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in any case – в любом случае president – ректор

dormitory – студенческое общежитие academic rank – ученое звание, должность bachelor's degree – степень бакалавра

Bachelor of Arts – бакалавр гуманитарных наук Bachelor of Science – бакалавр естественных наук master's degree – степень магистра наук

research work – исследовательская работа

Doctor of Philosophy – степень доктора наук

Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is the pre-school education in the USА?

2.What kinds of schools in the USA do you know?

3.What is an elementary school?

4.What is а Secondary School?

5.Do students have to pay for the higher education in the USA?

6.What programmes do the universities offer for their students?

7.What is the campus?

Lesson Five (The Fifth Lesson)

1.Text: “The Gubkin University”.

2.Words and word combinations.

Text: “The Gubkin University”.

Petroleum engineering is a wide sector of national economy and it requires highly qualified specialist. The petroleum industry is expounding, therefore, it needs employees with engineering productivity and manufacturing processes. All these create a lot of job opportunities for petroleum engineers.

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas is Russia’s principle University of petroleum engineering and a major research centre offering training for specialists of oil and gas production. The University was founded in 1930 by academician I.M. Gubkin. He is known as the prominent scholar who established a new branch of geological science in Russia – petroleum geology. I.M. Gubkin put forward a new idea of training a petroleum engineer with a profound academic background. He stated that a petroleum engineer should be an expert in deep drilling, exploitation chemistry and technology of oil as well as economics. He was the first to introduce a specialpurpose academic program designed to balance theory and practice, field and lab studies. The Gubkin University of today is known worldwide for the excellence of its teaching, research and the quality of its graduates. Lectures, seminars and practical classes are led by the people who are the world experts in their field. The University offers training at many of fields: bachelor, graduate engineer, master, candidate of science and doctor of science. It trains specialists on many specialties: petroleum geology; oil and gas field development; drilling; pipeline and storage design and construction; chemical engineering; environmental engineering; oil and gas field machinery; industrial automation; transportation and processing of hydrocarbons; design and operation of oil product equipment; economics, management, law and many other specialties.

The students of the University have excellent conditions for studies: a good library, laboratories, numerous classrooms, lecture-halls itc. Many of the students do research work and take part in scientific conferences.

The Gubkin University has strong links with many oil and gas producing and processing companies; research institutions, business and industry in Russia and abroad. Gubkin’s teaching is in the top rank nationally and internationally. The University has some branches in a few regions of Russia. The Orenburg branch of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas was founded in 1984. It trains well-educated specialists for oil and gas industry. It’s graduates work at different subdivisions of the enterprise “Gasprom production Orenburg”. It should be noted that Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and its branches is famous for its first class education. It’s

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graduates engineers are in great demand and they have excellent employment opportunities in different branches of oil and gas industry.

Words and word combinations:

petroleum engineering – нефтегазовое дело

scholar – ученый

to expand – расширяет(ся)

background – подготовка, квалификация

employee – служащий

put forward – выдвигать, предлагать

engineering knowledge – технические

to be in great demand – пользоваться


большим спросом

manufacturing processes –

employment opportunities – возможности

производственные процессы


research centre – научный центр

branch – отрасль

training – обучение

science – наука

bachelor – бакалавр

to take part – принимать участие

master – магистр

it should be noted – следует отметить.

graduate engineer – дипломированный





1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

нефтегазовое дело, служащий, производительность, возможность, научный центр, обучение, выдающийся, новая отрасль, глубокий, бурение, исследование, качество, область знаний, бакалавр, магистр, разработка, переработка, углеводород, оборудование, условия, крепкие связи, хорошо-образованный, подразделение, предприятие, выпускник университета.

2. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их: highly qualified

petroleum industry engineering knowledge manufacturing processes job opportunities

oil and gas production prominent scholar academic background chemical engineering scientific conferences

3. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. a wide sector



2. to create



3. petroleum engineer

3. геологическая наука

4. to offer


дипломированный специалист

5. geological science



6. excellence


промышленная автоматизация

7. graduate engineer


первоклассное образование

8. drilling



9. industrial automation



10. first class education

10. широкий сектор

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Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и





1. national economy



2. to be founded


национальная экономика

3. profound background


возможности трудоустройства

4. to put forward


быть основанным

5. oil products


различные подразделения

6. strong links


нефтяные продукты

7. well-educated



8. different subdivisions


крепкие связи

9. production

10. глубокая подготовка

10. employment opportunities

5.Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите в каждом из них группу «подлежащее

– сказуемое», определите время и залог. Составьте вопросы к предложениям.

1.The University was founded in 1930.

2.Entrance examinations are held in July and August.

3.All young people can get a higher education.

4.A university includes a wide range of fields of study.

5.At the University the students have to pass different kinds of exams.

6.The petroleum industry is expanding rapidly now.

7.The graduates have been given profound engineering knowledge.

8.The degree work will be done next week.

9.The students are being listened at the examination now.

10.There are three kinds of higher education institutions in Russia.

6.Прочитайте и укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста.

1.All these create a lot of job opportunities for petroleum engineers.

2.Students study for a degree which takes on average three years of full-time study.

3.Generally, universities award two kinds of degree: the Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree.

4.The students of the University have excellent conditions for studies.

5.It trains a well-educated specialists for oil and gas industry.

6.They are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

7.The University offers training at many of levels.

8.It’s graduates are in great demand and they have excellent employment opportunities in different branches of oil and gas industry.

7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Университет основан в 1930 году академиком И.М. Губкиным.

2.Губкин предложил новую идею обучения инженера-нефтяника с глубокой академической подготовкой.

