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Нефтегазовая промышленность России.pdf
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6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is computer?

2.What is the main purpose of computers?

3.Where are computers used?

4.What is the Internet?

5.What are servers?

6.When did public Internet appear?

7.Is it cheaper to use the Internet mail service instead of ordinary post office?

8.Why should we have the Internet?

Lesson Two (The Second Lesson)

1.Text: “The system of education in Russia”.

2.Words and word combinations.

Text: “The system of education in Russia”. Preschool education and schooling in Russia.

Preschool education

There is a network of kindergarten in Russia where children are looked after while their parents are at work. The preschool education is for the children younger than seven. Nowadays the majority of children have learnt the letters in the kindergarten which is now a part of an elementary school.


The citizens of Russia have the right to get education which is guaranteed by the Constitution. The education in our country is free at most schools. The Russian children begin to go to school at the age of 6-7 and they finish it at age of 17-18.There is a nine-year compulsory education in Russia but usually pupils study for 11 years. The stages of compulsory schooling in Russia include:

-elementary school (from the 1 till the 3 class);

-secondary school (from 4 (5) till the 9 th classes);

-senior school (the 10 th and the 11 th classes).

The elementary school gives the basic knowledge. Pupils are taught to count, to read, to write, to draw, to sing and dance. In some schools foreign languages are on schedule.

In the secondary schools pupils study a lot of subjects. Besides, they may choose some additional subjects from those which are offered by their school.

The senior school includes two final years of education.

After finishing the 9th form young people can continue their school education and enter the 10th form or finish school and enter a vocational school, a technical school, a normal school or a college. There they learn general subjects and receive a profession.

There are six main types of schools in Russia:

-specialized (for mentally retarded children);

-schools of general education;

-musical schools;

-art schools;

-schools of intensive study in certain subjects (specialized schools which can be associated with certain Russian institutes or universities);

-lyceums and gymnasiums where a variety of elective subjects are taught (they offer the profound knowledge in some fields of study).

After finishing the 9th form young people get a certificate of incomplete secondary education. After the 11th form they get a certificate of complete secondary education.

After finishing institutions of initial and intermediate professional education (after two years of study on the basis of secondary (complete) education) young people get diplomas.

Higher education in Russia

There are three kinds of higher education institutions in Russia:



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- institutes.

A university includes a wide range of fields of study. An academy differs from universities by a narrower spectrum of specialties. An institute requires teaching of at least one discipline.

After finishing the senior school, lyceum or gymnasium young people can get higher education. All the school-leavers must take competitive examinations for entry to an institute or a university. Entrance examinations are held in July and August.

Some institutions of higher education are budget some are commercial. Not all parents can afford their children to get higher education.

The higher education institutions and universities offer a five-year program of academic subjects in a variety of fields.

The higher educational establishments are headed by rectors. Pro-rectors are in charge of the academic and scientific work. An institute or a university has a number of faculties. The faculties are headed by the Deans. There are three levels of higher education:

-incomplete higher education (which should include at least 3 years of education);

-the Bachelor’s degree which is given to a student after 4 years of higher education (in is not accepted in all institutes of higher education);

-complete higher education (which implies 5 years of education, passing the examinations and doing a degree work).

Words and word combinations. vocational school – профессионально-техническое училище normal school – педагогическое училище

lyceum – лицей college – колледж

certificate of incomplete secondary education – аттестат о неполном среднем образовании compulsory – обязательное

senior school – старшие классы school-leaver – выпускник competitive examinations – конкурс

narrower spectrum of specialties – узкий спектр специальностей rector – ректор

pro-rector – проректор faculty – факультет Dean – декан

degree work – дипломная работа


1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

семь, образование, присматривать за, буквы, право, обязательный, знание, расписание, считать, предметы, предлагать, старшие классы, продолжать, интенсивное изучение, глубокие знания, область, аттестат, отличать, узкий, обучение, выпускники, вступительные экзамены, конкурс, заведение, научная работа, степень, дипломная работа.

2. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их: network of kindergartens

elementary school

the eight to get education compulsory education some additional subjects in some field of study

initial and intermediate professional education narrower spectrum of specialties

the levels of higher education complete higher education

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3. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. to look after

1. выполнять дипломную работу

2. the majority of children

2. глубокие знания

3. senior school


факультативные предметы

4. vocational school


степень Бакалавра

5. elective subjects


старшие классы

6. profound knowledge


предлагать программу

7. competitive examinations



8. to offer a program


заботиться о

9. to do a degree work


большинство детей

10. the Bachelor’s degree

10. профессиональное техническое




Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и




высшее образование

1. at the age


получить аттестат

2. secondary school


сдать экзамены

3. basic knowledge


продолжать школьное образование

4. foreign languages

5. основные знания

5. to continue school education


в возрасте

6. to get a certificate


средняя школа

7. higher education


иностранные языки

8. educational establishment


быть ответственным

9. to be in charge of

10. образовательное учреждение

10. to pass the examinations

5. Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

1.the children, is, than, younger, for, seven, education, the, preschool.

2.most, in, education, the, our, free, is, our, schools, at, country.

3.knowledge, the, gives, school, elementary, the, basic.

4.pupils, in, study, the, a lot of, school, subjects, secondary.

5.a, wide, study, of, university, range, of, fields, includes.

6.can, to get, education, afford, all, parents, not, higher, children, their.

7.has, of, a, number, an, institute, faculties.

8.levels, education, of, are, there, three, higher.

6. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста:

1.Education includes different kinds of learning experiences.

2.The citizens of Russia have the right to get education which is guaranteed by the constitution.

3.In some schools foreign languages are on schedule.

4.The American system of education differs from the educational systems of the other countries.

5.Students study for a degree which takes on average three years of full-time study.

6.The higher educational establishments are headed by rectors.

7.Informal education involves people in learning during their daily life.

8.There are three levels of higher education.

7. Переведите на английский язык:

1.Образование в нашей стране бесплатное в большинстве школ.

2.Начальная школа дает основные знания.

3.В средней школе ученики изучают много предметов.

4.Все выпускники должны пройти конкурс для поступления в институт или университет.

5.Не все родители могут позволить своим детям получить высшее образование.

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6.Некоторые заведения высшего образования находятся на бюджете, некоторые являются коммерческими.

7.Высшие учебные заведения возглавляют ректоры.

8.Проректоры отвечают за академическую и научную работу.

9.Факультетами руководят деканы.

8. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is the pre-school education in Russia?

2.Name the stages of compulsory schooling

3.What main types of schools in Russia do you know?

4.Name three kinds of the higher education institutions in Russia.

5.What programme is offered by higher institutions?

6.Who heads the higher educational establishments?

7.What is a pro-rector?

Lesson Three (The Third Lesson)

1.Text: “The system of education in Great Britain”.

2.Words and word combinations.

Text: “The system of education in Great Britain”.

Preschool education and schooling in Great Britain

Most schools in Great Britain are free. Private schools are rather expensive. Not every family can afford their child to study there but the education there is of a high quality. Discipline in such schools is strict. Eton, Harrow, Rugby and Winchester are the most famous private schools of Great Britain.

Preschool education

Children receive preschool education from 3 to 5 years. Such schools are called nursery schools. In nursery schools children play a lot, learn to listen attentively and to behave well.


The school system of Great Britain has two levels:

-compulsory primary (for the pupils from 5 to 11 years old);

-secondary (for the pupils from 11 to)

Compulsory primary schooling takes place between the ages of 5 and – 16. It is divided into infant schools (for the ages of 5 – 7 years old) and junior schools (for the ages of 7- 11 years old).

In the infant schools pupils are taught to read, write, draw, sing and dance. When they are 7 years old they move to the junior schools where they learn more difficult subjects.

In the junior schools there are A, B, C and D classes. Pupils study there according to their abilities.

The secondary education begins at the age of 11. The majority of such schools are comprehensive. In most secondary schools boys and girls are taught together. The secondary education includes the Grammar schools and the Secondary Modern schools. In the Grammar schools pupils prepare for entering colleges and universities. The Secondary Modern schools provide the limited education and pupils become workers because the education is specialized. After the main examinations in the secondary school pupils get the General Certificate of Education or the certificate of the secondary education.

Formally pupils can remain at school for 2- 3 years up to the age of 18 – 19 to pass their exams and get an Advanced level of education. It is a good chance for them to get a higher education.

Higher education in Great Britain

Higher education in Great Britain is represented by universities which are very expensive. The most famous universities of Great Britain are Oxford and Cambridge.

The Cambridge University consists of over 100 departments, faculties and schools. The University of Cambridge has a very rich history. The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world. The University of Cambridge is known worldwide for the excellence of its