный компьютер может решать сложные задачи в миллион раз быстрее, чем квалифицированный математик.

5. Заполните пропуски данными словами в нужной форме и переведите письменно текст на русский язык.


The speed and power of ___1___, the fastest class of computer, are almost beyond human comprehension, and capabilities are continually being ___2___.

The most sophisticated of these ___3___ can perform nearly 32 billion ___4___ per second, can __5____ a billion characters in memory at one time, and do in hour what a desktop computer would take 40 years to do. Supercomputers attain these speeds through the use of several advanced

___6___. For example, critical circuitry is supercooled to nearly absolute zero so that electrons can move at the speed of light, and many processors are linked in such a way that they can all work on a single problem __7____. Because these computers can cost millions of dollars, they are used primarily by government agencies and large research centers.

a) simultaneously; b) supercomputers; c) calculation; d) improved; e) engineering technique; f) machine; g) store.

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Самостоятельное изучение разделов дисциплины.

Задания, выносимые на самостоятельное изучение

1.Работа с текстами «Environmental Pollution», «Environmental Protection». a) Чтение и перевод.

b) Ответы на вопросы.

2.Сообщение на тему: “Environment”.

Выучить наизусть.

3. Проработать грамматический материал.

Предлог. Предлоги, выражающие падежные отношения. Предлоги места, времени, направления. Числительное. Количественные и порядковые числительные. Местоимения. Личные, указательные, притяжательные, неопределенные, вопросительные.

Text «Environmental pollution».

People have always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in uncrowded rural areas and did not have pollution – causing machines. With the development of crowded industrial cities which put huge amounts of pollutants into small areas, the problem has become more important. Automobiles and other new inventions make pollution steadily worse. Since the late 1960’s people have become alarmed with the danger of pollution.

Air, water, and soil are necessary for existence of all living things. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. On polluted soil, food cannot be grown. In addition environmental pollution spoils the natural beauty of our planet.

Pollution is as complicated as serious problem. Automobiles are polluting the air but they provide transportation for the people. Factories pollute the air and water but they provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods. Fertilizers and pesticides are important for growing crops but they can ruin soil.

Thus, people would have to stop using many useful things if they wanted to end pollution immediately. Most people do not want that of course. But pollution can be reduced gradually. Scientists and engineers can find the ways to reduce pollution from automobiles and factories. Government can pass the laws that would make enterprises take measures for reducing of pollution. Individuals and groups of people can work together to persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities.

Words and word combinations.

environmental pollution – загрязнение

fertilizer – удобрение

окружающей среды

pesticide – пестицид

uncrowded – слабонаселенный

to grow – выращивать

rural – сельскохозяйственный

crops – сельскохозяйственные культуры

pollution – causing – вызывающий

to ruin – портить


immediately – сразу, немедленно

crowded – густонаселенный

to reduce – уменьшать

pollutants – отходы

gradually – постепенно

invention – изображение

to pass a law – принять закон

soil – грунт, земля

enterprise – предприятие

existence – существование

to take measures – принять меры

goods – товары

to persuade – убедить

activity – деятельность


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Ответьте на вопросы:

1.Why wasn’t pollution such a serious problem earlier?

2.When have people become alarmed with the danger of pollution?

3.What can environmental pollution cause?

4.Why is pollution a complicated problem?

6. What can government and individuals do to reduce pollution?

Text «Environmental protection».

Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it’s the only place where we can live.

People always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in rural areas and did not produce such amount of polluting agents that would cause a dangerous situation in global scale. With the development of overcrowded industrial highly developed cities, which put huge amounts of pollutants into surrounds, the problem has become more and more dangerous. Today our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution, and overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth.

Factories emit tons of harmful chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains.

Our forests are disappearing because they are cut down or burnt. If this trend continues, one day we won’t have enough oxygen to breathe, we won’t see a beautiful green forest at all.

The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in our seas.

Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today may soon become extinct.

And even greater threats are nuclear power stations. We all know how tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are.

Fortunately, it’s not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for endangered animals. We can recycle our wastes; persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities, because it is apparent that our careless use of fossil fuels and chemicals is destroying this planet. And it is now more than ever apparent that at the same time we are destroying our bodies and our future.