3.Губкинский Университет сегодня всемирно известен своим превосходством обучения, исследованием и качеством своих выпускников.

4.университет имеет крепкие связи со многими нефтегазодобывающими и перерабатывающими компаниями исследовательскими учреждениями, бизнесом и индустрией в России и за рубежом.

5.Оренбургский филиал РГУ нефти и газа имени И.М. Губкина был основан в 1984 году.

6.Его выпускники работают в различных подразделениях предприятия «Газпром добыча Оренбург».

7.Университет имеет филиалы в нескольких регионах России.

8.Следует отметить, что Университет известен своим первоклассным образованием.

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8. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas?

2.When was it founded?

3.At what levels does the University offer training?

4.What specialties has the University?

5.Have the students excellent conditions for studies?

6.When was the Orenburg branch founded?

7.Where do the graduates of the Orenburg branch work?

8.Is the quality of Gubkin’s education high?

9.Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формулы: The subject of the text is…; The text deals with…; It should be noted that…

Lesson Six (The Sixth Lesson)

1.Text “Oil and Gas Industry of Russia”.

2.Words and word combinations.

Text “Oil and Gas Industry of Russia”.

In Russia the oil and gas industry is historically regarded as being one of the most important sectors of the economy, as the revenue it generates forms a major component of the country’s budget. The oil and gas industry is currently the main source of the state’s tax revenues (about

40 percent of federal budget revenue and approximately 20 percent of the consolidated budget) and currency revenues (about 40 percent). Russia’s oil reserves are the third largest in the world after Saudi Arabia’s and Iraq’s and amount to over 60 billion tonnes. Russia is also a major producer

of natural gas, possessing 25 percent of the world’s proven reserves.

The development of the Russian oil and gas industry began in the mid-19th century with the development of oil deposits in the Northern Caucasus. The discovery and development of oil and gas deposits in the Volga, Urals, and Timan-Pechora areas led to a significant increase

in the volumes of oil extraction in the first half of the 20th century. The development of major basins in Siberia, Timan-Pechora, the Caspian, and the Far East resulted in a record quantity of oil – 557 million tones – being extracted in 1988. Extraction levels fell at the beginning of the 1990s, but are now once again on the increase.

The oil industry plays a significant role in Russia’s macroeconomy, investment environment, infrastructure development, politics and foreign policy.

Given its central role in the economy, it is logical that oil is a significant driver of both domestic and foreign investment.

The Russian oil industry presents tremendous opportunities for firms, particularly in areas of engineering services, technical consulting and finance (raising capital, auditing).

Oil and gas are more than commodities and are also, tools of international power, components of foreign policy, elements of national security and a source of national pride.

Gas industry of the country is still a system-forming industry. It moves towards new economic relations following its own way, which is absolutely different from that of oilmen, coal miners or power engineers. The most important task set for the gas industry for the present is to be a reliable guarantor of supplying gas in required volumes, in due time and in due place both inside Russia, to former USSR republics and to European countries.

Gas industry not only stabilizes economy it also can initiate a breakthrough into a new technological era and facilitate deep structural transformation of the economy.

Russian gas industry is reach in unique industrial production experience, qualified stuff, it has assumed a position of a strategic operator on solvent gas markets in Europe, it disposes of colossal reserves of hydrocarbons, a unique natural resource base that, when reasonably used, ensures successful development of the industry for the next decades.

Russia plays a significant part in the formation of world prices owing to the large volumes of oil and gas that Russia supplies to the world market.

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Words and words combinations

to regard – рассматривать, считать

tools – инструмент, оружие

revenue – годовой доход

to move – двигаться

currently – теперь, в настоящее время

in due time – в свое время

tax – налог

initiate – положить начало

currency – деньги, валюта

breakthrough – прорыв

consolidated budget – сводный бюджет

facilitate – способствовать

proven – доказанный

reach – область, влияние, сфера

oil extraction – добыча нефти (извлечение)

assume – принимать на себя

investment – капиталовложение

solvent – платежеспособный

driver – двигатель

dispose – располагать

raising capital – повышение капитала

reasonably – разумно

auditing – аудит, ревизия, контрольная

ensure – обеспечивать


supply – снабжать, поставлять

commodities – товар

decade – десятилетие


1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

исторически, важный, годовой доход, главный источник, запасы нефти, производитель, развитие, месторождения нефти, разработка нефтегазовых месторождений, объемы, увеличение, внешняя политика, представлять, товар, безопасность, национальная гордость, различный, нефтяник, важная задача, в своем месте, бывший, прорыв, платежеспособность, располагать, углеводороды, успешный, десятилетие, мировые цены.

2.Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания: important sector of the economy

discovery of oil and gas deposits significant increase of oil extraction tremendous opportunities for firms tools of international power elements of national security system-forming industry

new economic relations

deep structural transformation position of a strategic operator

3.Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. gas industry


значительная роль

2. in the world



3. natural gas


надежный гарант

4. quantity



5. significant role


газовая промышленность

6. development


в мире

7. particularly



8. engineering service


техническая служба

9. coal miners



10. reliable guarantor

10. природный газ

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Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и





1. revenue


необходимые объемы

2. oil industry


годовой доход

3. discovery



4. central role


может положить начало

5. technical consulting



6. power engineers


мировой рынок

7. required volumes


нефтяная промышленность

8. can initiate


центральная роль

9. world market

10. техническая консультация

10. formation

5.Составьте предложения, соединив части А и В:


1.The Russia oil industry present

2.Gas industry of the country is

3.The oil and gas industry is currently

4.Extraction levels fell

5.Russia plays a significant part

6.It moves towards new economic relations

7.Russia’s oil reserves are

8.In Russia the oil and gas industry is historically regarded


1.following its own way.

2.the third largest in the world.

3.as being one of the most important sectors of the economy.

4.still a system-forming industry.

5.tremendous opportunities for firms.

6.in the formation of world prices.

7.at the beginning of the 1990s

8.the main source of the state’s tax revenues.

6. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Россия является основным производителем природного газа.

2.Развитие российской нефтяной промышленности началось в середине 19 века с разработки нефтяных месторождений на Северном Кавказе.

3.Российская нефтяная промышленность представляет громадные возможности для фирм.

4.Газовая промышленность страны является по-прежнему системо-образующей промышленностью.

5.Россия играет значительную роль в формировании мировых цен.

7. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.How is oil and gas industry historically regarded?

2.When did the development of the Russian oil and gas industry began?

3.What does oil industry present?

4.What is the most important task set for the gas industry?

5.What can gas industry initiate?

3) Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формы: according to the text; I can add; the subject of the text is; I’d like to say that.

depth – глубина
to contain – содержать в себе, вмещать copper – медь
iron ore – железная руда prospecting – поиски, разведка exploration – разведка
to develop – разрабатывать pipeline – трубопровод creation – создание
unique – уникальный to remain – оставаться
gas condensate field – газоконденсатное месторождение
enterprise – предприятие production – добыча, производство highly developed – высокоразвитый Joint Stock Company – акционерная компания
hydrogen sulphide – сероводород

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Lesson Seven (The Seventh Lesson)

1.Text “The Enterprise “Gasprom production Orenburg””.

2.Words and word combinations.

Text “The Enterprise “Gasprom production Orenburg””.

Nature has given the Orenburg region various natural resources. Its depths contain copper, nickel, iron ore, asbestos, oil and gas. In the beginning of the oil and gas prospecting in Orenburg there was the pioneer of the Soviet oil geology, the academician I. M. Gubkin. In mid 30s he initiated geological exploration of the Volgo-Ural territory, within the site of the Orenburg region.

To develop and operate the Orenburg gas condensate field, in the March of 1968 the USSR ministry of gas industry produced a decree to establish the Department in order to develop and operate the gas field and construct the gas pipeline. It was the moment of creation of "Orenburggasprom", based on the unique gas condensate field that remains the largest one, not only in our country but abroad, too.

The Enterprise “Orenburggasprom” was established in 1968. The production of gas on an industrial scale was begun in 1974. "Gasprom production Orenburg" is a highly developed multiprofile enterprise which forms a part of Russian Joint Stock Company “Gasprom”.

In 1984 the Enterprise began an oil production from oil pools situated near the Orenburg field and a processing of gas and unstable condensate from the Karachaganak gas condensate field in Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Orenburg gas chemical complex was created on resources base of the Orenburg gas condensate field. It is the biggest in Europe in processing hydrogen sulfide.

Gas from the Orenburg gas condensate field is characterized by the presence of condensate, hydrogen sulphide and helium. By its composition it is a valuable raw material for processing.

The Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" represents: production, transportation and processing of residue and liquefied gas, ethane, solid and liquid sulphur, helium, stable gas condensate; maintenance of gas-engine vehicles, industrial and civil construction, agricultural works, scientific researches and design, consumer goods production and external economic activity.

The Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" is always open for mutually beneficial cooperation in a sphere of development of oil and gas resources, introduction of the latest technology and creation of new production branches.

The Enterprise works in close contact with oil and gas producing and processing companies. "Gasprom production Orenburg" is a stable economic leader among the most important enterprises of Russia.

Words and word combinations. helium – гелий

raw material – сырьё processing – переработка oil pools – нефтяные залежи

stable gas condensate – стабильный газоконденсат

residue gas – сухой (отбензиненный) газ liquefied gas – сжиженный газ

ethane – этан

solid sulphur – твёрдая сера liquid sulphur – жидкая сера gas-engine – газовый двигатель vehicle – транспортное средство, автомобиль

industrial – промышленный civil – гражданский construction – строительство

scientific research – научное исследование

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consumer goods production – производство

development – развитие

товаров широкого потребления

introduction – внедрение

mutually beneficial cooperation –

creation – образование

взаимовыгодное сотрудничество

branch – отрасль


1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

глубина, газоизыскание, в начале, газопровод, железная руда, геологическая разведка, создание, проектировать, предприятие, промышленный масштаб, высокоразвитый, состав, ценный, сырьё, добыча, переработка, нефтяные залежи, газоконденсатное месторождение, сероводород, сера, сжиженный газ, транспортное средство, промышленное и гражданское строительство, производство товаров широкого потребления, взаимовыгодное сотрудничество, нефтегазовые ресурсы, внедрение, новейшая технология, отрасли.

2. Переведите следующие группы слов:

его глубины содержат… он положил начало…

уникальное газоконденсатное месторождение… газохимический комплекс основан… добыча газа начата… предприятие образует часть…

газ характеризуется присутствием… газ является ценным сырьём для…

предприятие начало переработку газа и нестабильного конденсата…

3.Поставьте вопросы ко всем членам предложения:

1.Gas is a valuable raw material for processing.

2.The production of gas on an industrial scale was begun in 1974.

3.The Enterprise works in close contact with oil and gas producing and processing companies.

4.Gas has been produced here for a long time.

5.The company is producing liquefied gases, helium, ethane, granulated sulphur and stable condensate.

7.Creation of a joint enterprise will allow to increase gas production at the Karachaganak gas condensate field.