Words and word combinations.

tiny part – крошечная часть to pollute – загрязнять rural area – сельский район

polluting agents – загрязняющие компоненты

global scale – глобальный масштаб acid rains – кислотные дожди overpopulation – перенаселение

to threaten – угрожать

to affect – воздействовать

respiratory system – дыхательная система particulates – макрочастицы

solid particles – твердые частицы ray of sunlight – зд. солнечный свет combustion – сжигание, сгорание

internal-combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания

wood smoke – зд. сгорание древесины by-products – побочные продукты power plants – силовые установки chemical compounds – зд. химические элементы

to undergo – подвергаться воздействию smog – смог

fog – туман

carbon monoxide – угарный газ nitrogen oxide – окислы азота sulfur dioxide – сернистый газ dizzy – головокружение odorless – без запаха

fossil fuels – органическое топливо

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gasoline – бензин

to emit – испускать, выбрасывать disastrous consequences – гибельные последствия

greenhouse effect – парниковый эффект to breathe – дышать, вдыхать

chemical fertilizers – удобрения

pesticide – пестицид plant – растение insect – насекомое

extinct – исчезнуть, вымирать

to persuade enterprises – зд. убедить предпринимателей

wastes – отходы

Ответьте на вопросы:

1.When did the problem of pollution become dangerous?

2.What are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth?

3.Why is air pollution harmful?

4.Is it dangerous to breathe polluted air?

5.What are the most dangerous pollutants?

6.What is the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains on our planet?

7.Can we solve the problem of environmental protection?

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ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ ЗАНЯТИЯ. Lesson Eleven (The Eleventh Lesson)

1.Text “Oil and Gas Industry of Russia”.

2.Words and word combinations.

3.Grammar: The Infinitive (Инфинитив).

4.Grammar and lexical exercises.

5.Сообщение на тему: "Petroleum (crude oils)".

Text “Oil and Gas Industry of Russia”.

In Russia the oil and gas industry is historically regarded as being one of the most important sectors of the economy, as the revenue it generates forms a major component of the country’s budget. The oil and gas industry is currently the main source of the state’s tax revenues (about

40 percent of federal budget revenue and approximately 20 percent of the consolidated budget) and currency revenues (about 40 percent). Russia’s oil reserves are the third largest in the world after Saudi Arabia’s and Iraq’s and amount to over 60 billion tonnes. Russia is also a major producer

of natural gas, possessing 25 percent of the world’s proven reserves.

The development of the Russian oil and gas industry began in the mid-19th century with the development of oil deposits in the Northern Caucasus. The discovery and development of oil and gas deposits in the Volga, Urals, and Timan-Pechora areas led to a significant increase

in the volumes of oil extraction in the first half of the 20th century. The development of major basins in Siberia, Timan-Pechora, the Caspian, and the Far East resulted in a record quantity of oil – 557 million tones – being extracted in 1988. Extraction levels fell at the beginning of the 1990s, but are now once again on the increase.

The oil industry plays a significant role in Russia’s macroeconomy, investment environment, infrastructure development, politics and foreign policy.

Given its central role in the economy, it is logical that oil is a significant driver of both domestic and foreign investment.

The Russian oil industry presents tremendous opportunities for firms, particularly in areas of engineering services, technical consulting and finance (raising capital, auditing).

Oil and gas are more than commodities and are also, tools of international power, components of foreign policy, elements of national security and a source of national pride.

Gas industry of the country is still a system-forming industry. It moves towards new economic relations following its own way, which is absolutely different from that of oilmen, coal miners or power engineers. The most important task set for the gas industry for the present is to be a reliable guarantor of supplying gas in required volumes, in due time and in due place both inside Russia, to former USSR republics and to European countries.

Gas industry not only stabilizes economy it also can initiate a breakthrough into a new technological era and facilitate deep structural transformation of the economy.

Russian gas industry is reach in unique industrial production experience, qualified stuff, it has assumed a position of a strategic operator on solvent gas markets in Europe, it disposes of colossal reserves of hydrocarbons, a unique natural resource base that, when reasonably used, ensures successful development of the industry for the next decades.

Russia plays a significant part in the formation of world prices owing to the large volumes of oil and gas that Russia supplies to the world market.

Words and word combinations

to regard – рассматривать, считать

investment – капиталовложение

revenue – годовой доход

driver – двигатель

currently – теперь, в настоящее время

raising capital – повышение капитала

tax – налог

auditing – аудит, ревизия, контрольная

currency – деньги, валюта


consolidated budget – сводный бюджет

commodities – товар

proven – доказанный

tools – инструмент, оружие

oil extraction – добыча нефти (извлечение)

to move – двигаться