4. Выберите нужную форму глагола из приведенных в скобках.

1.The gas from the Orenburg field (contain, contained, contains) hydrogen sulphide, sour sulphur, helium, ethane and other components.

2.Nature (give, have given, has given) the Orenburg region various natural resources.

3.Gas (is produced, will be produced, was produced) in this gas field two years ago.

4.Three production lines (is used, were used, are used) to produce pipes.

5.The plant (have, had, has) an advanced system of training and professional development of workers and engineers.

5. Переведите на английский:

1. Академик И.М. Губкин положил начало геологической разведке Волго-Уральской территории.

2. Газохимический комплекс был основан на ресурсной базе газоконденсатного месторождения.

3. "Газпром добыча Оренбург" является высокоразвитым многопрофильным предприятием. 4. Газ характеризуется присутствием конденсата, сероводорода и гелия.

5. Предприятие начало добычу нефти из нефтяных залежей.

6. По своему составу газ является ценным сырьём для переработки.

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6.Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1.The Orenburg gas chemical complex is the biggest in Europe in processing hydrogen sulfide.

2.Gas from the Orenburg gas condensate field is used as a fuel in the home.

3.In 1984 the Enterprise began an oil production from oil pools.

4.The gas composition of the Orenburg gas condensate field represents the significant interest.

5.In mid 30s he initiated geological exploration of the Volgo-Ural territory, within the site of the Orenburg region.

6.The Orenburg oil and gas condensate field consists of two gas condensate pools.

7.Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What has nature given to the Orenburg region?

2.Who was the pioneer of the Soviet oil geology?

3.What did he initiate?

4.What did the ministry of gas industry produce in 1968?

5.When was the Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" established?

6.What was begun in 1974?

7.What does gas from the Orenburg gas condensate field contain?

8.It is a valuable raw material for processing, is not it?

9.What did the Enterprise begin in 1984?

10.What does the Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" represent?

8. Перескажите текст, используя следующие разговорные формулы:

The subject of the text is… The text deals with…

It is pointed out that…

To sum it up…

Lesson Eight (The Eighth Lesson)

1.Text “The Enterprise “Gasprom production Orenburg”” (continued).

2.Words and word combinations.

Text “The Enterprise “Gasprom production Orenburg”” (continued).

The Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" produces liquefied gases of the following brands: technical propane (ПТ), technical butane and propane mixture (СПБТ), propane for gasengine vehicles (ПА), propane-butane for gas-engine vehicles (ПБА); stable gas condensate, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons, propane-butane-pentane fraction.

Liquefied gases of brands СПБТ and ПТ are used as a fuel for urban needs and for industrial purposes. Liquefied gases of brands ПА and ПБА are usually used as a motor fuel for ground vehicles.

The delivery of liquefied gases is carried out by rail and vehicle transportation tanks.

Gaseous helium is produced by the way of deep refrigeration of cleaned helium-bearing natural gas from the Orenburg gas condensate field with subsequent cleaning.

Gaseous helium is used on a large scale for welding of active metals mixtures, cooling of nuclear reactors, making respiration mixtures; it is also used in rocket and space technology, laser technology and cryogenic engineering.

Stable gas condensate is a mixture of hydrocarbons of methane, naphtene and aromatic series. Feedstock is an unstable gas condensate from the Orenburg gas condensate field.

Stable gas condensate produced at the Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" represents an initial raw material for producing high quality motor petrol, diesel fuel and other products of oil processing.

The wide fraction of light hydrocarbons is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons of methane series produced during separation of natural gas. It is used as a raw material for fractionation plants, oil

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and gas processing and petroleum chemistry enterprise, for production of motor fuel and products of petro-organic synthesis. The wide fraction of light hydrocarbons produced by the Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" is a valuable product which is used for production of motor fuel and products of petro-organic synthesis.

Propane-butane-pentane fraction represents the mixture of propane, isobutane and normal butane which is obtained during separation of natural gases. It is used as a raw material for pyrolysis plants and gas fractionation at petroleum and gas refineries and petroleum chemistry works. Propane- butane-pentane fraction produced by the Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" is a valuable product which is used for production of motor fuel and products of petro-organic synthesis.

Words and word combinations.

to produce – производить, добывать

aromatic series – ароматические серии

technical – технический


mixture – смесь

feedstock – сырьё

brand – марка, товарный знак

to represent – представлять

to use – использовать

natural gas – природный газ

fuel – топливо

initial – начальный, первоначальный

urban needs – городские нужды

raw material – сырьё

purpose – цель

high quality – высокое качество

delivery – поставка, доставка

petrol – бензин

to carry out – выполнять, проводить

diesel fuel – дизельное топливо

rail – железная дорога

oil processing – переработка нефти

gaseous helium – газообразный гелий

wide fraction of light hydrocarbons –

deep refrigeration – глубокое охлаждение

широкая фракция лёгких углеводородов

cleaned – очищенный

separation – разделение, отделение

helium-bearing – содержащий гелий

fractionation – фракционирование,

subsequent cleaning – последующая очистка


on a large scale – в большом масштабе

plant – завод, установка

welding – сварка, сварочные работы

valuable – ценный

cooling – охлаждение

fraction – фракция

nuclear reactors – ядерные реакторы

to obtain – получать

respiration mixtures – респираторные смеси

pyrolysis – пиролиз, термическое

cryogenic engineering – криогенная


технология (технология низких

synthesis – синтез


organic – органический

tank – цистерна

propane – пропан

liquid mixture – жидкая смесь

butane – бутан

methane – метан

pentane – пентан

naphtene – нафтен



1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

производить, марка, сжиженный газ, технический пропан, пропановая смесь, технический бутан, использовать, топливо, промышленные цели, транспортное средство, доставка, производится путём..., глубокое охлаждение, содержащий гелий, последующая очистка, респираторные смеси, технология низких температур.

2. Переведите на английский:

предприятие производит… сжиженный газ используется… доставка осуществляется…

газообразный гелий производится путём… газообразный гелий используется в большом масштабе для…

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3. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

1. mixture of hydrocarbons


моторное топливо

2. unstable gas condensate


природный газ

3. initial raw material



4. natural gas


нестабильный газоконденсат

5. to produce


смесь углеводородов

6. motor fuel



7. valuable product

7.первоначальное сырьё

8. to use


ценный продукт


Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и




1. газоконденсатное месторождение

1. high quality



2. gas condensate field


высокое качество


to represent


дизельное топливо

4. separation




diesel fuel







7. to obtain



8. oil processing

5. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите в каждом из них группу "подлежащее-сказуемое", определите время и залог. Составьте вопросы к предложениям.

1. Liquefied gas is used as a fuel for urban needs and for industrial purposes.

2. The Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" produces a lot of different products from crude gas.

3. Gas will be produced from this field next year.

4. The production of gas was begun many years ago.

6. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1.Feedstock is an unstable gas condensate from the Orenburg gas condensate field.

2.On the basis of the Orenburg field the Orenburg gas chemical complex is created with obtaining from gas a lot of valuable components.

3.The products from crude gas meet the needs of the Orenburg region.

4.It is used as a raw material for fractionation plants, oil and gas processing.

5.Gas is used as both an energy source and a valuable chemical raw material.

6.It is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons of methane series produced during separation of natural gas.

7.The delivery of liquefied gases is carried out by rail and vehicle transportation tanks.

7. Переведите предложения на английский:

1.Предприятие производит сжиженные газы разных марок.

2.Сжиженный газ используется как моторное топливо для наземных транспортных средств.

3.Доставка осуществляется железной дорогой.

4.Газообразный гелий производится путём глубокого охлаждения очищенного природного газа, содержащего гелий.

5.Он также используется в ракетной и космической технологии, лазерной технологии и технологии низких температур.

6.Сырьём является нестабильный газоконденсат.

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7.Стабильный газоконденсат представляет собой первоначальное сырьё для производства продуктов нефтепереработки.

8.Широкая фракция лёгких углеводородов это жидкая смесь углеводородов метановой группы, производимая в течение сепарации природного газа.

9.Это ценный продукт, который используется для производства моторного топлива и продуктов петроорганического синтеза.

10.Пропан-бутан-пентановая фракция представляет собой смесь пропана, изобутана и обыкновенного бутана, который получается в процессе сепарации природных газов.

8. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What does the Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" produce?

2.Where are the liquefied gases used?

3.How is the delivery of liquefied gases carried out?

4.What is produced by the way of deep refrigeration of natural gas?

5.Where is gaseous helium used?

6.What is stable gas condensate?

7.What does it represent?

8.Where is the wide fraction of light hydrocarbons used?

9.What is obtained during separation of natural gases?

10.What is used for production of motor fuel?

9. Расскажите, что нового вы узнали из текста. Какие факты вам были уже известны? Используйте следующие разговорные формулы: I'd like to say a few words about…; as a matter of fact…; it is important to say that…; in my opinion…,etc.

Экзаменационный материал.

Text: "Principles".

It should be pointed out that a principle on which all oil exploration is based is that oil and gas are lighter than water and will therefore migrate upwards, displacing water from available pore space.

If oil and gas to be formed, there must be a source rock, for example shale, in the sedimentary layers. The source rock contains organic material such as dead micro-organisms and plant debris. The source rock must have been exposed to temperature high enough to start chemical reactions which produce oil or gas from the organic debris. Oil and gas must be able to migrate from the source rock to a reservoir rock, for instance sandstone which has pores where storage may occur. Above the reservoir rock there must be a cap rock which is spoken of as impermeable rock. It must have a shape so as to form a seal over the reservoir rock which prevents oil and gas from migrating further upwards. Thus, oil and gas are caught in a trap. The trap may have been formed so late that oil and gas already have escaped, or if the trap was there in time-fissures in the otherwise impermeable cap rock may have created a leak further up.

Formation of traps.

a)The crust of the earth may be stressed beyond breaking point causing the rock layers to be displaced thousands of feet. Such displacement of rock may cause a porous layer to be sealed off and when hydrocarbons are present a reservoir is formed.

b)The crust of the earth may be buckled by immense pressure which leads to an impermeable cap rock sealing hydrocarbons in porous reservoir.

Words and word combinations.

exploration – разведка

reservoir rock – коллекторная порода

available – доступный


to form – образовывать

storage – резервуар, хранилище

source rock – нефтематеринская порода

cap rock – порода-кровля

sedimentary layer – осадочный пласт

impermeable rock – непроницаемая порода

to expose – подвергаться

a seal – порода-кровля

to produce – производить

to catch – ловить, поймать

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trap – ловушка

to cause – заставлять, влиять, вызывать

in time-fissures -

to seal off – уплотнять, закупорить

leak – утечка, течь

to buckle – коробиться, выпучиваться

crust – кора, земная кора

immense pressure – огромное давление

to displace – смещать, вытеснять

sealing – уплотнение, закрытие,

rock layers – пласты породы



1.Переведите текст и укажите предложения со сказуемыми в страдательном залоге.

2.Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих английских словосочетаний:


It should be pointed

9. Impermeable rock


Oil exploration


Oil and gas are caught in a trap


Source rock


Formation of traps


Sedimentary layers


The crust of the earth


Organic debris


The rock layers


Reservoir rock




To be formed


Immense pressure


Cap rock




Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:


Нефть и газ легче, чем вода

9. Резервуар, хранилище


Доступное поровое пространство


Образовать породу-кровлю


Нефтематеринская порода


Ловушка может образоваться


Органический материал


Нефть и газ уже выделились


Растительный мусор


Непроницаемая порода


Должна подвергнуться достаточно


Быть плотно перекрытым

высокой температурой



Химические реакции


Пористый коллектор






Text: “Fossil Fuels”.


The chief sources of energy available to man today are oil, natural gas, coal, water power and

atomic energy. Coal, gas and oil represent energy that has been concentrated by the decay of organic materials (plants and animals) accumulated in the geologic past. These fuels are often referred to as fossil fuels.

The word fossil (derived from the Latin fodere "to dig up") originally referred to anything that was dug from the ground, particularly a mineral. Today the term fossil generally means any direct evidence of past life, for example, the footprints of ancient animals. Fossils are usually found in sedimentary rocks, although sometimes they may be found in igneous and metamorphic rocks as well. They are found in sandstone, dolomite and conglomerate.

Most fuels are carbon-containing substances that are burned in air. In burning fuels give off heat which is used for different purposes.

Fuels may be solid, liquid and gaseous. Solid fuels may be divided into two main groups, natural and manufactured. The former category includes coal, wood, peat and other plant products. The latter category includes coke and charcoal obtained by heating coal in the absence of air.

Liquid fuels are derived almost from petroleum. In general, natural petroleum, or crude oil, as it is widely known, is the basis of practically all industrial fuels. Petroleum is a mixture of hundreds of different hydrocarbons – compounds composed of hydrogen and carbon – together with the small amount of other elements such as sulphur, oxygen and nitrogen. Petroleum is usually associated with water and natural gas. It is found in porous sedimentary rocks where the geological formation allowed the oil to collect from a wide area. Petroleum is one of the most efficient fuels and raw materials.

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Of gaseous fuels the most important are those derived from natural gas, chiefly methane or petroleum. Using gaseous fuels makes it possible to obtain high thermal efficiency, ease of distribution and control. Gas is the most economical and convenient type of Fuels. Today gas is widely utilized in the home and as a raw material for producing synthetics.

Scientists consider that a most promising source of natural resources may be the floor of the sea, a subject which now has become an important field of research.


1. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке:

natural gas; atomic energy; geologic past; the two main groups of rocks; the different categories of solid fuels; the basis of practically all natural fuels; the small amount of other elements; to be associated with water and gas; porous sedimentary rocks; geological formations; the most efficient fuel and raw materials; gaseous fuel; high thermal efficiency; to be derived from petroleum.

2.Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1.Coal, water power and atomic energy are the only sources of energy available to man today.

2.Coal, wood and peat represent natural group of solid fuels.

3.As а rule fossil fuels are found in sedimentary rocks.

4.Crude oil is widely used for producing solid fuels.

5.Petroleum can be found in porous sedimentary rocks.

6.Gas is used to produce synthetic materia1s.

7.Not all types of fossil fuels burn.

3. а) Назовите, в каких предложениях употреблен герундий. Укажите определяющие его признаки:

1.Charcoal is used for producing high grades of cast iron.

2.Coke is formed in the process of heating certain grades of coal in the absence of air.

З. New concentration plants have been built for the processing of non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

4.Many minerals undergo changes by taking water in their molecule.

5.The form of а mineral body is taken into consideration in selecting the method of mining.

6.In prospecting for useful minerals, aerial photography will plау an important part.

7.Using modern mining equipment allowed the miners to increase the output of coal.

8.The training of mining specialists now takes plасе in proximity to industrial enterprises.

9.It is difficult to understand the nature of fossils without studying their origin.

б) Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых употреблен герундий. Переведите предложения.

4. Переведите предложения, используя следующие слова и сочетания слов:

to be of great importance; to be the basis for; the national economy; to represent; there is; to manufacture; gaseous

1.Уголь, нефть и природный газ – старейшие источники энергии. Они представляют собой горючее топливо органического происхождения.

2.Есть (существует) жидкое, твердое и газообразное топливо.

3.Уголь – сырье для получения кокса.

4.Сырая нефть является основой для изготовления промышленного жидкого топлива.

5.Использование природного газа имеет большое значение для народного хозяйства страны.

5. Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами из текста А:

1. As for the origin of fossil fuels they have been formed by… .

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2. According to the latest information the main sources of energy are … . З. As is known fossil fuels are mostly associated with ... .

4.As far as petroleum is concerned, it can be found in ... .

5.Generally speaking, all types of fuel are important ... .

6.Выразите несогласие и подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста А. Используйте предлагаемые разговорные формулы:

as is known; to my mind; in my opinion; on the contrary; as for ...; I'd like to say that ...; it seems to be wrong; I can't agree with you.

1.The meaning of the term fossil is unknown.

2.Fossil fuels may be found only in sedimentary rocks. З. Coke represents natural solid fuel.

4.Petroleum contains only hydrocarbons.

5.Gas is not so convenient type of fuel as coal.

7. Расскажите коротко (6-8 предложений) о разных видах топлива и других источниках энергии в промышленности и в быту в вашем городе/районе/республике. Используйте известные вам разговорные формулы.

Text: "How are Oil and Gas Formed?”

Knowledge of geology is the basis for all oil and gas exploration. In general four conditions must be fulfilled before oil and gas pools can form. There must be:

-source rocks where oil or gas is generated

-reservoir rocks where they can accumulate

-cap rocks to seal off reservoir rocks and stop further upward migration of the oil and gas, and traps, a geological structure in which hydrocarbons accumulate to from an oil or gas field.

It should be noted that the generation of oil is affected by a number of factors.

The formation of oil and gas from remains of plants and animals took million of years. Clays mixed with these organic remains were first deposited as mud on the sea floor. Later, several thousand meters of clays and sands were deposited over the organic mud, depressing these rich muds deeper into the subsurface. The deeper it was buried, the greater the pressure and temperature. As time went by the increased temperature partly transformed the organic matter to oil and gas. The organic mud was compressed by the weight of the overlying rocks. Sands however, cannot be compressed to any great extent. Water, oil and gas were squeezed out of the mud and into the pores between the grains of sand. Oil and gas, being lighter than water, moved up through the pores until they were trapped by tight layers of compressed clays. On the sea floor sand and clay layers are usually deposited horizontally, one layer is followed by the other. Therefore, any major accumulation of oil and gas is dependent on "traps". Thus, a trap is referred to as a subsurface structure where oil or gas can be (found) looked for.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы:

1.What must be fulfilled before oil and gas pools can form?

a.There must be: source rock, cap rocks and traps.

b.There must be: reservoir rock, source rock, sedimentary rock and cap rock.

c.There must be: source rock, reservoir rock, cap rocks and traps.

d.There must be: traps, cap rocks, igneous and metamorphic rocks.

2.What was first deposited as mud on the sea floor?

a.Sands mixed with these remains were first deposited as mud on the sea floor.

b.Organic materials were first deposited as mud on the sea floor.

c.Debris and dust were first deposited as mud on the sea floor.

d.Clays mixed with these organic remains were first deposited as mud on the sea floor.

3.What was the organic mud compressed by?

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a.The organic mud was compressed by the power of the overlying rocks.

b.The organic mud was compressed by the weight of the sedimentary rocks.

c.The organic mud was compressed by the weight of the overlying rocks.

d.The organic mud was compressed by the molecular weights of the overlying rocks.

4.How are sand and clay layers deposited on the floor?

a.Sand and clay layers are deposited vertically.

b.On the sea floor sand and clay layers are usually deposited horizontally.

c.Sand and clay layers are deposited straight on the sea floor.

d.On the sea floor sand and clay layers are deposited one after the other.

5.What is trap referred to?

a.A trap is referred to as hydrocarbon structure.

b.A trap is referred to as a sea floor structure.

c.A trap is referred to as a geological structure.

d.A trap is referred to as a subsurface structure.

Сообщение на тему: "Petroleum (crude oils)"

Petroleum is the name of the mineral that comes from the ground and from which various fuels are obtained. It is the crude oil that comes from the wells. The word “petroleum” comes from the Latin word Petra, meaning rock, and Oleum, meaning oil.

Petroleum is а very complex mixture of hydrocarbons. It contains: paraffine hydrocarbons, some naphthenes and aromatic hydrocarbons. There are also compounds that contain oxygen, sulphur and nitrogen. The principle compounds in petroleum are paraffines, naphthenes, aromatic and asphaltic materials.

The nature of hydrocarbons depends on the origin of petroleum. Crude oils are brownish – green to black liquids. Crude oils contain many individual compounds: from light gases to heavy asphaltic materials. Petroleum as it comes from the ground is of little value.

Crude oil finds practical application when it is separated into fractions. The process of making crude oil into articles of commerce is cal1ed refining. The earliest method of refining was distillation. The value of petroleum depends on its gasoline, distillate-fuel and lubricating oil contents.

Words and word combinations

complex mixture – сложная смесь

refining – очистка

paraffine hydrocarbons – углеводороды

articles of commerce – товарный продукт

парафинового ряда

distillate-fuel – дистилятное топливо

oxygen – кислород

lubricating oil – смазочное масло

sulphur – сера

to contain – содержать

nitrogen – азот

compounds – соединения

naphthenes – нафтены

to depend on – зависеть от

origin – происхождение

liquid – жидкость

light gas – легкий газ

heavy – тяжелый

practical application – практическое

value – ценность


to separate – разделять

to be of little value – не представлять

content – содержание

большой ценности


Сообщение на тему: "The Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg"

The Orenburg gas chemical complex operates on the Orenburg gas condensate field. The production оf gas was begun in 1974. Gas from the Orenburg field contains: condensate, hydrogen sulfide and helium.

The Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" represent: production, transportation and processing of liquified gas, ethane, helium, sulphur, stable gas condensate and оthers. The Orenburg gas chemical complex is the biggest in Europe in processing hydrogen sulfide.

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The Enterprise “Orenburggasprom was founded in 1968. "Gasprom production Orenburg" is а highly developed enterprise. It forms a part of Russian Joint-Stock company "Gasprom". In 1984 the Enterprise began an oil production and а processing of gas and unstable condensate.

The Enterprise fulfills industrial and civil construction, agricultural works, consumer goods production and economic activity. "Gasprom production Orenburg" is open for coopеration in a sphere of development of oil and gas industry. The Enterprise "Gasprom production Orenburg" works in close contact with many oil and gas producing and processing companies, different oil refineries, gas plants all over the world.

Words and word combinations

gas condensate field – газоконденсатное

refinery – нефтеперерабатывающий


plant – завод

production – добыча

highly-developed – высокоразвитый

to contain – содержать

joint-stock company – акционерная

hydrogen sulfide – сероводород


to represent – представлять

to fulfill – выполнять, осуществлять

processing – переработка

industrial – промышленный

liquified gas – сжиженный газ

civil construction – гражданское

ethane – этан


sulphur – сера

agricultural works – сельскохозяйственные

stable gas condensate – устойчивый



consumer goods production – производство

unstable gas condensate – неустойчивый

товаров широкого потребления


cooperation – сотрудничество

enterprise – предприятие

development – развитие

to operate – работать


Сообщение на тему: “Oil and Gas”

Oil and gas are the most important mineral fuels. Petroleum is the name of а mineral oil. Oil comes from under the ground. Crude oil is the oil that is not refined. Oil is prоduсеd by oilmen in many countries of the world.

By the process оf refining we get petrol, paraffins and other products from crude oil. Oil is used in the production of fuel, lubricants, synthetic materials, plastics and other products.

The most important fuel after oil is natural gas. Gas is produced by gasmen in many countries of the world. Gas is used as а fuel in the home and as а raw material for the production of different products.

The products from oil and gas are piped to many countries. We have many deposits of oil and gas in our countries. The Orenburg region is one of Russia's leading producers of oil and gas. The exploration and development of' oil and gas fields is very important for the economy of our country.

Words and word combinations

fuel – топливо

leading – ведущий

crude oil – сырая нефть

raw material – сырье

to rеfinе – очищать

to pipe – перекачивать по трубам

refining – очистка

deposit – месторождение

to produce – производить, добывать

natural gas – природный газ

oilmen – нефтяник

important – важный

petrol – бензин

producer – производитель

products – продукты

exploration – разведка

production – производство, добыча

development – разработка

lubricants – смазочные вещества

oil field – нефтяное месторождение

ground – земля

gas field – газовое месторождение

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Вопросы по теме: «Petroleum engineering»

1. What is petroleum?

Petroleum is a very complex mixture of hydrocarbons. 2. What compounds does it contain?

Petroleum contains paraffin hydrocarbons and asphaltic materials. It has compounds that contain oxygen, sulphur and nitrogen.

3. What is crude oil?

Crude oil is the oil that is not refined.

4. When does crude oil find practical application?

Crude oil finds practical application when it is separated into fraction. 5. What is called refining?

The process of making crude oil into articles of commerce is called refining. 6. What do we get by the process of refining?

By the process of refining we get petrol, paraffines and a lot of other products from crude oil. 7. Where is oil used?

Oil is used in the production of fuel, lubricants, synthetic materials, plastics and other products.

8.What is the most important fuel after oil? The most important fuel after oil is natural gas.

9.Where is gas used?

Gas is used as a fuel in the home and as a raw material for the production of different products. 10. How is gas from the Orenburg gas condensate field characterized?

Gas from the Orenburg gas condensate field is characterized by the presence of condensate, hydrogen sulfide and helium.

11. Why is it a valuable raw material for processing?

By its composition it is a valuable raw material for processing. 12. Where is liquefied gas used?

The liquefied gas is used as a fuel for urban needs and for industrial purposes.

13.What is produced by the way of deep refrigeration of natural gas? Gaseous helium is produced by the way of deep refrigeration of natural gas.

14.Where is gaseous helium used?

Gaseous helium is used for welding of active metal mixtures, cooling of nuclear reactions, making respiration mixtures. It is also used in rocket and space technology, laser technology and cryogenic engineering.

15. What is stable gas condensate?

The stable gas condensate is a mixture of hydrocarbons of methane, naphtene and aromatic series. 16. What does stable gas condensate represent?

The stable gas condensate represents an initial raw material for producing high quality motor petrol, diesel fuel and other products of oil processing.

17. What is the wide fraction of light hydrocarbons?

The wide fraction of light hydrocarbons is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons of methane series produced during separation of natural gas.

18. Where is the wide fraction of light hydrocarbons used?

The wide fraction of light hydrocarbons is used as a raw material for fractionation plants, oil and gas processing and petroleum chemistry enterprise. It is also used for production of motor fuel and products of petro-organic synthesis.

19. What does propane-butane-pentane fraction represent?

Propane-butane-pentane fraction represents the mixture of propane, isobutane and normal butane.

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20. How is propane-butane-pentane fraction obtained?

The propane-butane-pentane fraction is obtained during separation of natural gases. 21. Where is the propane-butane-pentane fraction used?

The propane-butane-pentane fraction is used as a raw material for oil and gas refineries and for production of motor fuel and products of petro-organic synthesis.

22. What do the natural gases contain?

The natural gases contain mainly methane with small impurity of ethane, propane, butane, pentane and also nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.

(impurity – примесь, carbon dioxide – углекислый газ)

23.What group are the natural gases referred to? The natural gases are referred to group of lean gases. (lean gases – тощий газ)

24.What group are the associated gases referred to?

The associated gases or the passing gases are referred to fat gases. (passing gas – попутный газ, fat gas – жирный газ)

25. What is received from the associated gases?

The following hydrocarbon fractions are received from the associated gases: ethane, propane, isobutene, butane, isopentane and pentane.

26. How is stable gas condensate received?

The stable gas condensate is received from the crude condensate by its degassing. (degassing – дегазация, откачка)

27. What is liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)?

The liquefied petroleum gas is a mixture of commercial propane and commercial butane.

28.What is petroleum product extracted from natural gas? Natural gasoline is petroleum product extracted from natural gas.

29.Why is ethane in growing demand?

Ethane is in growing demand as a base for the manufacture of plastics, alcohols and other chemicals.

30. What is an important part of the production process?

Natural gas processing is an important part of the production process.